Anuket Project

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Please add your name in here:

  1. Unknown User (shostak) (AT&T)
  2. Unknown User (guoshasha)(ChinaMobile)
  3. Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)
  4. Karine Sevilla (Orange)
  5. Beth Cohen (Verizon)
  6. Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  7. Mark Beierl (VMware)
  8. Unknown User (nickchase) (Mirantis)
  9. Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)
  10. Unknown User (michael.fix)

Special Notes:

  • Each of the three RM sections will get 20 minutes
  • Given the limited time available, we will focus on identifying issues/actions/next steps, but not solving them right now
  • Weekly RM meetings are intended to
    • Identify owners for new Issues
    • Track open Issues
    • Address technical issues that cannot be resolved online (i.e. resolve stalls)


  • RM Core (status) (Mark S.)
    • Issues
    • New technology principles and policy hooks
      • Differentiating underlying technology from features/functions/capabilities (e.g., SRIOV, PCI-PT, EPA, etc.)
      • Principles: Abstraction breakage and custom s/w
      • Principles: What level of h/w details can be exposed at various layers
    • Hardware discussion continuation
      • Storage configuration (10x 960GB vs. 3.2TB w/ 3x logical)
      • DIMM distribution across sockets, memory controllers and buses
      • NIC to socket mapping
      • Physical interface assignment (E/W/OpenStack/Storage, N/S, PXE, OOB LOM)
      • Hardware Objectives, Guidelines and Approach
      • Guidelines vs. Requirements
      • Objectives and Drivers for CNTT to specify h/w
      • To what granularity
      • Implications for RM Comp, RC and RI
  • RM Ops (status) (Ahmed)
    • Issues
    • OA&M - New MVP Content
      • FM
      • Logging
      • Provisioning/State (CM)
    • LCM - New MVP Content
      • LCM scope / areas covered
      • Generic installer model
      • Scope/function/state
      • Node prototypes and creation by installer

  • Open questions
    • TBD

  • New Business


  • General
    • None at this time
  •  Core
    • MXS: Write proposal for SRIOV language in RM (not transition plan)
  • Ops
    • None at this time
  • Comp
    • None at this time


  • General
    • Reviewed LNF/GSMA anti-trust policy
  •  Core
    1. SRIOV: Aligned on creating transition plan as an appendix to the RM
    2. Mark S. took action to write a draft of the language for the RM regarding the SRIOV (not the annex or transition plan)
  • Ops
    • Nil
  • Comp
    • Nil

  • No labels