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Meeting Archives: 2016/2015/2014

Technical Steering Committee

Welcome to the OPNFV TSC page.

Information and materials relevant to the TSC are kept here, for information regarding OPNFV projects and releases please refer to those pages.

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TSC Charter

TSC Meetings

Antitrust Compliance Notice


When (Normally): 6:00am - 7:00am Pacific Time (13:00-14:00 UTC 14:00-15:00 UTC Find your local time).

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October 10, 2017 


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October 3, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • TSC Chair election: Tim Irnich was welcomed as the new TSC Chair plus appreciation was expressed for Tapio's contribution to the OPNFV community over the past year.  
  • Release tagging for Euphrates: Alec noted that there were no objections to his proposal for release tagging on mailing lists.  There were a few suggestions to include other details, but the consensus is to go with a simple/original proposal "opnfv-5.0.0".  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved "opnfv-5.0.0" as the release tag for the first release of Euphrates.
  • Euphrates update: David McBride noted that the status has improved slightly over the weekend, but the overall status is not satisfactory.  There are still on-going issues with resources due to holidays and lab access.  The consensus was that the quality/situation is likely to increase with additional time.  However, there was also a good discussion that there is a need to revisit release criteria and process/timeline between the last major milestone and the release.  There was also a good discussion on what to do with "point" releases if the initial Euphrates release is delayed and as time was running short, an agreement to continue that discussion over mailing list.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the new Euphrates  Euphrates release target date of Oct. 20, 2017
  • LF IT/infra update: Trevor Bramwell noted that systems update would be required for Gerrit/Jira/Confluence/Etherpad and this would require a reboot.  Suggestion was made for Trevor to move the discussion to the mailing list to gauge if there are any concerns from the community.  
  • Doctor graduation review: Ryota presented the project contributors and their accomplishments (incl. upstream OpenStack contributions) over the past ~3 years.  In the future Doctor project plans to expand the framework with automated failure handling plus other maintenance topics.  Ashiq also noted that the project team expects even closer collaboration with OpenStack Congress team going forward.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved graduation of the Doctor project.  


MeetBot Minutes: 

September 26, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Antitrust Compliance Notice: Ray reminded attendees of the Antitrust Compliance Notice and that it's now posted on the top of the TSC wiki page.
  • TSC Chair election & release names: Ray noted that the TSC Chair election will close at 5pm Pacific Time on September 29th (Friday).  On release names, a suggestion was made to do a re-vote on the F-release name rather than simply go with the second choice from last week's poll.
  • OpenDaylight DDF: Casey discussed the upcoming DDF in Santa Clara, CA and encourage people to submit topics by October 2nd.  There will also be opportunity to participate remotely via Zoom.  
  • Euphrates update: David McBride noted that Euphrates release is scheduled for October 6th and the window for the "intent to participate" in the F-release opens next week.  The community is working through Docker build issues and access to the Intel Pharos lab (only VSPerf is directly impacted by Intel labs as other projects have workarounds).  
  • Release tagging for Euphrates: Alec gave an overview of release tagging proposal and noted that this only impacts git tags applied to stable/Euphrates branch and docker container tags.  
  • EUAG update: Randy discussed his Vice Chair role in EUAG and recent activities on pain points.  In addition to the survey, individual interviews are taking place with EUAG members that have not been active recently to gather additional insights.  Randy added that 2/3 of the survey respondents said they're running OPNFV in their labs.  
  • VNFFG termination review: Henry noted that VNFFG started almost 3 years ago as a requirements project and since then features have been added to OpenStack Tacker with multiple back-end implementations with ODL, OVS, ONOS, etc.  Henry noted that main functionality for OPNFV is complete and proposed terminating the project.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved termination of the VNFFG project.
  • Calipso request to release as an independent tool: Koren discussed that Calipso team has been trying to integrate with Apex but is running into challenges and want to release as an independent tool for Euphrates.  As time was running out, a suggestion was made to move the discussion to mailing lists.  


MeetBot Minutes:

September 19, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Ray shared the election results from the recent Committers-at-Large and Committer Board elections and noted that the nomination period is now open for the TSC Chair.
  • Tapio summarized the Board meeting from September 14th and noted that the CVP and LaaS discussions didn't involve any vote/budget approval from the Board.  Ray took an action item to share the "developer community activities" slides from the Board meeting with the community.  
  • Euphrates update: David McBride noted that MS7 was last Friday and stable branch was done for all projects.  David also reminded the community that that test framework & CI to need to come on line for stable branch.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: No scheduled maintenance.
  • XCI update on future OPNFV releases: Fatih discussed proposal to adjust release process to accommodate CD while not interrupting the stable release process.  Discussions are also on-going for versioning/tagging plus roles for components/scenarios.  Plan is to come back to the TSC on October 10th prior to kicking off the POC.
  • CVP discussion and vote: Wenjing recapped the presentation from last week and noted that the plan is to start the beta testing phase once there's a TSC approval.  The plan is to complete the beta phase in mid-November, and the Dovetail team is seeking approval on test scope, test spec, and workflow.  There was a good discussion benefits of participating in the beta and if beta results can be used for certification after the CVP launch.  Trevor clarified that the results of the beta program cannot be used to certify a product, and Wenjing took an action item to to update the beta participation bullet on the Dovetail beta page.  Wenjing also added that the plan is to come back to the TSC for another vote before going to the Board for final approval of the CVP launch.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the CVP test scope, test specification, and workflow for the Dovetail team to move forward with beta testing.  

MeetBot Minutes:

September 12, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Community elections reminder: Ray reminded all eligible committer members to vote for the Committers-at-Large TSC and Committer Board elections this week
  • Euphrates update: David McBride noted that the stable branch window closes this Friday (Sep 15th) and people should notify Aric for stable branching.  David is also following up with PTLs on JIRA tickets cleanup.  Fu Qiao commented that there is a 8-day holiday period in China in early October and this would be something to keep in mind as the community works towards the Euphrates release.  
  • F-release: David noted that the proposed schedule for the F-release has MS0 starting on October 2nd, and he tried to avoid holidays/events for major milestones.  There was a suggestion to add F-release plugfest (early June) to the release calendar.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the F-release schedule.
  • LF IT/infra update: No maintenance scheduled
  • LaaS update: Frank noted that the purpose of LaaS is to provide HW resources for community members (e.g. virtual deployment, bare metal deployment, running ONAP, etc) and the Infra WG has looked at HW resources (both x86 & ARM) that can support these use cases.  Fatih added that the public cloud is not a viable option for LaaS.  There was a good discussion on server types and Fatih noted that it makes more sense to have homogeneous server hardware for flexibility (e.g. for vPOD and baremetal).  There was an agreement from the TSC on the LaaS proposal and to continue moving forward with this (pending budget approval from the Board)
  • CVP update: Wenjing summarized activities since the OPNFV Summit (e.g. agreement on test scope, workflow, development of web portal, etc.). The test scope includes cloud capabilities for VNFs, HA, NFV-specific (IPv6, SDNVPN), etc.  Wenjing added that some of the test cases are optional as they may have limited commercial use, they have not been accepted upstream, etc.  Request was made to community members to review the web portal along with documentations that are listed in his presentation.  In addition, there's a proposal for a ~6-week beta test period starting in late September, and resiliency/stress testing will not be part of the initial CVP release.  Wenjing will come back to the TSC next week for TSC approval on test scope, approach, beta dates/schedule. 

MeetBot Minutes

September 5, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Elections for Committers-at-Large TSC and Committer Board: Ray noted that the nomination window is now open for Committers-at-large TSC and Committer Board elections.  Self nominations are accepted and nominations needs to be received by EOD on September 8th (Friday).  
  • Euphrates update: David McBride explained that there's a complete reporting on MS6.  ONOSFW withdrew from Euphrates, but Parser will now be part of the release.  Stable branch window is now open and request can be sent to Aric (PTLs can create tags, but not branches).  Stable branch window closes with MS7 (September 15th).  The schedule for the F-release will be presented next week for a TSC vote.
  • JIRA tickets cleanup: David discussed cleaning up JIRA tickets that are assigned to old releases.  David has already reached out to PTLs and seen a good reduction in number of tickets assigned to old releases.  
  • Internship update: Ray provided an update on Internship program and noted that several additional internship projects have been completed over the summer and new interns are scheduled to start in September.  
  • Heads-up on CVP update: Wenjing explained that progress has been made on CVP since the Summit and want to provide an update to the TSC next week.  Test cases should be fully documented and plans for beta testing will be presented.  Tim Irnich made a suggestion to present the materials next week and give community members a week to  review prior to coming back for a TSC vote/approval.  For beta testing, Wenjing noted that the timeline is TBD, but should last about 6 weeks.  


MeetBot Minutes:

August 29, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Committers list for upcoming elections: Ray noted that the list of committers for upcoming elections are posted on the wiki.  If any corrections are needed, please let Ray know by noon Pacific Time on September 1st.  This will be followed by a nominations period on September 4th, and Ray encouraged diversity (e.g. geography, gender, projects, service providers, etc.) of nominees for elections.
  • Euphrates update: David McBride reported that all projects with the exception of Parser have met the MS5 milestone.  David will contact the Parser team one more time to confirm their plan for Euphrates.  For MS6, ~75% of projects reported back and exceptions requests for MS6 needs to be submitted by September 1st.  MS6 also opens the stable branch window and this will close at MS7 (September 15).  
  • LF IT/Infra update: Rudy mentioned that no security updates are planned, but to expect updates on Jenkins upgrade with CentOS 7.4 release.
  • XCI update: Fatih noted that three OPNFV scenarios for Euphrates will use OpenStack and OpenDaylight master, and based on their experience with these scenarios can report their learnings to the community after MS7 (Sep. 15th).  Today XCI supports three distros (CentOS, SUSE, and Ubuntu).  
  • Creation review for Stor4NFV: Shane explained that the goal of the project is to investigate storage intensive workloads (e.g. vCDN) and the project team will work with communities such as OpenSDS and Ceph (several project committers/contributors are already working in these upstream communities).  Shane also noted that there is no additional hardware requirement for the project, and in terms of testing no special tests will be developed on Day 1.  Initially Apex & Compass installers will be targeted.  Community members made a recommendation to the Stor4NFV team to avoid forking upstream code and instead only maintain upstream patches in OPNFV.  Via IRC vote the TSC approved creation of Stor4NFV project.

MeetBot Minutes:

August 22, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • TSC elections: Tapio discussed the elections timeline as outlined in  Nomination statements will be posted on a wiki page.
  • Euphrates update: David McBride is back and reviewing MS5 compliance. MS6 is this Friday (25th) for preliminary documentation, test cases implementation, and opening of stable branch window.  The Stable branch window will close with MS7 in mid-September.  
  • LF IT/infra update: On the Jira-sync between OPNFV and LF, consensus was to postpone the implementation scheduled for next week and continue the discussion in September when more participants in the Infra WG are back from holidays.  Rudy noted that a separate investigation is underway for new "helpdesk" applications.  There was also a discussion on upgrading to CentOS 7 for Jenkins and the consensus was to do this migration after the Euphrates 1.0 release and will be further discussed in the Infra WG call.  
  • 2H'2017 Plugfest update: Ray discussed that the next Plugfest will be hosted by Intel near Portland, OR between December 4-8, 2017.  Registration is open at and more information will be forthcoming regarding hotel room blocks.  Bi-weekly planning calls will start on September 11th.  The F-release Plugfest will be co-located with ETSI PlugTest in Sophia Antipolis, France during the first week of June in 2018.  
  • OPNFV community demo: Brandon noted that there is a plan is to evolve the demo that was showcased at the Beijing Summit.  Planning/discussions have started and there is a wiki page for the next phase of the community demo and community members are encouraged to sign up by October 1st.  There was a good discussion on the desire to align OPNFV projects with a future demo and also a consensus to keep technical community members up-to-date on demo development activities.  

MeetBot Minutes: 

August 15, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Auto project creation review: Tina noted that additional committers have been added to the project.  As for F-release deliverables, they are mostly outlined in the overall goal of the project.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved creation of the Auto project.  
  • OpenRetriever project name change: The proposal is to change the project name from Container4NFV.  A question was raised if the focus of the project is on containers in general or on Containers in OpenStack.  Xuan noted that so far the focus of the project team has been on Kubernetes on bare metal (and not OpenStack specific).  There is also no change in the scope of the project.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the project name change to Container4NFV.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: No planned maintenance upcoming.
  • Euphrates update: Ray noted that the additional 2 weeks for MS5 seemed to have helped many project teams as only 3 projects are requesting Exception Reviews.
    • Exception review for Calipso: Frank reported that the project team is working with the Apex team on items listed in the Exception Review request and items flagged during security scan.  The team expect to complete their work by August 25th.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the MS5 exception request for Calipso.
    • Exception review for FDS: Frank noted that that integration with ODL master is close to being resolved and the request is to merge MS5 & MS6 for FDS.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the MS5 exception request for FDS.
    • Exception review for Armband: Bob discussed that the project team is still working on bare metal deployment for MCP (both on ARM and x86) and they factored in 3 days of buffer to complete their work.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the MS5 exception request for Armband.
  • Inactive committers: Ray noted that he will be reaching out to PTLs of projects with committers that have not been active for an extended period.  

MeetBot Minutes:

August 8, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Multisite termination review: Multisite is a "requirements project" where a lot of development work was done in OpenStack.  Unknown User (joehuang) had stepped down as a PTL and no one else from the community volunteered to lead the project.  There was a discussion that multisite is one of the pain points from the End User Advisory Group, but it does not make sense to put the project on hold when there is no one to lead the effort.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved project termination.  
  • Creation review for Auto project: Tina discussed that the project will focus on ONAP component integration and verification with OPNFV reference platforms/scenarios.  Bryan Sullivan added that there has also been discussion with the Opera team on future collaboration.  There was a question on Auto project's dependency on installers, and the response was that this should be the focus of Opera project.  There were concerns about the lack of number of committers (there is only one at the moment) and request for additional detail on F-release deliverables.  The Auto team will come back to the TSC when these questions are addressed.
  • Euphrates update: Ray reminded everyone that the new MS5 (scenario integration + feature freeze) is this Friday (Aug. 11th).  If anyone is unable to meet the new MS5 date, they need to request an exception at Milestone Exception Requests for Euphrates. The new MS6 (test case implementation + preliminary documentation) date is Aug. 25th.  The updated schedule for Euphrates is now also posted at Euphrates and the new target date for Euphrates 1.0 is October 6th.  
  • LF IT/infra update: No new planned maintenance this week.  There was however issue with ericsson-build3,4 running out of disk space yesterday, and Trevor Bramwell will be looking into distributing resources better.
  • Multiple repo's/projects: Ray follow-up on discussions from a couple of weeks ago and noted that there is no written rule in OPNFV regarding single repo/project, but this is mostly based on convention.  The TSC agreed to give PTLs and project teams the freedom to make a decision on multiple repos as long as they notify the community when additional repos are created for their projects.  Suggestions were made to make a note of relationship with main project repo in the INFO file and follow a naming convention such as "project name-subrepo".   
  • TSC elections: Tapio noted that normally annual elections for Committers-at-large TSC members, TSC Chair, and Committer Board member would take place in September timeframe.  However, with networking projects harmonization the question is if the community should proceed with elections.  There was a consensus to have the annual elections in September timeframe regardless of on going activities around project harmonization.

MeetBot Minutes:

August 1, 2017 




  • Previous minutes approved
  • Request for OPNFV infra resources for project Bamboo PNDA instance: Frank summarized the Bamboo use cases that was presented at the Beijing Summit and noted that the pricing on GCE is about $388/month.  The suggestion is to try this out for 5-6 months and evaluate if it makes sense to continue making this investment.  There were questions on the outcome of the exercise, and Frank noted that the proposed value is correlation of data amongst test results from functest, qtip, and barometer.  This is also an exploratory effort as post processing may help the community understand some of the test data (e.g. from Yardstick).  A suggestion was made to shorten the "evaluation period" so that the community can assess the value of the effort after ~3 months (vs. 5-6 months).  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved using funds from "TSC Initiatives" for Bamboo team to try out their exploration n GCE.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: Java security update was done over the weekend, and there are no schedule maintenance this week.  
  • Euphrates update: David McBride noted that there have been a large number of requests for MS5 exceptions and most were requesting collapsing MS5 with MS6.  In addition, there are still 2-3 projects that have not requested their status for MS5.  Since there was such a large number (12) of projects requesting exceptions for MS5, discussion ensued on shifting the entire Euphrates schedule out by 2 weeks.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved shifting the Euphrates schedule (incl. the release date) out by 2 weeks.  There was a good discussion on community resource challenges when people need to work on SR in addition to the next release (especially when SR's are delayed).  Questions were also raised about the XCI activities and if they are also part of the release plus if the TSC need to clarify what constitutes a release.  Fatih took an action item to provide an XCI update to the TSC towards the end of the month.  

MeetBot Minutes:

July 25, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Request for OPNFV infra resources for project Bamboo PNDA instance: Donald shared that the purpose of the resource is to deploy an infrastructure for Bamboo PNDA analytics.  Insight into correlation different OPNFV test data is one of the value that the project team is looking to provide to the community.  BM is not required and VM deployment (e.g. on GCE) will work.  Ray noted that there's funding in TSC Initiatives if there's a consensus to try this out for few quarters on GCE and there could be a checkpoint to evaluate value to OPNFV.  Donald took an action item to articulate the benefits to OPNFV from Bamboo PNDA analytics and work with Aric to get a GCE quote/pricing before coming back to the TSC.
  • Euphrates update: David McBride noted that MS5 (scenario integration/feature freeze) is July 28th.  MS6 (test cases + preliminary documentation) is next on August 11th.  Stable branch window is between August 11th to September 1st.  For projects that miss the MS5 date, there's a grace period of one week thus the exception request needs to be submitted by August 4th.  
  • LF IT/infra update: Trevor Bramwell announced upcoming Java service restarts to address recently announce vulnerability. Tentatively scheduled for this Saturday the 29th. Should be less than 30 minutes of downtime and this affects Gerrit, Jenkins, Jira, and wiki.  In addition Rudy is investigating opnfv-tech-dicuss subscription to the page.  
  • Testing working group proposal on test strategy evolution: Gabriel noted that  there was a discussion in the Infra WG and a request for a POD for stress testing (
    serverOPNFV JIRA
    ).  The stress testing will include new test cases developed for Euphrates in addition to those already developed for Danube.  There was a discussion on doing stress testing beyond OpenStack and to move towards testing OPNFV components.  
  • Projects health metrics: Ray presented the Q2'17 data on activities across all projects.  Conversations have started with some of the PTLs that have low activity levels.  There was also a discussion on tracking upstream work (e.g. for Barometer and FDS).  Ray took an action item to follow-up with Frank and others in the community on tracking upstream work in


MeetBot Minutes:

July 18, 2017 



  • Security gate check/Anteater: Luke noted that Anteater scans against patchsets and logs are generated (e.g. flagging security issues).  Luke also discussed setting up Anteater as a chron job to notify project team members (e.g. PTLs, committers, etc.) and asked how this could be done securely so that sensitive information is not made public.  Uli suggested that scanning could also be scheduled via Jenkins.  Luke/Aric took an action items to start a discussion on mailing lists on how to store/communicate sensitive information from Anteater.
  • Multiple repo's for OPNFV projects: Releng & Apex has been working with multiple repo's for their projects.  Tim Rozet discussed that for Apex they need to modify upstream code and additional repo's are used to fork upstream code to put NFV features.  In the past, the Apex team had a separate Github repo for the upstream work, but now this has been brought into OPNFV.  There was a good discussion on whether to continue having an approval process for individual projects to have multiple repo's or allow project teams to create multiple repos for their projects by default.  Ray took an action item to investigate where there is a written rule on one repo/project and report back to the community.
  • Request for OPNFV infra resources for project Bamboo PNDA instance: There was a discussion on the request from the Bamboo team and one of the alternatives is to use Google Compute Engine (GCE) and Donald Hunter is getting more details on resource requirements.  There were suggestions to also look at other alternatives besides GCE and Ray will ping Donald to return to the TSC call next week.  
  • Danube/Euphrates update: David McBride announced that the Danube 3.0 is now available on the software downloads page.  For Euphrates, MS5 (scenario integration & feature freeze) is July 28th and MS6 (test cases implementation) is August 11th.  The expectation is that there are no new scenarios created after the MS5 date.  
  • LF IT/infra update: Rudy provided a report on the Portland data center outage last week.  There was an impact on many of the OPNFV services as Git/Gerrit/JIRA were out for about 30 minutes and the wiki was unavailable for almost 3 hours.  Root cause analysis is on-going and will be communicated on the page when available.  opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list is now also subscribed to the updates on the page.
  • Test working group proposal: Uli noted that there's an outstanding action item from last week for the Test Working Group to discuss their proposal with the Infra Working group, but this has not been done yet.  There was also a discussion the preference to perform stability testing on existing OPNFV scenarios (using existing installers).  The consensus was to continue the discussion next week.  

MeetBot Minutes:

July 11, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved.
  • Danube/Euphrates update: David McBride provided an update for Danube 3.0 and noted that a number of scenarios (including those released for Danube 1.0 & 2.0) are still experiencing issues.  There are also two scenarios that are new for Danube 3.0 involving Barometer and ONOS-SFC.  Three options for Danube 3.0 were discussed (1) release as is (2) move the release date again, and (3) drop Danube 3.0.  David took an action item to follow-up with scenario owners to get the latest one their status for Danube 3.0 prior to an email vote.  
  • LF IT/infra update:  Morgan noted that the test results database is not responsive and filed a ticket with the helpdesk.
  • Test working group update: Morgan noted that there has been a lack of stress/resiliency testing in OPNFV as requested by the End User Advisory Group.  However, stress/resiliency testing requires a stable solution and this would imply two chains of testing for the upcoming release plus the current release.  There was a consensus to continue the discussion on the mailing list and Morgan took an action item to also work with the Infra Working Group and come back to the TSC with a proposal.  


MeetBot Minutes:

June 27, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Danube/Euphrates update: 
    • Euphrates: David McBride discussed the MS 3.1 status for installer teams and reminded the community of the next major milestone MS5 (scenario integration & feature freeze).  
    • Danube 3.0: David noted that JOID has not been able to run jobs in the past couple of weeks due to pod issues.  Narinder took the action item to contact Ross at Intel to resolve pod access issues.  Other installers are mostly doing OK, but Compass team is still working on onon-sfc scenario and the Apex team is also continuing to work on a few scenarios for bgpvpn, fds, etc.  There was a discussion on pushing out the release to July 10th, but this may impact Compass' team work on the Euphrates release.  David took an action item to follow-up with the Compass team to understand the impact on further delay for Danube 3.0.  David will then follow-up with the TSC on a proposed Danube 3.0 release date.  
  • LF IT/infra update: Rudy discussed the new status page that will be a central place for systems status, news on upgrades, outages, etc. and the is subscribable.  The link to the status page is also listed on the main and Infra WG wiki pages.  Rudy also noted that he will subscribe opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list to updates on and will investigate adding tags if possible.  
  • Functest graduation review:  Jose presented the history of Functest including committers, accomplishments over OPNFV releases (dating back to Arno), and community participation in the project both in terms of individuals and organizations.  Comments were made that the presentation materials were well put together and is a good example for other projects to follow for future graduation reviews.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved Functest graduation review. This makes Functest the first mature project in OPNFV, and Tapio encourage other projects interested in graduation review to step forward. 
  • Testing working group: Morgan noted that email has been sent out on test strategy evolution and welcomes feedback from the community.  The proposal is to add more stability testing, which will require more time for testing.  There will be more discussion during this week's Technical Community call on June 29th.  
  • Dovetail update:  Wenjing notes that the Dovetail test scope document is in place and is asking for TSC review/feedback.  Tim Irnich also sent out an email during the Design Summit summarizing action items with a request for TSC feedback.  Wenjing took an action item to send out an email with a final call for feedback on the Dovetail scope for the Danube release.  

MeetBot Minutes:

June 20, 2017 



  • Previous minutes approved
  • 2017 Summit recap: Brandon Wick noted that there were over 560 people at the Beijing Summit last week with several co-located events (e.g. ONAP, ODL,, etc.).  Summit recap page is at and all summit presentation videos should be available.
  • Danube/Euphrates update: Ray noted that Danube 3.0 is schedule for June 23rd and Euphrates MS 3.1 (basic health check) is due today.  On Danube 3.0 Morgan noted that there were not enough test results and the quality is worse than Danube 1.0.  Suggestion was made to move the discussion to the release call. 
  • Graduation review discussion: Tapio noted that the functest team came forward with the graduation review proposal and covers areas such as activities, contributors, accomplishments, etc. over past releases.  The proposal will also be reviewed on Thursday's Weekly Community call.  There was a question if other projects in the future need to follow Functest graduation review proposal as a template, and Jose replied that the Functest presentation should be viewed as an example.  Past discussions on the graduation review can be found at 
  • June Board meeting update: Tapio discussed that there were a lot of conversations around project harmonization in the Board meeting and potential impact on TSC composition.  Fatih/Frank also shared the proposal for Lab-as-a-Service (LaaS) that will require resources for HW equipment and support services.  Infra WG will send an invite out to the wider community before Infra WG addresses this topic in their next meeting.   
  • Euphrates MS3 exception review for Compass:  Chigang explained the need for milestone exception for the Compass team and noted that they are asking for delay in MS 3.0 & 3.1 but plan to get caught up my MS 3.2 (July 11th). Via IRC vote, the TSC approved MS3 exception for Compass.
  • TSC meeting time: Ray proposed moving the TSC call an hour earlier (6am Pacific Time) to better accommodate community members in Asia.  Ray will continue the discussion on the mailing list.  
  • Dovetail discussion: Tim Irnich noted that the Dovetail team is looking for actionable feedback from the TSC and there's a new email thread seeking feedback at 


MeetBot Minutes: 

June 13, 2017 (During Design Summit)


Meeting Minutes: 

  • Previous minutes approved.
  • Danube 3.0 update: David McBride noted that the TSC approved the new Danube 3.0 release date of June 23 with micro-milestones as outlined in
  • Euphrates Exception milestone reviews: Bob Monkman noted that Armband is reliant on Fuel installer that is going through major changes and a lot of manual work is involved for the new Fuel installer and the team is playing catch-up (have a target getting "caught-up" my MS5 on July 28th).  Armband is also working with the Apex team as another installer option (targeting trial deployment in the next few weeks).  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the ArmBand Exception Review.  For the Compass team, suggestions were made to postpone the Exception Review as the project team was not available.  
  • TSC composition: Tapio notes that there were discussions on the TSC composition during the design summit yesterday.  One of the proposals was to limit the size of the TSC to 15 members and have 2 elections (i) for TSC members among Platinum members and (ii) among committers at large prior to transitioning to fully merit-based TSC.  Tapio added that that when OPNFV was formed TSC members were populated from Platinums for boot strapping, but there have been discussions of going to fully merit-based TSC.  There were discussions on how we’d know if the new TSC would be more effective and collecting issues with the current TSC composition.  
  • AoB: 
    • There was a suggestion to add graduation review discussion to next week’s TSC call. 
    • A wiki page for TSC’s feedback on Dovetail will be created after the Dovetail breakout session during the design summit.
    • Bryan announced that he created a new OPAP community wiki page ( and asked community members to contribute to the page.       

MeetBot Minutes:

June 6, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Design Summit/Summit update: Brandon noted that there will be co-locates events for ONAP, OpenDaylight,, CNCF, Open-NFP during the Design Summit (Mon-Tue).  There is also a plan for community demo during the keynotes and Annual Awards.  Speakers are reminded to register soon and upload their presentations.  Local member companies are also encouraged to help promote the event in China.
  • Joint TSC-Board meeting: Tapio reviewed the meeting agenda as captured in the wiki page.
  • Renaming vina project: Koren noted that no code has been committed to the repo yet and would like to to change the name to Calipso as there was an internal conflict with the original name.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved changing the project name to Calipso.
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and update: 
    • David McBride shared that Euphrates MS 3 was last week and have full compliance except from Compass/Armband.  Exception requests have been submitted by both projects and will be reviewed by the exception committee.  MS4 is this week for test framework readiness.
    • Danube 3.0 is this Friday and formal testing needs to be wrapped up today plus repo tagging should be done by EOD June 8th.  Mark Beierl added that Storperf will have challenges meeting the Danube 3.0 deadline.
  • Dovetail: Tapio/Wenjing noted that there has been a lot of discussion on mandatory/optional tests, test scope, etc.  There is also a plan to get EUAG feedback at the face-to-face meeting in Beijing next week.  There was a discussion on mandatory tests having the goal of broader scenario coverage.  In other words, CVP tests should be able to run on more than one scenario as described in the requirements document: "Tests must not require a specific NFVi platform composition or installation tool."  Frank also made a suggestion to have the scope document also reviewed by the TSC.  


MeetBot Minutes: 

May 30, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Annual awards vote reminder: Ray encouraged community members to vote on the annual awards before the poll closes tomorrow.
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities: 
    • David McBride noted that there was a full compliance on MS2 for Euphrates (after Escalator decided to drop out of the release).  MS3 (installer integration) is today and David will be following up with installer PTLs.  David also reviewed 3 sub-milestones (below) for MS3 and noted that there's no change to the overall release schedule.  There was also a discussion of having a similar milestone for Kubernetes although Functest+Kubernetes integration is still in progress.  
      • MS3.0: OpenStack integration + nosdn/no feature + Functest support for health check
      • MS3.1: installers passing health check
      • MS3.2: deploying integrated SDN scenario and passing health check
    • MS3 MS4 changes.pdf
    • Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the sub-milestones for MS3.  
    • Danube 3.0 is scheduled for June 8th and David will also start a daily stand-up meeting (IRC only)
  • Dovetail discussion: Wenjing reviewed the CVP process and files for test cases (e.g. for BGPVPN).  The plan at the Summit is to introduce the CVP (e.g. our intent), but not officially launch the program.  There was a good discussion on mandatory vs. optional tests as all mandatory tests in Dovetail at this point are a subset of OpenStack tests .  Individual project teams have been making decision on mandatory/optional tests, but Dave Neary added that the focus within the Dovetail team so far has been on documentation prior to test cases becoming mandatory.  There was a consensus that the Dovetail team is heading in the right direction, but also a discussion that it would be good to evaluate key features of OPNFV releases (e.g. as reflected in marketing messages).  There was also a comment from the Dovetail team that it'd be good to get input from the TSC on what additional tests would be valuable to be added to the test suite.  

MeetBot Minutes:

May 23, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved.
  • Termination review for Movie project: Uli shared that that project team (incl. the PTL) has been reassigned to other work and no other community volunteers stepped forward to carry on with the work.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved termination of the Movie project.  
  • Fuel/MCP update: Greg noted that Fuel installer has switched technology to MCP as now the emphasis is more on operating clouds (vs. installation).  MCP 1.1 (schedule for Q2'17) will have experimental support for OpenStack Ocata.  Greg added that work is in progress to support dynamic POD descriptor file and plan is to convert every scenario (with the exception of ONOS) to MCP.  The Fuel team will have challenges meeting installer related milestones for Euphrates, but are doing their best and will let community know if there are schedule slips.  There was a suggestion to add MCP training session during the Design Summit in Beijing.  
  • June TSC-Board meeting: Tapio noted that there will be a joint Board-TSC meeting on Friday after the Summit in Beijing and shared proposed agenda topics on the wiki.   Frank made a suggestion that it maybe premature to cover release model and container/kubernetes topics.  A few other suggested topics were XCI update (if there's a Board request) plus Design Summit report out.  
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities: David McBride noted that Euphrates Milestone 2 (test case documentation) was yesterday, but only received report from ~40% of participating projects.  David also discussed breaking out MS 3 (installer integration).    MS 3.0 will include nosdn deploy + Functest support for health check, MS3.1 is installers passing health check, and MS 3.2 include deployment for SDN controller and passing health check.  David also suggested repurposing MS4 as "test framework ready."  


MeetBot Minutes:

May 16, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Annual awards and Design Summit update: Ray reminded community members to add nominations for community awards at 2017 Annual Award Nominations (nomination closes on May 22nd).  Award winners will be announced at the Summit.  Speakers for selected Design Summit sessions will be notified shortly and the schedule will be posted at Beijing Design Summit Schedule (in addition to the Summit Schedule page).  Community members are also encouraged to add their breakout sessions on the wiki page.  
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities: David McBride encouraged PTLs to complete the scenario status page and gave a reminder that Milestone 2 for Euphrates (test plan ready) is coming next week.  On Milestone 3, David noted that an effort will be made to have better visibility as that was one of the challenges in Danube.  David will also come to the TSC with a proposal to break Milestone 3 into several steps.  Danube 3.0 is scheduled for June 8th and David will also propose micro-milestones for testing/documentation leading up to Danube 3.0.  
  • TSC composition: Tapio noted that he posted his initial presentation and summarized different options for TSC composition at TSC composition discussion.  Community members are encouraged to add comments/feedback on the page leading up to the TSC meeting in Beijing.  
  • Dovetail update: Wenjing noted that there's a documentation on test suite that will be ready by the end of the day and TSC members will have 2 weeks to review prior to a vote on May 30th.  Wenjing added that there maybe a few more revisions in the next few days.  There was a good discussion on approval criteria, and Trevor Copper made a comment that the TSC should be evaluating the completeness of the CVP test solution to establish a compliance program. The TSC needs to provide a judgment call on solution's launch readiness for commercial evaluations and application of the OPNFV brand.

MeetBot Minutes:

May 9, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • CVP update:
    • Wenjing gave an update on activities from the Plugfest.  The Dovetail test cases have been tested with different open source stacks and also one commercial one at the Plugfest.  Test case requirements docs have also been merged in gerrit at  Wenjing added that the goal is to complete the test scope drafts by May 16th.  The TSC will then have two weeks for review prior to vote/approval (targeting May 30th). 
    • Bryan noted that Refstack test case requirements docs maybe available (e.g.
    • Wenjing added that test outputs are available on
    • Tim Irnich mentioned that Dovetail tests are based on the test cases that are used in OPNFV release testing, so they have been run many times and are also running regularly in the CI
    • Bryan made a suggestion that there should to be a dry run of the Dovetail test suite among active participants in OPNFV.
    • There was a good discussion on expanding the committer ranks of Dovetail.  Among the Dovetail team, there has been a discussion if there should be a limit of one committer per member organization.  Via IRC vote, the TSC voted against limiting the number of committers in the Dovetail project from each company to one.
  • Danube/Euphrates update: David McBride noted that Danube 2.0 was released last week, and Danube 3.0 is scheduled for June 8th. 

MeetBot Minutes:

May 2, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved.
  • OPNFV Summit update: Brandon noted that summit speakers were notified and schedule published last week.  Out of 177 submissions, ~60 presentations were approved.  Still confirming POC, Design Summit, and Ideas Nest sessions.  Keynote sessions will be announced in the next few weeks,  and Brandon encouraged everyone to register and book their travels.  If track chairs have any feedback on the Hubb tool, they can send an email to
  • TSC composition discussion: Tapio summarized discussions during the Plugfest and noted that there were other discussions such as how the TSC meetings should be organized going forward in addition the composition of the TSC members.  Plan is to continue the discussion in Beijing during the Summit and Tapio took an action item to start a wiki page to continue the discussion/collaboration on the topic.
  • OPNFVDOC update: Jack noted that we need a strategy for website (, wiki (, user documentation ( and we should get input from EUAG, marketing, and technical communities. Brandon noted that he can share the proposal with marketing and EUAG communities.  
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities: Danube 2.0 is scheduled for this week and the plan is for the 2.0 downloads pages to go live on Friday (May 5th).  The status on the Danube status pages shows the current status of the scenarios, but testing is still ongoing.  Scenario owners will make the final call on the scenario release.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the Danube 2.0 release.  
  • Creation review for NFVbench: This is designed to run in production environment for measuring performance of NFVi.  NFVbench runs traffic through a number of service chains, then provides feedback on network performance.  There were discussions if there should be further investigation into leveraging other projects and if the name accurately describes the project.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved creation of the NFVBench project.


MeetBot Minutes:

April 25, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Updates from the Plugfest & Design Summit update: There were 76 people from 21 companies attending the first day of the Plugfest.  There were good breakout sessions on infra, testing, plus OPNFV deployment on numerous hardware platforms during the Plugfest.  Planning page for the Design Summit is Beijing Design Summit Schedule and people are encouraged to start adding breakout sessions on the wiki page.
  • The Forum at OpenStack Summit: Ildiko discussed the Forum session on Wednesday during OpenStack-Boston and encouraged community members to participate in session planning (
  • TSC composition discussion: Tapio mentioned that there will be a discussion on the TSC composition during the Plugfest/Hackfest.  There was a good discussion if committers are right constituents elect TSC members,   service provider representation on the TSC, if the role of TSC would change with a new composition, etc.
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities: David McBride noted that 40 projects have declared intent to participate in Euphrates and MS1 is May 2nd.  Danube 2.0 is due May 4th (Thursday) and the daily huddle will start on May 1st.  David took an action item to send out a recommendation for testing/documentation dates for Danube 2.0.  
  • Creation review for Multi-Access Edge: Bryan wants to postpone the creation review as he looks to recruit more project contributors (e.g. from more than 2 companies) and is not concerned about not being part of the Euphrates release.  Bryan will also reach out to the ENFV project team. 

MeetBot Minutes:

April 18, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • April 7th Board meeting report out: Tapio noted that during the Board members only part of the meeting, there were report outs from the Marketing Committee and Audit & Finance Committee.  There were also discussions on 2017 Goals and OPNFV value proposition
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities: David McBride gave a reminder on Danube 2.0 scheduled for May4th and pushing out the intent to participate date for the Euphrates release to accommodate next week's Plugfest.  The Danube retrospectives will also continue during the weekly release meeting.  
  • Graduation review: Ray summarized previous discussions on graduation reviews at the last hackfest and past TSC meeting.  Frank noted that removing an integration review maybe premature as we still don't have any projects that have gone through graduation reviews.  There was also a good discussion on the need for metrics for graduation review and there was a concern that metrics are somewhat arbitrary and could be gamed.  There was also a consensus that having graduated projects would provide a baseline for graduation reviews.  
  • Monthly support for readthedocs: Ray proposed paying $50/month to readthedocs for support.  Chris Price and Aric added that having a paid support would give us branding opportunities and priority support.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved $50/month spending for readthedocs.  
  • New installer project creation discussion: In the past few weeks, there's been good discussion on new installer projects.  Participants from testing/feature projects noted that additional installers create more requirements for their projects.  However, there were also concerns that installer projects should not have a different criteria for creation reviews.  Bryan Sullivan made a suggestion to create a wiki/etherpad page on community resource requirements from new installer projects.  Points were also made that there are community resource requirements for all projects (not just installer projects) and no mandate for feature projects to support all installers. 


MeetBot Minutes:

April 11, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Board meeting readout: Tapio noted that the official meeting summary from the Board Secretary will be going out shortly and noted that today's summary will focus on the joint meeting with the TSC.  The April 7th meeting started with ONS feedback and harmonization activities across LF networking projects.  This was followed by updates from the Certification & Compliance Committee and the End User Advisory Group.  During the TSC update there was also a brief discussion on mapping EUAG pain points with OPNFV projects.  
  • Dovetail update: Wenjing discussed meeting with the LF IT team during ONS on infrastructure requirements.  There is also a plan to test the Dovetail SW at the Plugfest.  Wenjing added that community help is needed in (a) testing the Dovetail software, (b) documentation (Jira ticket DOVETAIL-352), and (c) test case review.  Test case (plus test strategy) will be presented for TSC review after the Plugfest.  
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities: David McBride noted that Danube 2.0 is scheduled for May 4th.  For Euphrates, 39 projects so far have expressed interest to participate.  There was a discussion on pushing out the Euphrates MS1 (release planning) date to accommodate community members attending Plugfest.  There was a concensus to move the MS1 date to May 2nd while not making any changes to MS2.  David took the action item to update the Euphrates schedule to reflect the new MS1 data.  
  • Community awards: Ray reminded community members to send nominations for Danube release awards by April 17th (Monday)
  • Plugfest/Design Summit update: 
    • Ray gave a quick update on the Plugfest and noted that ~90 people from over 25 organizations have registered for the event.  Proposed agenda for the week is also available.
    • For the Design Summit, a planning page has been created.  There will be 3 rooms available during the Design Summit and the proposal is to limit presentation sessions to Day 1 and devote Day 2 to project team meetings/breakouts.  
  • Scope expansion OpenRetriever: Xuan notes that the proposal is to bring NGVS's proposed activities into OpenRetriever (unikernel and scheduler were not part of the original project scope).  New committers will also be added to OpenRetriever and the plan is to work with both OpenStack and bare metal (with containers).  Juju will be used as the installer and potentially Compass.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the scope expansion for OpenRetriever.  


MeetBot Minutes:

April 4, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities:
    • Danube release: Brandon Wick provided an update on Danube 1.0 release outlining the new streamline software page, press release, blog post, social media posts, etc.  Brandon encouraged community members to amplify Danube messaging via social channels and at ONS.  There was a consensus to have a Danube post-mortem discussion on April 11th during the weekly release meeting.
    • David McBride noted that there are no changes to milestone dates for Danube 2.0/3.0 and Euphrates.  Danube 2.0 is schedule for May 4th and Euphrates MS0 closes on April 24th.  
  • TSC+Board meeting: Tapio walked through the slide deck that covers Danube/Euphrates updates, CI/CD discussions, projects health metrics, etc.  There will also be a discussion with the EUAG tomorrow (Wed) on mapping pain points with projects in Euphrates.  
  • Scenario descriptor: Uli shared the status of scenario descriptor and noted that the plan is to come back to the TSC for approval when patches are finalized for the descriptor file. There are outstanding discussion items such as specifying minimum versions of upstream, single OpenStack using different minor versions, etc. that will be discussed at the Plugfest/Hackfest.  Tim Irnich noted that having a single file would be a key value for "feature projects" and will streamline work with installers.  
  • Additional Git repositories: Fatih noted that each OPNFV project gets a single git repo today, but a number of projects created GitHub repo's for upstream work.  Some projects may also benefit from logical splits vs. having a large/single repo.  A proposal is a pilot of additional repos with Apex & Releng projects and will come back to the TSC with findings in 2-3 weeks.
  • There was a good discussion on challenges posed to the community resources with the number of installer projects and installer project proposals.  There was a consensus to have more follow-up discussions during the next weekly technical community call on April 6th.


MeetBot Minutes:

March 28, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Danube 1.0 status: David McBride presented the scenarios status as of March 27th and noted that Apex/Compass/JOID installers are doing well and Fuel is showing improvement.  David also noted that it would be up to the scenario owners to decide whether their scenarios are ready for release or not.  David added that based on his analysis as of March 27th, about 18 scenarios look ready for release.  Several participants noted that more scenarios could be added to the list as there have been more improvements since the previous day.  If the community agrees to a release on March 31st, JIRA tickets will need to be wrapped up by 29th, documentation completed on the 30th, and labeling will be done on the 31st.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the Danube 1.0 release date of March 31, 2017.
  • OPNFV Summit Update: Brandon noted that the Summit CFP deadline has been extended to April 10th @11:59pm PT.  There are 20 track chairs in the programming committee and speakers will be notified on April 25th and schedule to be published on April 27th.  Heather added that for ONS next week, there will be a Hackathon on Monday with a developer reception the same evening plus several other OPNFV related activities during the week.  
  • EUAG pain points: Steven presented the list of pain points that the EUAG members complied and prioritized based on what EUAG members thought was feasible for Euphrates.  EPIC statements have also been developed for key pain points.  Steven added that another EUAG survey is planned to gather additional feedback and there will also be more discussions on EUAG-TSC interactions including at ONS next week.  
  • Dovetail update: Wenjing shared the latest status on Dovetail.   Wenjing also discussed SUT, test strategy draft, what will be collected in test DB, test case requirements, etc. and encouraged community members to contribute/provide feedback to test case reviews.  Dovetail release is targeted for Danube 1.0 + 3 months.  During the Plugfest tools validation, test case selections, etc. are also planned during the week.   


MeetBot Minutes:

March 21, 2017


Meeting Minutes:

  • Previous minutes approved
  • Creation review for SampleVNF: Kannan noted that the samplevnf project is to create a repository of sample VNFs to help VNF benchmarking and NFVi characterization with real world traffic.  The project team also addressed questions on Apache 2.0 licensing and that all source code (no binaries) will be available on OPNFV repos. The Sample VNFs will consist of several VMs and can be used for load testing the virtual infrastructure.  The project team is also planning to look at service chaining in the future.  Via IRC, the TSC approved creation of the SampleVNF project.
  • Creation review for VINA:  Koren noted that the VINA project addresses assurance and monitoring for VIM and the focus will be on monitoring, visualization, monitoring, root cause analysis, etc.  There was a good discussion on relationships with other projects in OpenStack e.g. Ceilometer, Vitrage, etc. Via IRC, the TSC approved creation of the VINA project.
  • Danube planning and activities: David McBride noted that less than 1/2 of the Danube 1.0 target scenarios have been deployed and a few projects like ONOSFW and Bottlenecks are still working through issues.  There was a consensus that more time is needed for troubleshooting in general and documentations, so it's premature to make a decision on Danube 1.0.  
  • OpenDaylight (ODL) release timing: Colin Dixon noted that release timing for ODL has not always worked with OPNFV and ODL community is considering moving to twice a year release cycle.  Suggestions were made on (1) 3-month gap between ODL and OPNFV or (2) ODL line up with OpenStack and then OPNFV come some time after that.  As time was running out, there was a consensus to continue the dialog on mailing lists/Weekly Technical Community call/ONS.

MeetBot Minutes:

March 14, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved.
  • Internship update: Ray provided an update on the Internship program and noted there are currently two projects that are looking for interns.  Ray encouraged community members to post new internship projects as summer vacation period for students in many countries are approaching.  Also going forward, recommendation is to have start internship projects at the beginning of each quarter (e.g. January, April, June/July, September) to streamline administrative tasks and avoid end of the year holidays in December.
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities
    • David McBride presented the proposed milestones timeline for Euphrates and noted that FDS team will be experimenting with a more flexible release schedule for their project during Euphrates release.  If other projects are interested in flexible release schedule, they can join the next Infra WG call on March 20th.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the Euphrates timeline.
    • David also discussed the Artifact versioning starting with Euphrates.  The proposal is to go with numeric-only versioning such as 5.0.0 (Euphrates 1.0) , 5.1.0 (Euphrates 2.0), 5.2.0 (Euphrates 3.0), etc.  There was a discussion if there should be both release name & number versioning in documentations and the OPNFVDOCs team took the action item to discuss this in their next meeting.  The TSC also agreed to start using the numeric artifact versioning in Euphrates.  
    • David also reviewed the latest milestone exception proposal and noted that the new exception process proposal will be effective starting with Euphrates.  The TSC agreed to adopt the new exception process and make evaluations as the process is used.  
  • Joint TSC/Board meeting agenda/presentation: Tapio reviewed the Board agenda and looked for volunteers for Cross Community CI (XCI) and Devops topics.  Tapio/Ray will follow-up with volunteers to start working on the presentation.  
  • Bamboo creation review: Donald Hunter noted that Bamboo will be leverage PNDA, which provides a platform for analytics applications. Bamboo team already had discussions with other testing projects such as QTIP & Functest on future collaboration opportunities.  Beyond OPNFV testing projects, there maybe other opportunities with projects such as Barometer.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the creation of Bamboo project.
  • Plugfest update: Ray provided a quick update on Plugfest and encouraged everyone to register and book hotels early as there are many events in Paris the week of April 24th.  Also planning info. can be found at Plugfest - Danube Release


MeetBot Minutes:

March 7, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved.  
  • OpenStack Forum: Kathy Cacciatore and Tom Fifield gave an overview of OpenStack Forum starting at OpenStack Summit in Boston. The Forum will be used to gather end user requirements for future releases (e.g. Queen release) at the Summit and OPNFV community members are encouraged add ideas/topics to
  • ONS Update: ONS is taking place during the first week of April and there will be a Hackathon on Monday.  On Thursday, OPNFV has a 1 hour time slot to give a project update.  In the "S3 demo" area, there is a plan to showcase LaaS and Pharos dashboard.  On a related note, for the OPNFV Summit, the CFP is open and there is a call for track chairs.  (You can still volunteer for track chair if you are not attending the Summit, but please note this when you apply for a track chair)
  • Graduation reviews: There was a discussion if the "Integration State" (and the integration review) is necessary in OPNFV.  Also a question was raised if all "feature" projects need to be upstreamed within a short period or if they can "stay" in OPNFV long-term.   Ray will be soliciting volunteers to wrap up the discussion on mailing lists.  
  • OPNFV Infra/CI & CD Roadmap: David explained that the CI system consists of the POD hardware (described by the POD description file) and scenarios.  The ultimate goal of the evolution is to do dynamic allocation of scenarios to pods (targeting the F-release in Spring'2018).  This requires that all installers support running the installer in a VM so the jumphost does not need to change.  David also shared shared various CI evolution activities for proposed Euphrates milestones.  Uli added that the scenario descriptor template will be reviewed after the scenario lifecycle document.  
  • Danube/Euphrates planning and activities
    • MS7 (stable branch) is this Friday
    • David shared the proposed milestones for Euphrates.  MS0 will start on March 27th, and Euphrates 1.0 is targeted for late September.  There was a good discussion on pros/cons of different release models a consensus to postpone the voting of Euphrates milestones until next week.  

MeetBot Minutes:

February 28, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • On-going items: Tapio provided a reminder on project proposals for VINA/Bamboo/sampleVNF plus E-release naming survey.  There's also a Dovetail planning etherpad
  • Community awards: Ray summarized the proposal that was sent out via mailing lists.  There was a consensus to go with the new release-based community awards program.
  • update: Sofia discussed the migration to readthedocs and is looking for agreement on the Docs structure as can be found on today.  Sofia added that project teams have been asked to restructure their repo's under /docs but the content should auto-populate in There was a discussion that it may make sense to divide the documentation for developers and users.  There was also a suggestion that the documentation page should use descriptive names like "functional testing" or "performance testing" instead of project names.  Frank noted that restructuring the documentation maybe difficult since OPNFV is deployed with scenarios today.  There was a consensus to continue with the currently proposed docs structure for the Danube release but can visit other options in the future such as a separate page for developer documentation.
  • OpenStack PTG readout: Jose summarized Interop WG meetings in Atlanta where he had a chance to discuss NFV reference test cases with the OpenStack community.  A comment was made that having a developer focused event was also helpful.  Bryan also discussed RefStack that includes features that are common in public OpenStack clouds but do not include all OPNFV relevant features
  • Danube/E-release planning: 
    • David McBride shared the data on Danube MS6 compliance.  Two requirements for MS6 are test case implementation and preliminary documentation.  Many projects have yet to report on MS6, so David requests PTLs to send the latest data if this hasn't been done.  
    • For E-release timeline, David noted that the proposal is to maintain 1.0/2.0/3.0 releases as was communicated on mailing lists.  The E-release timeline vote plus CI/CD evolution will be on the agenda for next week.  
  • Graduation reviews: There was a quick discussion on graduation reviews and Tapio noted that this is another mechanism for community recognition.  As time was running out, discussions will continue next week.

MeetBot Minutes:

February 21, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved.
  • End user Advisory Group survey discussion: Steven Wright gave an overview of the survey results from January and noted that many are using OPNFV (although not yet in production).  Many respondents also noted that they'd like to see projects like DPACC and Pinpoint being part of future releases.  There was a discussion on how End user feedback can be provided for future releases (starting with the E-release), and Brandon noted that key pain points (e.g. interoperability, real-time performance monitoring & fast fault detection, resiliency at scale, etc.) may be a good starting point for this.  There was a consensus to bring the pain points topic back to the TSC in the next few weeks.
  • Danube/E-release planning and activities: David McBride noted that MS6 was on February 17th and he's in process of evaluating compliance.  The MS7 (stable branch) is March 10th.  David added that E-release discussion/feedback is on-going and the plan is to come back to the TSC next week for a vote on the E-release timeline.
  • OPNFV Architecture: There was a good discussion on evolving the OPNFV Colorado architecture diagram (on vs. looking at OPNFV architecture from a new/different angle.  There was a consensus that for the evolution of the Colorado architecture diagram, the LF team can take a first cut at it, and for a new architecture diagram, face-to-face sessions at upcoming events such as ONS or Plugfest/Hackfest maybe a better approach.


MeetBot Minutes 

February 14, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved.
  • Committer removal discussion: Ray discussed the proposed change to the TSC Charter and noted that this requires approval by the Board.  More details on (e.g. when TSC needs to be notified) can be added to the Committer Removal wiki page.  Via IRC, TSC approved proposed updates the TSC Charter to simplify the committer removal process as outlined here.  
  • Pod descriptor file: Jack noted that patches are all done and ready to be merged for the next phase.  The descriptor file will be used for the Danube release and Jack will be working with Pharos lab owners.
  • Cross Community CI (XCI): Fatih provided an update on activities from the past several months and noted that XCI activities includes working with OpenStack, ODL,, Open-O with the goal of installing upstream code from master and providing faster feedback.  For OpenStack, good progress has been made with the Bifrost team (for Ansible) and for ODL prototype has concluded.  
  • Danube planning and activities: For MS5, 17 projects are now compliant and 8 are not compliant.  MS6 is this Friday (Feb. 17th).  David also discussed proposed E-Release milestones.   There was a good discussion on dot releases (e.g. flexibility with dot releases and providing opportunities for updates vs. people having an impression that there are separate milestone dates (e.g. MS5/MS6) for dot releases).  David took an action item to continue the dot release conversation via email.  Ray also has an action item to start the naming process for the E-Release.
  • OPNFV Architecture: Tapio discussed the current draft and noted that more contents are needed for certain sections like MANO.  There was a consensus to also continue the discussion on Thursday's Weekly Community call
  • Other: February TSC update to the Board

MeetBot Minutes

February 7, 2017


Meeting Minutes:

  • Previous minutes approved
  • Board meeting update: Tapio noted that the last Board meeting was focused on CVP discussions and several agenda topics including the TSC update was not covered.
  • Termination review for PolicyTest: Bryan discussed that the PolicyTest project never took off since formation and a number of committers are no longer part of the OPNFV community.  Some of the future work will likely be done in other projects such as  Copper. Via IRC vote, the termination of PolicyTest was approved by the TSC.
  • Committer removal: Ray describe the current process per the TSC Charter, where the PTL can request from the TSC a permission to remove a committer.  Some of the PTLs thought that requiring TSC approval maybe too burdensome.  Discussion ensued on PTLs only providing notification to the TSC, having a review period, etc.  Ray took an action item to draft a new text in the TSC charter and circulate via mailing lists.  Morgan also brought up the issue of committers who are not active for 6+ months. Ray noted that the LF team plans to publish a regular (~every 6 months) report of inactive committers for projects and share the report with the PTLs.
  • Danube planning and activities: David McBride noted that for MS5, 13 projects are compliant/8 non-compliant/5 unreported.  MS6 is also coming up on February 17th.  David added that comparison with previous releases are difficult as he's being more strict on milestone compliance.  There was a good discussion if there needs to be a better evaluation for MS3 (OpenStack integration).  Next, David discussed the milestone exception process and noted that this is something that will start with the E-release.  As time was running out, there was a consensus to continue the conversation in other meetings.  
  • Project creation review for SNAPS-OO: Randy gave an overview of the project proposal and noted that some of the libraries have already been used by other projects such as Apex and Functest.  The code is Apache-2.0 and the plan is to migrate the code to OPNFV repo.  Via IRC vote, TSC approved creation of the SNAPS-OO project.  

MeetBot Minutes: 

January 31, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Termination reviews
    • Prediction: Uli discussed the current state of the Prediction project (collection of data for fault analysis).  There are unfortunately no resources to continue working on the project and no other OPNFV projects are dependent on Prediction.  Via IRC vote, the termination of Prediction was approved.
    • Inspector: Luke discussed the Inspector project and noted that the original PTL is no longer part of the community and no one else in the community is interested in stepping up to lead the project.  In addition, there has been no project activity since creation.  Via IRC vote, the termination of Inspector was approved
  • TSC update to the Board: Tapio noted that during the Board meeting, the plan is to follow-up on action points (e.g. architecture discussion, Danube & E-release priorities, etc.) and the update on Milestone 5.  There will also be slides-only update on Cross community CI activities, projects, and other community activities.
  • Testing dashboard on Bitergia: Morgan discussed that Test WG is working on a common dashboard for all testing projects and met with Bitergia at OpenStack-Barcelona and discussed if they can help develop/maintain the new testing dashboard.  This will allow the testing community to focus on testing (vs. building dashboards).  The cost of the development is $8k and the proposal is to have TSC cover 1/2 of the cost out of the TSC budget.  The development will start in Q2'2017.  The TSC agreed to spending $4k to help develop the testing dashboard.
  • Danube planning and activities: David McBride notes that Milestone 5 was January 27th and he's still collecting status from PTLs.  Out of 26 projects, 7 passed/5 has not passed/14 have not reported.  Milestone 6 is February 17th.  David gave a reminder that if people have new projects in mind for the E-release the time to propose projects is now.  

MeetBot Minutes:

January 24, 2017


Meeting Minutes

  • Previous minutes approved
  • OPNFV Ambassadors Program: Brandon Wick notes that the pilot has started for the OPNFV Ambassadors program. The term of ambassadors is 2 years and they will be representing OPNFV at various events, webinars, etc.  Ambassadors' time commitment isn't meant to be taxing beyond what many community members are already doing. 
  • Danube priorities: Morgan highlighted changes from the previous meeting and noted that this is focused on "community priorities".  For example, there is now a shorter version of text for MANO priorities.  There was an agreement to adopt the current version of the document and and move forward with E-release priorities.  Morgan took an action item to further develop the E-release priorities and also look for opportunities to have face-to-face discussions at future events.  Will also look for incorporating End User Advisory Group feedback for the E-release.  
  • Danube release planning and activities: David noted that MS5 is this Friday (Jan. 27th).  Jack Morgan added that the Pharos lab owners may not necessarily know the individual project status in their Pharos PODs  and recommend checking with individual PTLs.  David also checking with the OPNFVDOCs team on documentation requirements for MS6.  
  • Quarterly Awards: There was a good discussion on moving recognitions to after each release (plus rewards at the Summit) vs. continuing with Quarterly Awards.  Morgan noted that it would also be good to recognize interns for their work.  Ray took an action item to continue the discussion over the mailing list. 

MeetBot Minutes

January 17, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Meetings page on Ray notes that recent changes in allows project teams to update meeting information on one location.  There was a consensus to try out the new meeting page approaches and see if there are further areas for improvement going forward.
  • Dovetail update: Wenjing provided an update on the Dovetail project and noted that focus has been on testing NFVi + VIM for each OPNFV release.  The Dovetail team is in the process of reviewing test cases and dependencies.  Tests will be reviewed in Gerrit and project teams/Test WG will be notified when new test cases are added.  There was also a good discussion on possible "fabrication" of results and the Dovetail team will have more discussion on detailed trace and un-modified output.  The next steps for the Dovetail are to report out to the Test WG on January 19th and come back to the final TSC review/approval on February 14th.  
  • Quarterly projects health metrics: Ray presented the draft Q4 report showing projects activities in terms of commits, JIRA tickets, and wiki.  There will be a review period of few weeks to allow community members to provide feedback/suggestions.
  • Danube priorities finalization: Morgan noted that additional inputs from the MANO WG and Dovetail have been added to the Danube priorities wiki page.  On "community priorities", Morgan noted that these are items that are important for more than 2-3 projects.  As the time was running out, discussion will continue via mailing lists and the next call.

MeetBot Minutes 

January 10, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Brandon Wick gave a preview of the new site that is scheduled to go live on January 16th.  Key goals were simpler navigation, more visually compelling site, etc.  There will be a section to highlight projects and will welcome community contributions.  Brandon welcomes feedback on the new site are welcome after it goes live
  • Scenario consolidation: Uli discussed the scenario consolidation opportunities as captured in Uli noted that there are currently 58 scenarios for the Danube release.  There was a good discussion on HA vs. Non-HA scenarios and Uli suggested that one possibility is to have Non-HA as development scenarios that are not part of the release.  There was a consensus to continue the HA vs. Non-HA discussion during Thursday's Technical Community call.    Tim Irnich also noted that as a scenario reaches a certain maturity level, it could be a good candidate for consolidation.  Uli also noted that he will also reach out to ODL community members to investigate additional consolidation opportunities.
  • Danube planning and activities: David McBride noted that due to migration at Intel labs, a large number of projects have been impacted for the MS5 work.  David is proposing a new dates for MS5 (Jan, 27th) and MS6 (Feb. 17th).  No changes are being recommended for MS7 (stable branch) and Danube release dates.   Morgan noted that there's will likely be an impact on testing projects as integration period is compressed.  The TSC approved moving Danube's MS5 and MS6 dates to Jan. 27th and Feb. 17th respectively.
  • Tech discuss forum trial (based on Discourse): Ash discussed a need for a better tool vs. mailing list/Gerrit for community discussions.  There was a question if the Discourse tool can be integrated with email (e.g. for notifications, subscription, etc.), and Ash took an action item to investigate email integration.  
  • Meeting page on Ray & Mark Beierl discussed the progress on cleaning up the wiki meetings page (  A clean up has been made to remove duplicate meeting information from the main vs. individual meetings pages.  Mark noted that there's a further opportunity to create calendars in individual project meeting pages that can be aggregated in a "master" calendar.  This provides an opportunity to further reduce duplication of content and the inconsistencies we currently have.  Ray/Mark took an action item to continue the discussion on the mailing list.   

MeetBot Minutes

January 3, 2017



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Next Plugfest/Hackfest: Ray discussed options for the next Plugfest/Hackfest in April.  Orange has a facility available in Paris during second week of April, and they also have another facility in Lannion that is available in the 2H'April.  There were some concerns that the Plugfest/Hackfest will be between ONS (first week of April in Santa Clara) and the OpenStack Summit-Boston (in May) and this may have an impact on attendance.  Ray took an action item to have a follow-up conversation with Jamil/Morgan at Orange.  
  • Follow-up on Common Configuration Files: Jack outline the common configuration file for Pharos pods ( and review of the patch requires further discussion relating to at what stage different configurations are provided.  Jack took an action item to follow up with Tim Rozet and others in the community on this topic.
  • Proposal for Aric outlined that our current documentation process is to create HTML artifacts and store them. This requires manual handling for versions and manual support of the toolchain.  The docs team proposes to use readthedocs to handle versioning and a publishing toolchain.  The proposal includes establishing the URL to point to the implemented solution and the theme is being updated to provide an OPNFV theme.
  • Follow-up on Danube priorities: Morgan noted that no edits/feedback were added to the wiki page ( since the last discussion on the TSC call prior to the holidays.  Morgan also added that lot of activities identified on the wiki page (e.g. for opnfvdocs) have already started.  Morgan described that that this priorities list can provide input to the OPNFV Board and the community about what we are focusing on and potentially help newcomers understand our community direction.  Brian Skerry noted that there are inconsistencies on the page regarding the proliferation of scenarios that should be corrected on the page.  The TSC agreed on the overall direction on Danube priorities as captured on Danube priorities. Morgan also took an action item to convert the final version in PDF and send to the opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list.  
  • Danube planning and activities: David McBride reminded the community that MS5 (scenario integration & feature freeze) is January 12th.  There are no new updates from the Movie project on MS2 and David also added that the Moon project may have difficulty meeting MS5.  On the Fuel issue for Colorado, the problem has been resolved upstream and the workaround is no longer necessary.  

MeetBot Minutes

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