Anuket Project

ipmi events plugin tests:

Test Environment details:

  • Bare Metal,  Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
  • Kernel version: 4.4.0-43-generic

Repo/branch used:

  • collectd/feat_ipmi_events

Tests precondition:

Install ipmitool: 

  • modprobe ipmi_si 
  • modprobe ipmi_devintf 
  • echo ipmi_si >> /etc/modprobe 
  • echo ipmi_devintf >> /etc/modprobe 
  • apt-get install ipmitool

ipmi configuration:

  • Open collectd config file: vim /install_folder/etc/collectd.conf
  • Uncomment  LoadPlugin "ipmi" fields.
  • Set up SELEnabled field true.



Test summary

Actual result
Expected result
Status - PASS/FAIL
1.Verify Notification message appears when ipmi event raised

1. Start collecd deamon : /install_folder/sbin/collectd

2. Generate event: ipmitool event 'CPU ERR2' 'State Deasserted'

3. Generate another event: ipmitool event 'Mem P1 Thrm Trip' 'Parity'


Notification message for CPU ERR2 State deasserted appears in syslog

Notification message for Mem P1 Thrm Tri parity appears in syslog,


Notification message for CPU ERR2 State deasserted appears in syslog

Notification message for Mem P1 Thrm Tri parity appears in syslog

2.Check Notification message don't appear when SELEnabled field set False

1. Set SELEnabled field false.

2. Start collecd deamon : /install_folder/sbin/collectd

3. Generate another event: ipmitool event 'Mem P1 Thrm Trip' 'Parity'




Notification message for Mem P1 Thrm Tri parity doesn't appear in syslog




Notification message for Mem P1 Thrm Tri parity doesn't appear in syslog

3Verify ipmi events handle data after collectd was restarted

1. Start collecd deamon : /install_folder/sbin/collectd

2. Generate event: ipmitool event 'CPU ERR2' 'State Deasserted'

3. Restart collecd deamon : /install_folder/sbin/collectd

4. Generate another event: ipmitool event 'Mem P1 Thrm Trip' 'Parity'



Notification message for CPU ERR2 State deasserted appears in syslog



Notification message for Mem P1 Thrm Tri parity appears in syslog



Notification message for CPU ERR2 State deasserted appears in syslog


Notification message for Mem P1 Thrm Tri parity appears in syslog

4Check ipmi events meta data

1. Start collecd deamon : /install_folder/sbin/collectd

2. Generate event: ipmitool event 'CPU ERR2' 'State Deasserted.

3. Using exec (python etc.) plugin




Obtained meta data with fields: TypeInstance = CPU ERR2 and

received event: state deasserted




Obtained meta data with fields: TypeInstance = CPU ERR2 and

received event: state deasserted

5Verify that Notification messages does not appear when collectd is stopped

1. Start collecd deamon : /install_folder/sbin/collectd

2. Generate event: ipmitool event 'CPU ERR2' 'State Deasserted.

3. Stop collectd.

4. Generate another event: ipmitool event 'Mem P1 Thrm Trip' 'Parity'




Notification message for CPU ERR2 State deasserted appears in syslog


Notification message for Mem P1 Thrm Tri parity doesn't appear in syslog



Notification message for CPU ERR2 State deasserted appears in syslog


Notification message for Mem P1 Thrm Tri parity doesn't appear in syslog


Check if SELClearEvent true, ipmi event received

only on first registered listener (collectd)

1. Start collecd deamon.

2. Start openipmi listener: ./openipmi_eventd domain1 smi 0 -b -f test.txt 

3. Generate event: ipmitool event 'CPU ERR2' 'State Deasserted'

4. Enable SELClearEvent field.

5. Restart collectd.

6. Generate ipmi event.




Notification raises in both collectd and openipmi listeners



Notification raises only in collectd listener




Notification raises in both collectd and openipmi listeners


Notification raises only in collectd listener

7Verify that ipmi cannot access BMC collectd plugin didn't handle data

1. Take out drivers from kernel:

 modprobe -r ipmi_si

2. Start collecd deamon.



Ipmi plugin did not loaded, collectd started



Ipmi plugin did not loaded, collectd started


Check impact when block of sensors turned off/on

1. Set up Sensors "BB Rt Rear Temp".

2. Set up IgnoreSelected true

3. Start collectd.

4. Generate event using ipmitool BB Rt Rear Temp.

5. Set up IgnoreSelected false

6. Restart collectd.

7. Generate event using ipmitool BB Rt Rear Temp.




Plugin stop dispatching BB Rt Rear Temp. Event for BB Rt Rear Temp sensor appeared



Plugin dispatching BB Rt Rear Temp. Event for BB Rt Rear Temp sensor appeared




Plugin stop dispatching BB Rt Rear Temp. Event for BB Rt Rear Temp sensor didn't appear



Plugin dispatching BB Rt Rear Temp. Event for BB Rt Rear Temp sensor appeared



9Measure time from event creation to notification

1. Start collecd deamon.

2. Generate event ipmitool event 'Mem P1 Thrm Trip' 'Parity'

3. Using exec plugin handle notification.

4. Subtract time from journalctl and from notification message.





Issue in timestamps






Time from event creation to notification raised should be less or equal to 5 ms.


Internal JIRA Filed

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