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Anchor_oc74v2wugnje_oc74v2wugnje Anchor_hwhdcpj8wcg4_hwhdcpj8wcg4 Anchor_ipkon5t0m6wp_ipkon5t0m6wp Anchor_eskqxy4tj3l3_eskqxy4tj3l3 Anchor_h6grjecg3vku_h6grjecg3vkuService Assurance in the NFVI
Executive Summary
Key Points
Telco Requirements And Definitions
Key terminology for Service Availability in NFV / networking services context
Service Availability and Continuity Targets and their Impacts on Infrastructure services
Fault Management Cycle
Fault Management Cycle Timeline
Infrastructure Services Relative Criticality
Different infrastructure services can have different impacts on the reliability of the infrastructure as a whole. Service components such as network switches can have a disproportionately high impact on the reliability of the entire infrastructure due to their connective nature. Conversely, traditionally emphasized components such as compute nodes mostly affect the VMs / Containers running on them.
The following table provides a high level view of the categories of the services / entities in the NFVI and VIM sublayers of the system SW stack. This high level analysis is based on the expected risk, which is determined based on entities (guest VMs as a proxy) at risk and the fault activation probability from the guest's perspective.
Service Availability and Upgrades
Upgrade Process
Container Upgrades
NFV Enhanced HA Architecture
Addressing Single Point of Failure
Fast Fault Detection and Notification Framework
Telemetry Collection
RT Fault Mgmt Agent (RFE x)
RT Fault Mgmt Bus (RFE x)


Network Element - a physical (PNF) or virtualized (VNF) element deployed in the network.

Virtual Function (VF) - a function that is not responsible for network transport / datapath services. This term is used to differentiate between the two categories of functions deployed in the NFV system - i.e. functions that are used to provide underlying network services (e.g. information transport services) and services that depend on the network. VFs are typically like any other application deployed in the cloud in terms of their characteristics.

Virtual Network Function (VNF) - a virtualized Network Element or component of virtualized network element service that is used, typically in association with other VNFs and/or PNFs to provide a specific network service or set of network services.

Physical Network Function (PNF) - a term used in the context of NFV system to refer to the physical network elements.

Network Element Outage - an event where network element fails to provide a service as a result of a failure for the period longer than the minimum outage threshold. A network element outage will not necessarily directly cause a service outage if redundant network element(s) are available to perform the associated function(s).

Network Element Availability - the probability that a network element (either PNF or VNF) can provide service at any instant. NE availability is an average availability for the total population of the NEs of the same type. Note that the statistical nature of this metric implies that some instances of the network element in the total population of NEs may experience zero downtime per year, while some others may experience much greater downtime. NE availability, unless otherwise stated is typically expressed as percentage of total time (e.g. 99.999%) that its associated service(s) is/are available.

Network Element Un-Availability - the probability that a network element (PNF or VNF) can not provide service at any instant, i.e. U=1-NE Availability; for engineering purposes, the DPM is generally used instead of the time-fractional form of target as it is a form that can be used for setting engineering level targets and tested.

Network Element Reliability - the probability that a network element (PNF or VNF) will continue to operate for a specified period of time. Reliability can also be expressed in terms of mean time between failures (MTBF) or outage frequency (e.g. Outage Frequency Measurement OFM, outages per year).

Failure - an event where an entity (e.g. system, equipment, subsystem or component) fails to perform its intended function. A failure does not necessarily always directly result on Service Outage, depending on the redundancy, usage state etc. aspects at the time of the failure event.

Failure Mode - a mechanism or category of causes that may cause a failure to occur. Examples include HW failures, SW failures, procedural errors, unmanaged overload conditions, security related incidents or environmental causes (power outages, cooling failures, fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.).

Service Availability (A) - the probability that an entity can provide its associated, specific service (or services) at any instant. Service is available when the system is able to fulfill the arriving new service requests (this property is also referred as Service Accessibility). Typically expressed as A=uptime / (uptime+downtime), also often written as A=MTBF/(MTBF+MTTR) with "R" in MTTR having slightly different meanings depending on redundancy configuration. In ETSI NFV REL documents (REL-001), this aspect of availability is referred as "Service Accessibility".

Service Un-Availability (UA) - from Service Availability, U=1-A; for engineering purposes, the DPM is generally used instead of the time-fractional form of target as it is a form that can be used for setting engineering level targets and tested.

High Availability (HA) - A property of the system, application or service of having very high ratio of uptime compared to total time. In the context of "carrier grade" telecommunications systems, unless explicitly specified, High Availability systems are generally expected to provide Service Availability levels of five to six nines for services associated with a specific network element.

Service Reliability - the ability of a system to provide service (i.e. perform its required functions) under stated conditions for a specified period of time.

Service Continuity - the ability of a system to maintain the current services without disruption. As an example, ability to continue established call without interruption, or ability to continue established TCP session through session-stateful firewall. Service continuity for stateful services (which are typical in networking) requires protection of the associated state with mechanisms such as checkpointing. State protection is primarily responsibility of the VNF implementer.

Service Outage - an event where service provider fails to provide a service as a result of a failure for the period longer than the minimum outage threshold.

Service Outage Attribution - a set of mechanisms and processes to determine the responsible party that is a cause of an outage. Associated processes and mechanisms typically include root cause analysis.

Reportable Service Outage - an outage of the specific service, which exceeds the outage threshold associated with a specific SO reporting authority. Reportable Service Outages for network services are associated with voluntary SO reporting organizations (e.g. Quest Forum outage reporting) or regulatory reporting requirements (e.g. US FCC reporting requirements, European Community reporting requirements, and other national / regional authorities reporting requirements). While specific requirements with respect to the reportable outages vary by authority and by specific service, the associated reporting requirements are usually expressed through some combination of the service impact (e.g. thousands of users affected) and outage duration. For the purposes thepurposes of this document, we use 15 seconds as the RSO time-threshold target (based on TL9000 reporting threshold). The implied objective is that for all outages, we want to always set the remediation time objectives to stay well under the 15 second threshold. 

Service Level Agreement (SLA) - an explicit (mutually agreed on) or implicit (stated by operator in terms of specific service) agreement between service providing party (typically network operator) and service user party that specifies the key performance indicators, associated metrics and performance objectives, penalties, etc. aspects that define the expectations for the service level as well as consequences of non-compliance. As the SLA is essentially contractual relationship, and can include parameters that are not necessarily visible / relevant to the network element / service level (e.g. pricing, penalties, incident response times etc.), only a subset of the SLA objectives are generally directly applicable to network service assurance.

Service Level Objective (SLO) - a specific service level key performance indicator (metric) and its associated numerical target value as defined in SLA.

Service Assurance - a set of mechanisms and processes in place to monitor and enforce service compliance to the SLOs which are specified in associated SLA.

Downtime Performance Measurement (DPM) - Total Downtime DPM, Partial Downtime DPM

Outage Frequency Measurement - Total Outage Frequency, Partial Outage Frequency; MTBF (hours) = (1/OFM)*8760

Failure Rate (lambda) - 1/MTBF

Failures in Time (FIT) - generally used in HW context, this is number of expected failures per one billion hours of operation of component or system.

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) - mean time between failures; unless otherwise specified, typically expressed in hours. For HW elements, this is based on "steady-state" failure rate, specifically excluding early failures ("infant mortality") and wear-out failures.

Mean Time to Remediate (MTTRem in this document) - Mean time to remediate the service, (i.e. restore Service Availability / Service Continuity) after occurrence of Fault, Failure or Error leading to Service Outage or Unavailability.

Mean Time to Recover (MTTRec in this document) - Mean time to recover the system to intended configuration, including redundancy configuration and state of the redundant resources after fault, failure or outage.

Mean Time to Repair (MTTRep in this document) - Mean time to repair a failed component. Used when manual (human) intervention is required to remove and replace the failed component, typically in the context of the physical HW failures.

Single Fault/Failure Tolerance - a High Availability system design and validation target where the single fault tolerance is considered to be the requirement, and multiple faults are either not considered at all or handled at "best effort" basis. For the physical network elements that has system scope that is constrained by the physical design, single failure tolerance is commonly considered to be adequate. Initially, we will focus on single failure tolerance only.

Multiple Fault/Failure Tolerance - a High Availability system design and validation target where the specified multiple simultaneous fault tolerance is considered to be the requirement. To constrain the test and validation efforts, multi-fault tolerance is usually limited to specific set of conditions. In addition or instead to systemic design, semi-randomized time/scope related testing processes with variety degrees of multiple simultaneous faults are often used. Large cloud configurations are likely experience multiple faults simultaneously, but this does not necessarily imply that from single applications perspective the probability of encountering such faults simultaneously in redundant components is higher than physical "box" design. Multiple fault tolerant application designs typically maximize the use of parallelism and utilize N+1 and N:1 redundancy schemes, which allow reduction of redundancy, increase of reliability and conversion of some of the failures to capacity events rather than availability events (but for stateful services, while affected service user population is smaller, these will still lead cause service unavailability for the affected fraction of the users). One reason for the goal of moving towards "microservices" type architectures is the increased resiliency against multiple failures as compared to typical active-standby structures that have traditionally been used extensively as a basis of redundancy in telco SW systems.

Service Availability and Continuity Targets and their Impacts on Infrastructure services

Telecommunications services are generally classified as part of the "critical infrastructure" by the regulatory bodies, and have various performance objectives that are set by the regulators and/or standardization bodies, including requirements for outage reporting and penalties associated for non-compliances, which are service and/or region specific. Implicitly, the infrastructure (in the context of this document this includes NFVI and VIM services) that is used to provide these services becomes part of the critical infrastructure and is subject to certain requirements in terms of availability, continuity, security, disaster recovery etc. In addition to regulatory constraints, the service outages cause direct (in terms of penalties and lost revenues) and indirect (in terms of customer churn, reputation etc.) monetary losses for the operators. While the service criticality, outage impact and other parameters vary by service, the most critical services (e.g. regulated services and safety-relevant services such as 911 call handling) determine the availability and reliability related design targets for the underlying infrastructure.
As compared to the physical and/or software based network element designs of the past telecommunication networks, move to SDN/NFV controlled infrastructure and general trend of "network softwarization" changes both the business relationships between the suppliers and operators, as well as the implementation responsibilities of the associated R&A related mechanisms. Generally, in the past network elements were vertically integrated systems where NE supplier was responsible for all aspects of the system design, integration and testing, including reliability and availability related mechanisms. While such systems commonly utilized commercial hardware and software components (including open source SW such as Linux), the responsibility for the availability related metrics from the operator's perspective was always associated with the system supplier. In cases where the system incorporated 3rd party hardware and/or software, then any "flow-down" requirements and potential responsibilities for associated performance penalties for the sub-suppliers were established by mutual agreement(s) of the system supplier (NE vendor) and its technology suppliers. To the some extent this model continues with the large network equipment vendors (NEPs) in the context of the NFV system, i.e. NEP takes the OpenStack and Linux distribution and "hardens" it to meet their "carrier grade" performance objectives and sells the resulting system to the operators. However, this model is against the objectives of the NFV targets set by the operators, which include the breaking of the vertically integrated vendor specific "silos" to e.g. separate hardware, infrastructure software and application SW (VNFs) vendor specific parts. In the early adoption phase where the NFV system is presently, the lack of standards or mutually agreed open source solutions leads to the NEPs and/or leading operators to fill the associated gaps as they see fit. While the resulting systems may be able to meet the functional and non-functional requirements, including the service availability and continuity related performance metrics and targets they fail on the interoperability aspects - no two implementations are same, and associated interfaces and APIs are also different, which makes each combination of system components (HW, NFVI, VIM, VNFM, NFVO, OSS/BSS etc.) integration exercise that someone needs to undertake. While at least some of the large NEP customers are working to enhance the VIM/NFVI level components, only some of them are open sourcing the associated work to differing degrees, while others are keeping the enhancements for themselves. The result is continuing fragmentation of the NFV system, which in the worst case is directly visible for the VNF - system interfaces as needed to support interoperability in both execution environment interfaces (VNF to VIM) as well as to interfaces between VNF to MANO system.
The key objective of the SA work is to work with the NEPs, network operators, open source communities and projects to establish an open source based solution to address the availability and reliability related aspects of the decomposed system (currently focused on NFVI and VIM parts of the ETSI reference architecture).
Traditionally, in the context of the specific network element design, the services and associated service availability and service continuity objectives were specified at the high level, and associated downtime targets allocated to the hardware and software subsystems in the context of the specific implementation architecture constrained system configurations. The allocations of the performance objectives were typically determined based on the prescriptive modeling in early stages of the design (using R&A models of the configuration based on common modeling practices such as reliability block diagrams and/or markov reward models), followed by the testing and/or field data performance driven validation of the models in later stages (process called "descriptive modeling", which used the same model but driven by the actual measured performance parameters). The same processes were also used to allocate the availability related performance objectives (such as un-availability, remediation times, fault coverage, etc. parameters) between the parties involved on the realization of the system. Same high level processes can be used to establish a basis understanding of the relationships between the services provided by the applications and the services provided by the infrastructure that they application services depend on, as well as the associated service availability and continuity related objectives. However, due to diversity of the application designs, services and service specific targets, as well as variation on the infrastructure implementation options, we are necessarily limited to general relationships and high level objectives only rather than full, application instance specific design and analysis. This exercise is still considered to be useful for establishing the generic understanding on the availability related targets flowing down from the high level (application / VNF level) performance objectives. For simplicity, the following overview uses RBDs for basis of establishment of the high level relationships of the availability of the VNFs in the context of NFV system. The intent here is not to be a tutorial on availability modeling, see e.g. NFV ISG REL-003 document for the background material in the NFV context. It should also be noted that RBDs are not sufficient to fully model complex time-based behaviours (such as failure rates, recovery times and fault coverage), but unlike MRMs, they are easy to construct, understand and compute and sufficient for establishment of basis for high level allocations based on structural relationships and dependencies between software and hardware elements.
A common numerical availability target associated with the so called "carrier grade" systems that we are required to be able to meet in NFV systems as well is 5NINES Availability or higher (there are elements that require higher availability level targets), but this is generally considered to be the low threshold for the "carrier grade" availability. As availability target is meaningless without specifying availability of "what" along the target, this generally is taken to mean 99.999% availability of a specific network element and its associated service(s), i.e. network element availability across the population of network elements of same type, translating to DPM target of ~315 sec/NE/year. The target is sufficiently high that, at least when combined with service continuity requirement it is expected to imply the need for some level of redundancy (at least two components in e.g. active-standby redundancy configuration). Since our hypothetical virtualized network element relies on at least the NFVI+VIM, as well as GVNFM+NFVO services for its operation, we can draw a following high level series RBD that establishes these dependencies:

From the above, we can see that for the service to be available, both blocks need to be available. We can also see that to meet the service availability target of 5NINES, each of the components in series need to be more available than 5NINES (as it is unreasonable to expect the NFVI+VIM+GVNFM combination to be 100% available, even with redundancy). Note that the availability of the series RBD can be obtained by multiplying the availabilities of individual components, or alternatively by adding the associated component DPMs. So, if we would have each of blocks 5NINES available, the combined availability would be .99999^3=.99997, which translates to unavailability of 1-A * 31536000 sec/y = 946 sec/y, i.e. one third of the target. The high level process of target setting is referred to availability allocation, and is generally done based on allocation of downtime in terms of time rather than using NINES (although both are equivalent, downtime is much easier to use as an performance objective).
To further expand the above example, we can incorporate a bit more detail by drawing a more detailed RBD as follows to account to parallel-series relationships of the VNF components and services that are within each top level block:

If the combined availability of the VNF SW components, its embedded OS instance and all of the supporting node HW and SW components of the single node is three nines (0.999), the availability associated with the dual-redundant VNF instantiated in anti-affinity configuration in two independent, homogeneous compute nodes N1 and N2 will be 1-(1-.999)^2 = 0.999999, i.e. six nines for the pair. Since the pair depends on the VIM and other MANO functionality for the remediation operation (i.e. failover), it depends on those components that are in series, and their availability needs to be considered to determine the VNF availability. When we combine the VNF in node pair availability with the series elements (NFVI+VIM shared components and rest of the MANO system), we get total availability for the chain of: .999999 (VNF) x .999999 x .999999 = .999997, which is well over 5NINES (based on assumed 6NINES availability of the critical path functionality in the VIM and MANO elements). Note that as this is the simple RBD calculation, the other aspects such as fault detection coverage, failover failure probability, or failover time are not modeled (implied assumption is 100% coverage for service affecting faults, zero failover time and perfect failover - which are all unrealistic in real implementation), and the time spent on the associated processes add directly to the downtime (Service Un-Availability). Therefore, this is a maximum possible availability that can be achieved. This is key reason for why the critical path from the fault management cycle (from the fault detection to the end of remediation phase) needs to be completed as quickly as feasible - even with the redundancy in place, until the remediation processes have been completed, the service is down from the user's perspective.
From our very simple (i.e. simplest possible) high-availability workload configuration with only two VNF Component Instances, we could already see that to achieve the 5NINES performance by the application, we will need to have better than 5NINES performance for the critical infrastructure services that the application depends on (such as network, storage when used, and API services that are used by the application VNF e.g. to perform remediation and recovery actions). In reality, the VNFs have internal structure, are composed of multiple VNFCIs with potentially differing redundancy configurations, and their corresponding RBDs look significantly more complex than previous example. It is not uncommon that single complex VNF would have 5-10 stages of components in series on the associated RBD, and the move towards microservices architectures that operators are pushing vendors towards will increases this even more. Furthermore, the services are composed of chains of the NEs (physical and/or virtual), which increases the number of elements that the service depends on. All this means that for the equivalent Service Availability, the availability of the chained elements (and the elements of the infrastructure they depend on) must be proportionally higher. In addition, from the OpenStack cloud shared services perspective, a realization of many network services requires use of components located in multiple clouds even in the single operator scenario - typical configuration to support end to end service would have at least three separate clouds in series: access/edge cloud 1, core cloud, and access/edge cloud 2, which implies that we will have three independent openstack service regions in series within the overall chain. The following picture, taken from ETSI NFV REL-003 is an illustrative example of availability effect from E2E service availability perspective, where the blue blocks represent the availability of service chains within the specific cloud instances.

To illustrate the cumulative effect of the homogeneous chained elements to the Service Availability, the following table provides an overview of the expected availability expressed in number of NINES (based on RBD only calculation, which have the limitations outline before, i.e. the associated performance statement is optimistic). As a target setting, NFV system should be able to support applications (VNFs, VFs) / services at least in yellow and light green zones.

Same table as a (linear) graph illustrates the effect of individual chain element availability (also, keep in mind that the chain availability cannot be higher than the availability performance of the lowest performing element in the chain:

Finally, equivalent in the DPMs (Seconds/NE/Y or Seconds/Service/Y, depending on the scope of the top level availability specification):

The top level allocations of the DPM based on 10% of total NE and/or service downtime (typical from similar systems from the past efforts, and also stated performance by competition) looks like follows:


High Level Availability Allocation Calculation; all causes














DPM-Tot (s/y)


























DPM (sec/NE/y)










































DPM (sec/NE/y)






























In practice, this translates to the need to target as close as feasible to zero guest impact for all critical services, and to the need to minimize the downtime associated with both the guest (VNF, VF) initiated processes (such as failover), NFVI/VIM initiated processes, such as failovers, operational and optimization related processes (such as live migration or updates/upgrades). All operations, irrespective of the part of the system that is responsible for remediation actions needs to be fully automated, i.e. subject to "auto-remediation" processes (if there are humans in the loop, the timeline targets are impossible to meet, and we are implicitly already experiencing an outage at that point). 100% targets for the coverage, accuracy and operation success metrics are not likely to be realizable in practice, and will lead to un-availability and outages when they fail. However, this underscores the importance of the reliability of these processes, and suggest need for comprehensive testing (which itself requires large enough sampling of varying fault injections to account to both asynchronous nature of the injection processes as well as statistical nature of the associated parameters), along with the zero-tolerance policy to be adopted on fixing the identified issues. To avoid overdesign, and focus our resources to improvements in critical areas first, we will discuss the targets on per service basis after further classification of the top level metrics based on the risk (combination of expected impact and activation probability) in subsequent chapters of this document.
Also, we will further document the expectation of the responsibilities between the guests and the infrastructure that form the basis of the successful implementation of High Availability services (currently, it is expected that most of the functions associated with application availability such as failovers of redundant entities as well as state protection required to support the service continuity are fully application's responsibility, and infrastructure is limited to implementation of detection, notification and infrastructure Service Availability related processes only, including the services that are expected to be invoked by the application as part of their recovery processes). When infrastructure contains 3rd party elements, such as physical network elements that are implemented as High-Availability network elements, the associated availability performance is fully attributable to such elements. The same applies to all infrastructure components that support internal redundancy mechanisms, e.g. power and cooling redundancy related mechanisms when implemented within physical element such as an individual server node to improve its availability performance against expected common failure modes.
This document is presently focused on the Service Availability in context of the first order effects (i.e. dealing with failures of the system components). It should be noted that other aspects of the Service Assurance are tightly coupled to availability performance and need to be addressed as well (e.g. service degradation to the level that is "unacceptable" is commonly counted as availability event, even its management is associated with the Performance Management instead of Fault Management, or failure of service as a result of successful security related malicious attack incident against infrastructure can also be counted towards the system unavailability as infrastructure attributable cause). However, such aspects are currently out of scope of this EPIC, and may be added to subsequent versions of this or other EPICs later.

Fault Management Cycle

The following diagram depicts a generalized phasing of the Fault Management Cycle, which applies during the operational state of resources or subsystems that are subject to the availability constraints and associated mechanisms (primarily based on redundancy schemes in the context of the High Availability systems).
During the normal state, when the system is operational and in various states of service (whether active or standby resource), monitored entities are subject to the fault detection mechanisms. This phase is referred to detection in the FM cycle. Independently of the fault detection mechanisms, system may also utilize predictive mechanisms with the goal to identify the impending failures before they occur (this is particularly useful in the context of resource depletion etc. failure modes that are expected to get activated with high degree of confidence). After fault is detected, it needs to be localized to quickly identify the probable cause with sufficient level of confidence required to determine the associated actions to be taken in subsequent phases. Isolation (Fencing) phase is used to ensure that the failed entity is decoupled from the rest of the system, and is particularly important when multiple redundant, stateful entities are subject to risk of shared state corruption (e.g. to avoid problems associated with so called "split-brain" situations). Remediation phase is responsible of restoring the associated service, typically switching to the associated redundant resources. After the remediation related processes are completed, the recovery phase is responsible on restoring the intended configuration, including full redundancy, and re-establishing the appropriate state of the redundant resources as required to support service continuity. For the pooled, homogenous resources in the cloud, the repair processes can be deferred and batched to substantially higher MTTR intervals than in traditional non-pooled systems (subject to the availability of the sufficient resources to support workload and failed resources), which reduces urgency of repair operations, which is important operational cost driver especially in typical distributed / unmanned site configurations. For the NFVI resources that cannot be pooled for deferred repairs due to excessive risk associated with the outages due to second failure, such as e.g. switches in small configurations, the conventional physical infrastructure repair times (typically 4hr window including dispatch, travel and repair times) are still required.
The detection to end of remediation phases of the FM cycle are time critical, as the service is subject to outage or degradation during this period. For the most demanding applications in Telco space, the target timeline for all processes is traditionally 50ms, which determines the design target "budget" for the associated common critical path processes such as messaging, event correlation etc. It is not expected that all failure modes are subject to the same targets, and generally targets are relaxed when moving up on the dependency hierarchy, with target of the lower layer remediation processes to be allowed to function before higher layers attempt to take actions on the same underlying fault. 50ms targets are typically associated with shared common network resources which result in broad-impact (in terms of affected dependent entities) and immediate outages upon activation, but due to the nature of the NFV, VNFs being potentially part of the network datapath, such targets may in some cases be applicable to VNFCIs themselves. It is also expected that the supporting infrastructure is in place for the tightest remediation time targets, including redundant resources that are at same state as the active resources, pre-computed backup paths to facilitate distributed and parallelized remediation processes, etc. Overall, the timeline is usually considered to be more important than absolute correctness on e.g. localization processes - especially in the cases with partial failures it is often better to utilize fail-fast policy and convert them to fail-stop failures than expend lots of time to attempt to figure what can be done to get back to the pre-event condition locally - in any case, all entities subject to high availability targets need to be able to recover from any single failure, and that is what the on-line redundancy resources are for.
Recovery, diagnosis and repair times are less time critical, but still relevant to availability performance due to subject of the outages through second failure exposure during the recovery period. For the pooled resources, this situation is generally substantially better than in physical systems, as the timelines are typically in single minutes vs. 4 hr MTTR window outlined above for the physical systems. After completion of the physical repair (when applicable), the repaired resource is placed to pool (if pooled resource such as general purpose NFVI compute node), or placed back in service if dedicated resource (switch or other such specific purpose resource). For above reasons, these are not subject to optimization efforts, and we initially focus just on measuring the associated times. Irrespective of whether the resources are pooled or not, the failed resources need to be positively identified to the Field-Replaceable Unit (FRU) level to facilitate the physical repair operations. Off-line diagnosis methods are used to determine this with high level of confidence, as well as to drive re-pooling decisions for transient fault mode related failures.
Event notifications are expected on associated detection events (which drive the cycle), as well as major events associated with the subsequent state transitions. All of the FM events are subject to logging in the associated persistent event logs for future consumption of downstream processes such as availability performance monitoring, analytics, post-event reporting, and cause attribution / RCA.
(Prediction)LocalizationIsolationRemediationRecoveryDiagnosisRe-poolRepairSuspect HWBadGood
The fault management cycle is related to the current epic by:


The following diagram shows the key events of the FM cycle timeline for a generic failure. Up until the tfailure, the failed component is operating normally with a stand-by component providing redundancy. In this example, the timeline after remediation phase is shown separately for both pooled and non-pooled resources. In a pooled resource scenario, a group of resources (VMs, Containers, etc) can be reallocated from the cloud resource pool to rapidly restore the intended redundancy configuration. In non-pooled scenario, a new resource needs to be physically provided before it can be made available to serve as a stand by resource, which adds the physical repair time to the aggregate timeline. The advantage of pooled resources is that the recovery time (time for restoration of redundancy) is substantially shorter, reducing the exposure to secondary failure induced outages. At tfailure, the primary component fails and tDET (detection) begins. After the failure has been detected, the failure event must be delivered to the relevant components to either perform a recovery operation or to provide an external notification. Finally, remediation begins the process of activating the standby resource and restore the operation of the service. The target time for the series of operations is given by: TDET + TNOT + TREM < 50 ms. TREM often requires the most significant time to complete therefore, TDET + TNOT must be minimized as much as possible. After remediation is complete, the service has been restored, but the failed component is not redundant and a failure of active component could result in a substantial service outage. The recovery phase addresses this issue by bring a standby component online and configured. The recovery time can start as early as the detection time if recovery operations can occur in parallel with remediation. After recovery, the component is again redundant.

Up, redundantDown, RemediationUp, RecoveringUp, Repair PendingMinimize TUATDETTREM1st Failure – Potential Outage or DegradationTUA = TDET + TREMUp, RedundantUp, RecoveringUp, RedundantFailure EventService RecoveredRedundancy Restored (pooled)Repair Completed (non-pooled)Redundancy Restored (non-pooled)TREC, Pooled~2nd failure exposure, typ. ~2 mins MTTRECTREP~T{~}REC, Non-Pooled~2nd failure exposure, typ. 4+ hrs MTTREP1st Indication: FM cycle startFor non-pooled resources: coupled, critical repairFor pooled resources: uncoupled, deferred repairs

Infrastructure Services Relative Criticality



Different infrastructure services can have different impacts on the reliability of the infrastructure as a whole. Service components such as network switches can have a disproportionately high impact on the reliability of the entire infrastructure due to their connective nature. Conversely, traditionally emphasized components such as compute nodes mostly affect the VMs / Containers running on them.


  The following table provides a high level view of the categories of the services / entities in the NFVI and VIM sublayers of the system SW stack. This high level analysis is based on the expected risk, which is determined based on entities (guest VMs as a proxy) at risk and the fault activation probability from the guest's perspective.

The intent of this table is to prioritize the improvement efforts of the services / subsystems that represents the highest (guest) service risk first, based on the expected impact. The next steps will involve mapping all specific individual services to these categories, as well as establishing target availability (or unavailability derived remediation times) for each category. Generally, it is expected that the lowest unavailability targets are at the lowest levels of the dependency stack (which also have the highest priorities).


  1. Network "GW" nodes and other infrastructure "in-line" services (e.g. LBaaS) assumption is that not all VMs are directly (or at all) using these services
  2. Assumption is that not all VMs are directly/continuously using shared storage services

Service Availability and Upgrades

Maximizing service availability in terms of engineering objectives translates primarily to minimization of downtime (i.e. service unavailability). This implies that we need to measure the downtime impact on testing, and improve it over time. For redundant systems, the downtime should be as close to zero as possible, at least for critical services. In addition to minimization of the downtime, we want to minimize the time that it takes to restore a fully redundant configuration, which should also be measured and target for improvements. The test procedures should be the same as used for high availability testing, with the main difference being that the test for the update/upgrade impact is done based on update/upgrade process request, instead of fault injection (HA tests). While redundancy restoration time is not as critical as service downtime, it can translate to the service outages through secondary failure exposure. Redundancy restoration time is particularly relevant metric for the services that utilize persistent storage, where the process can take relatively long time as compared to services that do not have such dependencies. While the following discussion is focused on the upgrade process, the terminology and approach are the same for High Availability in general.
As the primary objective is to ensure guest availability, we can classify the services that the guests depend on, in terms of criticality. This means that if the guest availability depends on the availability of the system service, that service itself, as well as all the services that it depends on becomes availability critical service. For the OpenStack and node services, we can broadly classify the services to following criticality categories:
