Anuket Project

Meetings Every Monday at 15:00 UTC

Zoom Meeting link:     


  • Name (Organisation) |  will incorporate Participant report from Zoom.

Cedric Ollivier
Ildiko Vansca
Karine Sevilla
Pankaj Goyal

As a courtesy to your colleagues please mute yourself when in listen mode. Thanks

Next Release

  • Important Topics to  cover:
    • RM Alignment

Important Information:

1. Lakelse Release Milestones | Lakelse Specification Planning Dashboard









Meeting Recording: none

Agenda and Minutes

  1. Agenda Bashing
  2. Antitrust Policy: and GSMA Anti-Trust Policy Notice
  3. Final Lakelse Release Plan
  4. GSMA document based on Kali release:     Anuket_RA-1_GSMA v0.2_tvp_pg.docx
    1. Cedric Ollivier  to review Tom's comments on Section 5
    2. GSMA is a long process 
      1. OITF approval by September 24
        1. may require modifications – October 11
      2. GSMA process takes over (~3 months)
    3. Make changes to Github document to mirror the GSMA draft document
      1. Pankaj Goyalto create one issue and then PR's by chapter
  5. Review RAI Project Board - Open Issues and PRs |
    1. Open Issues

      Issue #DeliverablePR #StatusAction ItemsComments
      2495Upgrade to OpenStack Wallaby release                                                                
      Priority: To be included in this Release
      2496Add Cyborg as a Optional Core Service (a la Ironic)

      • Pankaj Goyal Re-instert Cyborg content (from comments) and change

      Include RM updates. Link to RA1 Issue #2239

      Priority: To be included in this Release

      2497Standardise on use of the term "server" for physical, VM or container

      Priority: To be included in this Release
      2498Add/Change requirements and content around containers as per OpenStack evolution

      Priority: To be included in this Release
      2499Add requirements around the use of OpenStack APIs for Edge, Hybrid and Multi-clouds

      Priority: Nice to include in this Release
      2500Update Requirements and Content for Edge

      Priority: Nice to include in this Release
      TBDUpdate Requirements and Content for Hybrid Multi-cloud: OpenStack Omni

      Priority: Low Priority for this Release

      2238Align with RM Automation Ch09 - RM Issue #2087

      Priority: Nice to include in this Release
      2045Storage Content Improvements

      Improve content and align with new RM content

      Priority: Nice to include in this Release

  6.  AOB
    1. Meetings:
      1. Cancelled meeting on September 27
    2. Vacation Plans:
      1. Pankaj:
      2. Ildiko::
      3. Karine:
      4. Cedric:

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