Anuket Project

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Please add your name in here:

  1. Unknown User (shostak)* (AT&T)
  2. Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)
  3. Unknown User (nickchase) (Mirantis)
  4. Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  5. Al Morton (AT&T)
  6. Michael Fix (AT&T)
  7. Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)
  8. Karine Sevilla (Orange)
  9. Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
  10. Unknown User (maniksidana019) (VoerEir)
  11. Pierre Lynch (Keysight)
  12. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)

Special Notes:

  • Each of the three RM sections will get 20 minutes
  • Given the limited time available, we will focus on identifying issues/actions/next steps,  but not solving them right now


  • Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy Notice
  • GSMA Anti-Trust Policy Notice
  • Agenda bashing
  • Methodology update

    • Drive document through concise, actionable Issues
      • Identify MVP items/content
      • Enumerate MVP items into high-level content
      • Translate high-level content to open Issues (detailed level)
    • Weekly RM meetings will
      • Identify owners for new Issues
      • Track open Issues
      • Address technical issues that cannot be resolved online (i.e. resolve stalls)
      • Address open questions

  • RM Core (status) (Mark S.)
    • Status
    • Need Issue and volunteer: Determine which caps to eliminate from RMCH-4
    • New Content - Container support
    • New Content - VNF Design Guidelines - Need Issue and volunteer to own initial content

  • RM Ops (status) (Ahmed)
    • Status
    • OA&M - New MVP Content
      • FM
      • Logging
      • Provisioning/State (CM)
    • LCM - New MVP Content
      • LCM scope / areas covered
      • Generic installer model
      • Scope/function/state
      • Node prototypes and creation by installer

  • Open questions
    • Should CNTT specify hardware? If so, to what level?
    • How to accommodate both homogeneous and heterogeneous server farms?
    • Do we need to add a constraints category? (e.g., maximum number of cores you can allocate to a single VNF)
      • For example: | e.nfvi.res.cap.001 | #vCPU | number | Min, Max number of vCPU that can be assigned to a single VNFC | -- Are these Capabilities or Constraints?
    • Does the VIM really need its own category of PMs and Caps? (e.g.,

  • New Business


  • General
    • None at this time
  •  Core
    • Kelvin: Sync up w/ internal people WRT VNF Design Guidelines input
  • Ops
    • Trevor: Sync up w/ Owen (from Intel)
  • Comp
    • None at this time


  • General
    • Discussed methodology
    • Nick Chase volunteered to assist people w/ technical writing
  •  Core
    • Discussed VNF Guidelines and other listed Core agenda items
  • Ops
    • Ahmed presented draft monitoring architecture for feedback (as follows)
      • Kelvin: Indicated focus on metrics, rather than architecture (implementation)
      • Kelvin: Indicated diagram might be more appropriate for RA
      • Karine: Diagram should be more generic for RM
  • Comp
    • Nil

  • No labels