Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (Xenial) for x86_64

  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty) for x86_64
  • CentOS-7-1611 for x86_64


In 2.2, we describe steps the tester needs to take to install Dovetail directly from the source. In 2.3, we describe steps needed for installing Dovetail Docker(r) container. Once installed, and properly configured, the remaining test process is mostly identical for the two options. In 2.4, we go over the steps of actually running the test suite. In 2.5, we discuss how to view test results and make sense of them, for example, what the tester may do in case of unexpected test failures. Section 2.6 describes additional Dovetail features that are not absolutely necessary in CVP testing but users may find useful for other purposes. One example is to run Dovetail for in-house testing as preparation before official CVP testing; another example is to run Dovetail experimental test suites other than the CVP test suite. Experimental tests may be made available by the community for experimenting less mature test cases or functionalities for the purpose of getting feedbacks for improvement.

2.2 Installing Dovetail


Before taking this step, testers should check the hardware and networking requirements of the POD, and the jumphost in particular, to make sure they are compliant.


The jumphost needs to have the right environmental variable setting to enable access to the Openstack API. This is usually done through the Openstack credential file.

(Introduction about all the environmental variables: )

(Introduction about OpenStack authentication:

For example, /* need to fix this picture here - the example settings are not good */

 Image Removed

OS_PROJECT_NAME: Project-level authentication scope (name or ID), this can just be admin project.

OS_USERNAME: Authentication username, this can just be admin user that belongs to the project above.

OS_PASSWORD: Authentication password.

Sample Openstack credential file

          /*Project-level authentication scope (name or ID), recommend admin project.*/

          export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin

          /* Authentication username, belongs to the project above, recommend admin user.*/

          export OS_USERNAME=admin

          /* Authentication password.*/

          export OS_PASSWORD=secret

          /* Authentication URLOS_AUTH_URL: Authentication URLone of the endpoints of keystone service. If this is v3 version, there need to set some extra variables , which are:as follows.*/

          export OS_AUTH_URL=''

          /* IDENTITY_API_VERSION: Default is 2.0. If use keystone v3 keystone v3 API, this should be set as 3.*/


          /* DOMAIN_NAME: Domain name or ID containing the user above.  Command to check the domain: openstack user show <OSshow <OS_USERNAME>*/

          export OS_PROJECTUSER_DOMAIN_NAME=default

          /* : Domain name or ID containing the project above.  Command to check the domain: openstack project show <OSshow <OS_PROJECT_NAME>*/


/* Need to complete better description of each field ... */
The tester should validate that the Openstack environmental settings are correct by,
 /*API use example */
    % source <OpenStack-credential-file-path>
    % openstack service list
    % wget testingURL .... /* need some help */
/* Other env variables to ?? */
For ODL, except the above OpenStack environment variables, there also need some other variables and all of them are hard-coded in Functest:
/* Second, create a home directory for dovetail */

    % sudo mkdir -p <home_dir_name>   /*i.e. $HOME/cvp*/ 

    % export DOVETAIL_HOME=$HOME/cvp

     If install Dovetail Docker container, DOVETAIL_HOME can just be /home/opnfv

2.2.3 Installing Prerequisite

 1. Dovetail requires Python 2.7 and later

     Use the following steps to check if the right version of python is already installed, and if not, install it.

    % python --version

     /* reference web links to install python*/


2. Install Docker 

     As the docker installation process is much complex, you can refer to the official document:

3. Update and install packages

     a) Ubuntu 

         sudo apt-get update


      export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=default


          /* home directory for dovetail, if install Dovetail Docker container, DOVETAIL_HOME can just be /home/opnfv*/

          export DOVETAIL_HOME=$HOME/cvp

The tester should validate that the Openstack environmental settings are correct by,

 /*API use example */
    % source <OpenStack-credential-file-path>
    % openstack service list

2.2.3 Installing Prerequisite on Jumphost

 1. Dovetail requires Python 2.7 and later

     Use the following steps to check if the right version of python is already installed, and if not, install it.

    % python --version

2. Install Docker 

     As the docker installation process is much complex, you can refer to the official document:

2.2.4 Installing Dovetail

A tester can choose one of the following two methods for installing and running Dovetail. In part1, we explain the steps to install Dovetail from the source. In part2, an alternative using a Docker image with preinstalled Dovetail is introduced.


part1. Installing Dovetail directly

  1. Update and install packages

    a) Ubuntu 


             sudo apt-get update


             sudo apt-get -y install gcc  git  vim  python-dev  python-pip


  1.  --no-install-recommends



  1.  b) centos and redhat


             sudo yum -y update


             sudo yum -y install epel-release


             sudo yum -y install gcc  git  vim-enhanced  python-


  1. devel  python-pip




  1.  c) fedora


             sudo dnf -y update


             sudo dnf -y install gcc  git


  1.  vim-enhanced


  1.  python-devel  python-pip  redhat-rpm-config

Once Docker is installed, a tester can choose one of the following two methods for installing and running Dovetail. In 2.2.4, we explain the steps to install Dovetail from the source. In 2.2.5, an alternative using a Docker image with preinstalled Dovetail is introduced.


  1. p.s  When testing SUT's https service, there need some extra packages, such as apt-transport-https. This still remains to be verified. 

  2. Installing Dovetail




Now we are ready to install Dovetail.
