Anuket Project


  1. Scot Steele (Microsoft, Co-Chair)
  2. Beth Cohen (Verizon) 
  3. Gergely Csatari (Nokia, Co-Chair)
  4. Riccardo Gasparetto Stori 
  5. Dan Xu 
  6. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  7. Lincoln Lavoie 
  8. Lei Huang 

Absent (TSC)

  1. Walter Kozlowski(Telstra) Pankaj Goyal  Proxy
  2. Pankaj Goyal 

Other Attendees 

  1. Al Morton (AT&T)






5 min
2 min
10 min
  • TSC Meeting time
  • We forgot to discuss this in the technical call this week.
  • We will discuss this tomorrow in the technical call
5 min
Release Updates
  • Orinoco - Orinoco Home
    • M1 Scope Definition (High level)-  
  • Release cadence
    • Archives have been checked, TSC never decided to move to a 1 release per year cadence
  • Orinoco
2 min
Beth Cohen 
  • An other invite was sent out to the Anuket mailing list
  • The ask is to send it to an LFN mailing list. Beth Cohen  and Sandra Jackson will work on this.

2 min
  • Anuket git repos
Sandra Jackson 
2 min
  • CCC updates
    • Docs Project: revamp and develop a consistent place and process to manage documentation.
  • No updates
  • Let's just add this to the PTL standup list and remove from the schedule.

Scot Steele  review 3311, 3308, and the Anuket PNG

2 min
Gergely Csatari , Beth Cohen 

TAC on  

2 min

Sub-project Leaders

5 min

  • CNCF/CVC Discussion - Future coordination  meeting this week.
  • Weekly Technical Meeting - tomorrow we will discuss about the TSC meeting time
1 minAOB


Meeting Administration

Outstanding Action Items

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