Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Try to add a double plugin configuration option and read it in with: cf_util_get_double
  2. Write the configuration parameters to the collectd logfile


Statistics in collectd

Statistics in collectd consist of a value list. A value list includes:


Value listExamplecomment
Values 99.8999percentage
Value lengththe number of values in the data set.  
Timetimestamp at which the value was collected.1475837857epoch
Intervalinterval at which to expect a new value.10interval
Hostused to identify the host.localhostcan be uuid for vm or host… or can give host a name
Pluginused to identify the plugin.cpu 
Plugin instance (optional)used to group a set of values together. For e.g. values belonging to a DPDK interface.0 
Typeunit used to measure a value. In other words used to refer to a data set.percent 
Type instance (optional)used to distinguish between values that have an identical type.user 
meta dataan opaque data structure that enables the passing of additional information about a value list. “Meta data in the global cache can be used to store arbitrary information about an identifier”   

Notifications in collectd

Notifications in collectd are generic messages containing:
