Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Name (Organisation) |  will incorporate Participant report from Zoom.


Pankaj Goyal(Microsoft)

As a courtesy to your colleagues please mute yourself when in listen mode. Thanks


  1. Agenda Bashing
  2. Release information
  3. rst conversion status
  4. Review of PRs in progessprogress
  5. Creation of detailed issues for Moselle
  6. Next Meetings, vacation plans, daylight saving time
  7.  AOB


  • Ch01 and Ch02, PR#2811: reference links fixed → merged
  • Ch03, Ch04, PR#2815: reference links fixed , Figures captions, Lines breaks →merged
  • Ch05, PR#2817: Addition of backslashes to fix cut words → merged
  • Ch02 , PR#2821: Addition of backslashes to fix cut words → merged
  • Ch07, PR#2819: duplicated title removed → merged
  • Ch08, PR#2820: numbering removed for internal link→ merged
  • Ch06, PR#2818: reference links fixed, tables fixed → merged

Tox issues on RST files: PR#2830 -under review> merged

Next step: work on .md links, Cedric Ollivier will start and we can split the work

Last step: link to RTD for references (internal and external) in a temporary step and then Sphinx when RM is done


GitHub RA1 project

Issues for Moselle

For all contributors: the creation of detaled issues and content  must start now.

Writing Links in RST, examples:

For a document ->:doc:`ref_model/chapters/chapter04`
For in internal link ->:ref:`ref_model/chapters/chapter04:profile extensions`

external hyperlink ->`Python<>`_

For references used repeatedly, Pankaj Goyalproposes to create a reference once with a simple label and use this label in text.

In PR 2487, Georg uses ":ref:`ref_arch/kubernetes/chapters/chapter04:Kubernetes Node`". Since this reference is repeatedly used, can we 1. define ".. _k8sNode: ref_arch/kubernetes/chapters/chapter04:Kubernetes Node" and then 2. use ":ref:k8sNode_".

Cedric Ollivierwill check if it will be correct for automation tools.

Cedric Ollivierand Karine Sevillawill check how to use VScode and tox locally with windows. A good start can be with storage topic and chapter 2 references.

Next meetings

The changes for daylight saving is scheduled at different date per country, it will change the meeting time.

What is more convenient for people attending this meeting?

2022-03-14: next meeting


Cédric Check Pankaj proposal of reference creationAll Review RST conversion PRs
CédricStart modifications of internal links into RST files
Cédric/KarineCheck the use of VScode and tox locally with windows
Cédric/KarineRST conversion last step: link to RTD for references (internal and external) in a temporary step and then Sphinx when RM is done
AllStart providing new content for Moselle
