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  • Agenda:

Issue #




Hybrid Multi-Cloud

Updates to:


  • Multi-cloud interaction summary table and
  • examples  (
  • Issue#2806 CLOSED)
  • - 
, PR#2824 - Pankaj/John to have a look
  • storage for multi-cloud (Issue#2578) - contents both in Storage and Multi Cloud sections, will be cross-referenced - Backlog
  • hybrid
    • PR#2824 - approved and merged, closing unmbrella  Issue#2794
    • Hybrid / multi-cloud security and regulatory (Issue #2804 BACKLOG)

    address the gaps in
    • reviewed  Sec 8.2.8 (Aspects of Multi-Cloud Security),

    and update Requirements Karine and Walter; Walter's comments:  reviewed and
    • and Requirements in Sec 7,

    (references in RAs are from Chapter 7).  -single
    • no gaps found, review to be continued post Moselle

  • APIs (Issue#2812), to be done in Chapter 6 - alignment will be necessary, reference in RAs are from Chapter 6 - Pankaj, none APIs (open source identified) - BACKLOG
    • Single pane requirements (a minimum set) (Issue #2797 CLOSED), Chapter 8 in the new Requirements section -
    Pankaj PR#2902
    •  PR#2902; approved and merged
    multi cloud use cases (as examples to drive requirements), needs a discussion at RM meeting - Sunny to present
  • specialized clouds (e.g. game clouds) Walter to create an Issue; post Moselle.
  • 2793


    Developments on:

  • SBOM, alignment with LFN security forum in Chapter 7; will need to be understood in the context of overall Software Supply Chain and considered from both open source and vendor software (Issue#2838) PR#2913 approved and merged

    • Software supply chain security (Issue#2838 CLOSED) - PR#2913 approved and merged

    Security for hybrid and multi-cloud, Issue#2840; Put into backlog (after Moselle) (if necessary)
    • Regulatory directives for cybersecurity
    , issue#2839
    • (Issue#2839 CLOSED) - PR#2981 approved and merged
    • SBOM content added  - PR#2978 approved and merged

    • Add reference to FS.40 v2 which is now a non binding PRD and must be added,

    • Issue #2828 (CLOSED); PR#2982

  • Restructure and update section about common security standards, issue #2841; Karine in proofreading

  • Both "Monitoring for security" and "Security of monitoring" aspects are included in Table 7-7 which needs review by the team - Walter's comments: reviewed and no gaps found, REVIEWS form the team requested
    • approved and merged




    Updates to storage:  storage sections are under review PR#2969 (under review) by  John Hartley

    • Storage principles (Issue#2666) - propose placement of contents for "Storage for multi-cloud" (Issue#2578) - contents in Multicloud section John
    •  Storage for multi-cloud (Issue#2578) - contents both in Storage and Multi Cloud sections, will be cross-referenced John
    • Storage scenarios (Issue#2747) - propose placement of contents, currently focused; John
    • RST Updates - Virtual Storage - Tenant Reference PR#2969 approved and merged


    Infrastructure LCM Automation (revised title)


    • CLOSED) - PR#2929 merged


    General PaaS Services


     Issue 2906 (
    • Load Balancer Requirements, (Issue 2906), PR#2907 under review
    issues with requirement raised by Gergely Csatari(in discussion)
    • Logging (Issue #2960 CLOSED)
    Issue #2960
    • , PR#2961 -
    • approved, merged,
    under review 
    • Monitoring (Issue #2957
    , PR#2958 - Monitoring, under review 

    Other Moselle Issues not in scope table:


    • CLOSED), PR#2958  approved, merged 



    • Should we flesh out the specs for infrastructure monitoring? (question form RA-2); PR#2983 Internal Performance Metrics, approved and  merged

    2725  (Walter) - review RM for using properly "tenant" vs "tenancy"  (moved to Backlog as it requires cross-stream agreement on definitions


    2727 (Walter) - updates to Abbreviations (part of proofreading work)2067 (use cases) Possibly for Sunny, otherwise put into Backlog for the next releases BACKLOG

    2841 Restructure and update section about common security standards, issue #2841; Karine in proofreading

    Actions : 

    1. Petar Torre and Per Andersson to review and clean up wiki page on H/w Acceleration, and report to RM meeting about possible updates (into Nile release) based on technology development: Hardware Acceleration Abstraction
