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IDTypeTest CaseDescriptionPre-condition & requirementsStatusGerrit References
1. Create VPN instance and check command return code
2. Check if VPN instance is present
3. Create IETF VM interface and check return code
4. Verify IETF VM interface
5. Create VPN interface for IETF interface
6. Verify VPN interface
7. Verify FIB entry after create
8. Delete VM VPN interface
9. Verify after deleting VM VPN interface
10. Delete VPN instance
11. Verify after deleting VPN instance
12. Delete VM IETF interface
13. Verify after deleting VM IETF interface
14. Verify FIB entry after delete
2. Create BGPVPN with malformatted route target (e.g. ASN:NN) should fail.
3. Create BGPVPN with invalid route target (e.g. 65536:0) should fail.
4. Getting the VPN list works without producing an error.
5. Updating an existing BGPVPN works.
6. Displaying parameters of an existing BGPVPN works.
7. Deleting a BGPVPN works.
8. Associating an existing BGPVPN with a Neutron network works
9. Getting the associated Neutron network works.
10. Deleting the network association works.
11. Associating an existing BGPVPN with a Neutron Router works
12. Getting the associated Neutron router works.
13. Deleting the router association works
3VPNData Center Gateway integrationData Center Gateway integration, check if routes are correctly exchanged between SDN controller and datacenter gateway   
4VPNInter-DC communicationInter-DC communication, Check if communication between two data centers connected through an MPLS backbone works.   
5VPNSubnet connectivityVPN provides connectivity between subnets. different subnets cannot reach each other unless they are connected to the same Router.Colorado Scenario: odl_l2, bgpvpn
VIM: Openstack
Components: Nova, Cinder, Neutron, KeyStone
Feature: no feature needed
6VPNTenant separationVPNs enable using the same IP address ranges in different VPNs, which is an important feature for tenant separation in the DC. This test verifies if the correct VM is reached under a given IP address when IP addresses are used multiple times in the same DC.Colorado Scenario: odl_l2, bgpvpn
VIM: Openstack
Components: Nova, Cinder, Neutron, KeyStone
Feature: no feature needed
7VPNVPN provides connectivity between subnets using router associationVPN provides connectivity between subnets using router associationColorado Scenario: odl_l2, bgpvpn
VIM: Openstack
Components: Nova, Cinder, Neutron, KeyStone
Feature: no feature needed
8VPNA subnet with a router attached can be associated to a VPN with network association and given a floating IPA subnet with a router attached can be associated to a VPN with network association and given a floating IPColorado Scenario: odl_l2, bgpvpn
VIM: Openstack
Components: Nova, Cinder, Neutron, KeyStone
Feature: no feature needed

Fault Management(Doctor)

IDTypeTest CaseDescriptionPre-condition & requirementsStatusGerrit References
1Fault managementRelaunch instance ?When an instance fails, can the platform restart the instance automatically?   
2Fault managementScale-up ?Can a new instance of a given type be launched when a certain load is hit?   
3Fault managementSubscribe to a fault eventListen for an instance fault , and verify that when the instance is killed we hear about it   
4Fault managementfailure notificationTo test VM failure notification time. Boot a VM and create an alarm event in Ceilometer using the consumer ip. Once Doctor components are started, a failure is injected to the system, then the consumer receives a failure notification.VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance
Additional component: Cinder, Ceilometer, Aodh, Congress, Vitrage
Feature: Doctor
