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Parameter CategorySub Category 1Sub Category 2Sub-Category-2Sub-Category-2DescriptionExample Value 1

The hardware profile used by the hostintel_2600.yaml

The main network used for administrationdmz


Define each and every interfaces of the host in detail.


Name of the Interfacedmz, data1

The name of the networkLink that will be attached to this interface. NetworkLink definition includes part of the interface configuration such as bonding(see below)dmz, data1

NIC Aliases. The list of hardware interfaces used for creating this interface. This value can be a device alias defined in the HardwareProfile or the kernel name of the hardware interface. For bonded interfaces, this would list all the slaves. For non-bonded interfaces, this should list the single hardware interface usedctrl_nic1, data_nic1

This is the list of networks to enable on this interface. If multiple networks are listed, the NetworkLink attached to this interface must have trunking enabled or the design validation will fail..dmz,  private, management

Either in a HostProfile or BaremetalNode document. The storage configuration can describe the creation of partitions on physical disks, the assignment of physical disks and/or partitions to volume groups, and the creation of logical volumes.

(This configuration is repeated for every disks')

A physical device can either be carved up in partitions (including a single partition consuming the entire device) or added to a volume group as a physical volume. Each key in the physical_devices mapping represents a device on a node. The key should either be a device alias defined in the HardwareProfile or the name of the device published by the OS. The value of each key must be a mapping with the following keys

A mapping of key/value strings providing generic labels for the devicebootdrive: true

A volume group name to add the device to as a physical volume. Incompatible with the partitions specification

 A sequence of mappings listing the partitions to be created on the device.  Incompatible with volume_group specification

Metadata describing the partition in the topology'root

The size of the partition.'30g'

A UUID4 formatted UUID to assign to the partition. If not specified one will be generated

name assigned to a volume group


Boolean whether this partition should be the bootable devicetrue

An optional mapping describing how the partition should be formatted and mounted

mountpointWhere the filesystem should be mounted. If not specified the partition will be left as a raw device'/'

fstypeThe format of the filesystem. Defaults to ext4'ext4'

mount_optionsfstab style mount options. Default is ‘defaults’'defaults'

fs_uuidA UUID4 formatted UUID to assign to the filesystem. If not specified one will be generated

fs_labelA filesystem label to assign to the filesystem. Optional.


A UUID4 format uuid applied to the volume group. If not specified, one is generated

A sequence of mappings listing the logical volumes to be created in the volume

Used as the logical volume name

A UUID4 format uuid applied to the logical volume: If not specified, one is generated

The logical volume size

A mapping specifying how the logical volume should be formatted and mounted

mountpointSame as above.





define the operating system image and kernel to use as well as customize the kernel configuration

Image name'xenial'

Kernel Version'hwe-16.04'

mapping. Each key should either be a string or boolean value. For boolean true values, the key will be added to the kernel parameter list as a flag. For string values, the key:value pair will be added to the kernel parameter list as key=valuekernel_package: 'linux-image-4.15.0-46-generic'

The ipmi OOB type requires additional configuration to allow OOB management

 which node network is used for OOB access.oop

valid account that can access the BMC via IPMI over LANroot

valid password for the account that can access the BMC via IPMI over LANroot

Name of the HostProfile that this profile adopts and overrides values from.defaults


<software-component-name> enabled/disabled

openstack-l3-agent: enabled


This is defined under Baremetal. Node network attachment can be described in a HostProfile or a BaremetalNode document. Node addressing is allowed only in a BaremetalNode document.

Hence, this focuses mostly on addressing. Nodes adopts all values from the profile that it is mapped to and can then again override or append any configuration that is specific to that node. 


ParameterSub-CategoryDescriptionExample Value
classless inter-domain routing address for the network
defines a sequence of IP addresses within the defined cidr. Ranges cannot overlap.

The type of address range (static, dhcp, reserved)static

startThe starting IP of the range, inclusive.

end The last IP of the range, inclusive
used for specifying the list of DNS servers to use if this network is the primary network for the node.

domainA domain that can be used for automated registration of IP addresses assigned from this

serversA comma-separated list of IP addresses to use for DNS resolution8.8.8.8
DHCP relaying is used when a DHCP server is not attached to the same layer 2 broadcast domain as nodes that are being PXE booted. The DHCP requests from the node are consumed by the relay (generally configured on a top-of-rack switch) which then encapsulates the request in layer 3 routing and sends it to an upstream DHCP server. The Network spec supports a dhcp_relay key for Networks that should relay DHCP requests.


upstream_targetIP address must be a host IP address for a MaaS rack controller. The upstream target network must have a defined DHCP address range
maximum transmission unit for this Network. Must be equal or less than the mtu defined for the hosting NetworkLink. 1500
If a Network is accessible over a NetworkLink using 802.1q VLAN tagging, the vlan attribute specified the VLAN tag for this Network. It should be omitted for non-tagged Networks'102'
logical grouping of L3 networks such that a network that describes a static route for accessing the route domain will yield a list of static routes for all the networks in the routedomain. See the description of routes below for more information
defines a list of static routes to be configured on nodes attached to this network. The routes can defined in one of two ways: an explicit destination subnet where the route will be configured exactly as described or a destination routedomain where Installer will calculate all the destination L3 subnets for the routedomain and add routes for each of them using the gateway and metric defined.

subnetDestination CIDR for the route

gatewayThe gateway IP on this Network to use for accessing the destination

metricThe metric or weight for this route10

routedomainUse this route’s gateway and metric for accessing networks in thedefined

The NetworkLink defines layer 1 and layer 2 attributes that should be in-sync between the node and the switch. Each link can support a single untagged VLAN and 0 or more tagged VLANs

ParameterSub-CategoryDescriptionExample Value
Describes combining multiple physical links into a single logical link


What bonding mode to configure

  • disabled: Do not configure a bond
  • 802.3ad: Use 802.3ad dynamic aggregation (aka LACP)
  • active-backup: Use static active/standby bonding
  • balanced-rr: Use static round-robin bonding

hashThe link selection hash. Supported values are layer3+4, layer2+3, layer2.layer3+4

peer_rateHow frequently to send LACP control frames. Supported values are fast and slowfast

mon_rateInterval between checking link state in milliseconds.100

up_delayDelay in milliseconds between a link coming up and being marked up in the bond. > mon_rate200

down_delayDelay in milliseconds between a link going down and being marked down in the bond. > mon_rate200
maximum transmission unit for the link. It must be equal or greater than the MTU of any VLAN interfaces using the link. 9000
physical layer speed and
how multiple layer 2 networks will be multiplexed on the link

modeCan be disabled for no trunking or 802.1q for standard VLAN tagging802.1q

default_networkFor mode: disabled, this is the single network on the link. For mode: 802.1q this is optionally the network accessed by untagged frames.
 is a sequence of network names listing all networks allowed on this link. Each Network can be listed on one and only one NetworkLink
ParameterSub-CategoryDescriptionExample Value


Recently openstack services are deployed as containers, and to manage these containers various container management platforms such as Kubernetes are used. 
