Anuket Project

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Please add your name in here:

  1. Unknown User (shostak) (AT&T)
  2. Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)
  3. Mark Beierl (VMware)
  4. Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
  5. Beth Cohen (Verizon)
  6. Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  7. Tomas Fredberg (Ericsson)
  8. Michael Fix (AT&T)
  9.  Unknown User (guoshasha)(ChinaMobile)
  10. Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)

Special Notes:

  • Each of the three RM sections will get 20 minutes
  • Given the limited time available, we will focus on identifying issues/actions/next steps, but not solving them right now
  • Weekly RM meetings are intended to
    • Identify owners for new Issues
    • Track open Issues
    • Address technical issues that cannot be resolved online (i.e. resolve stalls)


  • RM Core (status) (Mark S.)
    • Issues
    • New technology principles and policy hooks
      • Non-conforming Technology Framework PR #760
      • VNF Evolution Framework Issue #750
      • SRIOV Compromises/Transition Plan/Policy (Currently part of PR #760)

  • Open questions
    • TBD

  • New Business


  • General
    • None at this time
  •  Core
    • None at this time
  • Ops
    • None at this time
  • Comp
    • None at this time


  • General
    • Reviewed LNF/GSMA anti-trust policy
  •  Core
    1. TBD
  • Ops
    • TBD
  • Comp
    • TBD

  • No labels