Versions Compared


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IDTypeTest CaseDescriptionPre-condition & requirementsStatusGerrit References
1VIM operations on ComputeCreate and show root certificatesCreate and show root certificatesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
2VIM operations on ComputeFlavors CRD opsCreate, delete, list and show flavorsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
3VIM operations on ComputeFloating IPs CRUD opsAllocate, delete, associate, disassociate, show and list floating ipsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron
4VIM operations on ComputeImage metadata CRUD opsList, set, update, show, delete image metadatasVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
5VIM operations on ComputeImages CRUD opsDelete, list, show and create imagesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Glance
6VIM operations on ComputeKeypairs CRUD opsCreate, list, delete and show keypairsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
7VIM operations on ComputeShow absolute limitsShow absolute limitsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
8VIM operations on ComputeSecurity group rules CRUD opsCreate, delete and list security group rulesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
9VIM operations on ComputeSecurity group CRUD opsCreate, delete, show, update and list security groupsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
10VIM operations on ComputeInterfaces CRUD opsCreate, delete, show and list interfaces; attach and deattach ports to serversVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron
11VIM operations on ComputeList availability zonesList of availability zones and available servicesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
12VIM operations on ComputeServers CRD opsCreate, delete, list and get serversVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron
13VIM operations on ComputeDevice taggingVerifty device tagging metadata of serversVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, Neutron
  14VIM operations on ComputeRebuild, resize and update serverRebuild, resize and update serverVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
1514VIM operations on ComputeList and show instance actionsList and show instance actionsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
1615VIM operations on ComputeMultiple create serversVerify whether reservation id is in the response body of creating serversVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
1716VIM operations on ComputeServer actionsChange server passwords; reboot, rebuild, resize, pause, unpause, suspend, resume, shelve, unshelve, stop, start, lock, unlock server; create backup; get console oupt; show vnc console;VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Glance
1817VIM operations on ComputeList server addressesList server addressesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron
1918VIM operations on ComputeServer groupCreate/delete server-groups with different policies.
policies = affinity/anti-affinity
It also adds the tests for list and get details of server-groups
VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
2019VIM operations on ComputeServer metadata CRUD opsList, set, update, show, delete server metadataVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
2120VIM operations on ComputeDelete and get server passwordDelete and get server passwordVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
2221VIM operations on ComputeServer personality opsCreate and rebuild servers with personalityVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
2322VIM operations on ComputeRescue and unrescue serversRescue and unrescue serversVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
2423VIM operations on ComputeCreate server with special metadataCreate server with admin password; create server with existing server name; create specify keypair; update server name; create server with IPv6 onlyVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
2524VIM operations on ComputeList virtual interfacesList virtual interfacesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron
2625VIM operations on ComputeAttach and deattach volumeAttach and deattach volume; list and show volume attachments; delete attached volumeVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Cinder
2726VIM operations on ComputeVolume snapshot CRD operationsCreate, show, list and delete volume snapshotsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Cinder
2827VIM operations on ComputeVolumes CRUD opsCreate, show, list, update and delete volumesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Cinder
2928VIM operations on ComputeShow and list extensionsShow and list extensionsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
3029VIM operations on ComputeLive block migrationMigrating to an invalid host should not change the statusVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
3130VIM operations on ComputeList networksList networksVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron
3231VIM operations on ComputeQuotas CRUD opsShow, create, update and delete quotasVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
3332VIM operations on ComputeList and show tenant networksList and show tenant networksVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron
3433VIM operations on ComputeList and show API versionsList and show API versionsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
3534VIM operations on ComputeAgents CRUDCreate, update, delete and list agentsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
3635VIM operations on ComputeAggregate CRUDCreate, update, delete, show and list agentsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
3736VIM operations on ComputeAuto-allocating networksTests auto-allocating networks with the v2.37 microversion.

The tenant must not have any network resources available to it so we can make sure that Nova calls to Neutron to automatically allocate the network topology.
VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron
3837VIM operations on ComputeFixed ipsList, reserve and unreserve fixed ipsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
3938VIM operations on ComputeFlavors accessAdd and remove Flavor Access require admin privilegesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
4039VIM operations on ComputeFlavor Extra Spec API extensionSET, UNSET, UPDATE Flavor Extra specs require admin privileges.
GET Flavor Extra specs can be performed even by without admin privileges.
VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
4140VIM operations on ComputeFloating IPs Bulk CRUDCreate, update, delete, and list Floating IPs Bulk that require admin privilegesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron
4241VIM operations on ComputeHost CRUD negativeopsCreate, update, delete, show and list hosts using admin privilegesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
4342VIM operations on ComputeList and show hostshypervisorsList and show hosts hypervisors using admin privilegesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
4443VIM operations on ComputeList and show hypervisorsInstance usage audit logShow and list instance usage audit logList and show hypervisors using admin privilegesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
4544VIM operations on ComputeInstance usage audit log negativeShow instance usage audit logVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
46VIM operations on ComputeInstance usage audit logShow and list instance usage audit logVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
47VIM operations on ComputeLive block migrationLive migration between two hostsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
4845VIM operations on ComputeMigrations adminLive migrations and cold migrationsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
4946VIM operations on ComputeNova network APIList and show networkVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
5047VIM operations on ComputeServers create ops on multinodesCreate servers on same host; create servers on different hostsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
5148VIM operations on ComputeList and show servicesList and show servicesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
5249VIM operations on ComputeList and show tenant usageList and show usage for tenantsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova
  53VIM operations on ComputeSwap volumesSwapp volumes with admin userVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Cinder


VIM Operations on Network


IDTypeTest CaseDescriptionPre-condition & requirementsStatusGerrit References
1VIM operations on VolumeList availability zonesList availability zonesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Cinder
2VIM operations on VolumeList extensionsList of all extensionsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Cinder
3VIM operations on VolumeSnapshot metadata CRUD opsCreate, show, update, delete metadata; Create, show, update, delete metadata items;VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Cinder
4VIM operations on VolumeShow volume absolute limitsShow volume absolute limits for a tenantVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
5VIM operations on VolumeVolume metadata CRUD opsCreate, show, update, delete volume metadataVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
6VIM operations on VolumeVolume transfer CRUD opsCreate, show, update, delete and list volume transfersVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
7VIM operations on VolumeVolume actionsAttach and deattach volume to an instance; Verify that a volume bootable flag is retrieved; Verify that a volume's attachment information is retrieved; upload volume; reserve and unreserve volumes; update volume; Reset volume status; force delete volumesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder, Glance
8VIM operations on VolumeVolume backup CRUD opsCreate, show, list, restore, delete volume backups;export and import volume backups; reset backup statusVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
9VIM operations on VolumeVolumes cloneCreates a volume from another volume passing a size different from the source volume; Create a volume from the bootable volumeVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
10VIM operations on VolumeExtend volumeExtend volumeVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
11VIM operations on VolumeVolumes CRUD opsCreate, show, update, list and delete volumesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder, Glance
12VIM operations on VolumeVolumes snapshot CRUD opsCreate a snapshot when volume status is in-use; Create, show, list, update and delete snapshots;VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
13VIM operations on VolumeImage metadata RUD opsUpdate and show, delete image metadataVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Cinder, Glance
14VIM operations on VolumeCreate and show volume with Mutil backendShow volume id which created by type without prefix;Show volume id which created by type wit prefixVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
15VIM operations on VolumeQos specs CRUD opsCreate, list, delete, show, associate, disassociate, set/unset qos-specsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
16VIM operations on VolumeSnapshot actionsReset and update snapshot status; force delete snapshot;VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
17VIM operations on VolumeList hostsList hostsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Nova, Cinder
18VIM operations on VolumeVolume quotas RUD opsList, show,update and delete volume quotasVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
19VIM operations on VolumeList volume servicesVolume service list requires admin privilegesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
20VIM operations on VolumeCreate and update volume snapshot quotasCreate and update volume snapshot quotasVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
21VIM operations on VolumeVolume types extra specs CRUD opsCreate, show, delete, list and update volume types extra specsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
22VIM operations on VolumeVolume types CRUD opsCreate, update, show, delete and list volume typesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
23VIM operations on VolumeUser messages RD opsList, show and delete user messsagesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
24VIM operations on VolumeList and show backends capabilitiesList and show backends capabilitiesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
25VIM operations on VolumeList and show volume poolsList and show volume poolsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder
26VIM operations on VolumeAdd and list volume type accessAdd and list volume type accessVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Cinder


VIM Operations on Image

The Gerrit reference for this test area:

IDTypeIDTypeTest CaseDescriptionPre-condition & requirementsStatusGerrit References
1VIM operations on ImageImages member CRUD opsCreate, show, delete, update, list images memberVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Glance
2VIM operations on ImageMetadata definition Namespaces basic functionalityCreate, show, update, delete and list metadata definition namespaceVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Glance
3VIM operations on ImageMetadata definition resource types basic functionalityCreate, show, update, delete and list metadata definition resource typesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Glance
4VIM operations on ImageImages CRUD opsRegister, show , delete, update and list images; upload and show the image fileVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Glance
5VIM operations on ImageCreate and delete image tagsCreate and delete image tagsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone, Glance

VIM Operations on



IDTypeTest CaseDescriptionPre-condition & requirementsStatusGerrit References
1VIM operations on IdentityList extensionsList all the extensionsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
2VIM operations on IdentityAPI discovery featuresShow API version; show API media types; show API statusVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
3VIM operations on IdentityProjects CRUD opsList, create, delete and update projects; associate a user to a projectVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
4VIM operations on IdentityToken CRUD opsCreate, show, delete, rescope token; Note: An unscoped token can be requested, that token can be used to request a scoped token. The scoped token can be revoked, and the original token used to get a token in a different project.VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
5VIM operations on IdentityUpdate passwordUser update own passwordVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
6VIM operations on IdentityUser ec2 credentials CRD opsCreate, show, list and delete user ec2 credentialsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
7VIM operations on IdentityCredentials CRUD opsCreate, show, update, delete and list credentialsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
8VIM operations on IdentityDefault project id1. create a domain
2. create a project in the domain
3. create a user in the domain, with the previous project as his default project
4. get roles and find the admin role
5. grant the admin role to the user on his project
6. create a new client with user's credentials
7. verify the user's token and see that it is scoped to the project
VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
9VIM operations on IdentityDomains CRUD opsCreate, update, delete and list domainsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
10VIM operations on IdentityEndpoint CRUD opsCreate, update, delete, show and list endpointsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
11VIM operations on IdentityGroups CRUD opsCreate, update, delete, show and list groups; add, list and delete users in groups;VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
12VIM operations on IdentityInherits CRUD opsCreate, assign, list, check, revoke roles on domains user/domains group/projects user/projects group/domains/ project treesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
13VIM operations on IdentityPolicy CRUD opsList, create, update and delete policiesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
14VIM operations on IdentityRegions CRUD opsCreate, show, update, delete and list regionsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
15VIM operations on IdentityRoles CRUD opsCreate, show, update, delete and list roles; grant ,list and revoke role to user/group on project/domain/VIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
16VIM operations on IdentityServices CRUD opsCreate, show, update, delete and list servicesVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
17VIM operations on IdentityTrusts CRU opsCreate, show, delete and list trusts; updates are not supported for trustsVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
18VIM operations on IdentityUsers CRUD opsCreate, update, show, delete and list users; Request for token authentication with/without a valid token in headerVIM: Openstack
Components: Keystone
