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December 20, 2016



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Purchasing a new switch for LF POD 4 & 5: Rudy re-capped his previous email on the topic.  The total purchase price including the switch, support (for 3 years), and shipping is under $5,500.  The LF team is also familiar with the product.  The TSC agreed to move forward with the purchase.  Rudy will also check if existing cables (for the current 1GBE switch) can be used for the new switch.   
  • Project creation review for Rescuer: Howard and Leon presented the project proposal.  The project's aim is to deal with application data loss and the initial focus will be data protection on the VIM.  There were questions if the project is just protecting OPNFV data/metrics that is collected, and the response was that the goal is to go beyond test data/metric protection and provide a generic recovery service.  There were also suggestions to start doing the initial work (e.g. for gathering requirements/use cases) under the HA project plus recruit additional committers from other companies/organizations.  The project team agreed to start their work as part of the HA project in the next 3 months and come back to the TSC for creation review after the Danube release.   Edgar took an action item to coordinate a conversation with the HA team.  
  • Scenario consolidation: Since time was short, Uli suggested postponing the discussion to the next TSC call.
  • Danube planning and priorities: David McBride noted that there's no update from Movie & Orchestra projects on Milestone 2.  Upcoming milestones in January are MS 5 (scenario integration and feature freeze on Jan. 13th) and MS 6 (test cases implemented/preliminary documentation/stable branch open on Jan. 26th).  
  • Call for expertise from ETSI to identify gaps between ETSI NFV requirements and Open Stack APIs: Gergely and Pierre discussed the Call for Expertise from ETSI to identify gaps between OpenStack APIs and two ETSI specs.  The deadline to volunteer is January 26th and more details can be found in this document.  
  • Compliance/Verification Program document follow-up: Ray noted that the CVP document was sent to TSC members only as this is not a public document.  The feedback from the TSC was due by 5pm Pacific Time on December 14th.  Chris Donely collated feedback from TSC and End User Advisory Group prior to sending the program document  (along with action items/plans) to the Board.  
  • There will be no TSC meeting next week, and regular calls will resume on January 3, 2017.


MeetBot Minutes

December 13, 2016



  • Previous minutes approved
  • TSC meetings around the holidays: TSC meeting will be held on December 20th, but will be cancelled for December 27th.  Regular meetings will resume on January 3rd.  The weekly release meeting will follow the same pattern as the TSC meeting. 
  • December Board meeting update: Tapio provided an update from the December 8th Board meeting.  The TSC budget has been approved and as a result of the Compliance/Verification Program (CVP) discussion, the latest CVP documentation was sent to TSC members for feedback by 5pm Pacific Time on December 14th.  
  • Plugfest/Hackfest wrap-up: Ray noted that there were 70 attendees from 23 organizations at the Plugfest/Hackfest.  There will also be a Plugfest whitepaper with a target date of late January'2017.  
  • Colorado + Danube planning and activities: David McBride noted that Colorado 3.0 released last week.  Upcoming milestones for Danube are Scenario integration and feature freeze (MS5) and test cases implemented/preliminary documentation/stable branch open (MS6).  David is also following up on Movie and Orchestra teams for MS2 and Compass and Daisy teams for MS3.  
  • Danube priorities discussion: Morgan noted that main priorities identified for Danube are CI, Testing, and documentation.  The placeholder theme/tagline suggested by Morgan for Danube is "Real CI Ready".  There is also a section on future releases (after Danube), and community members are encouraged to contribute to the page.  A comment was made that release priorities discussions should start sooner and a question was raised what is the impact of priorities decision.  Morgan noted that one of the impact could be on milestones definitions (e.g. with additional criteria) or resource requests could be made to the Board.  There was a consensus to give community members ~2 weeks to review and have TSC to vote on the priorities on January 3rd.  
  • Common configuration file and scenario naming: Uli discussed the goal of common configuration files and noted that an agreement was reached on common configuration files during the Plugfest/Hackfest.  There were suggestions of doing a proof-of-concept for validation plus looking at what the OpenStack community is doing.  Jack also noted that the pod descriptor file is on Gerrit and asked for community feedback.  This will again be revisited on the January 3rd TSC call.  There was also a quick discussion on scenario consolidation, and as time was short the discussion will resume next week.  
  • Project Proposals OpenRetriever: Xuan presented the proposal that aims to create a platform to manage containers and VMs (and also allow VNFs to run on a set of containers/VMs).  Of three modes to integrate container with OpenStack, the OpenRetreiver team is proposing to use Container Orchestrator Engine with Kubernetes and OpenStack-Newton.  OpenRetriver will not participate in the Danube release, but there will be development activities in the next few months.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved project creation for OpenRetriever.  


MeetBot Minutes

December 6, 2016



  • Previous minutes approved
  • A new sysadmin from LF Rudy Grigar was introduced to the community
  • 2017 events plan: Brandon Wick shared the tentative 2017 events plan.  3 major events for the technical community are Plugfests (with co-located Hackfests) and the Design Summit.  The target for the next Plugfest is late April'17 and Orange (France) is the potential host.  There was a good discussion on IETF participation, and suggestions were made to look into hackfest/hackathon opportunities with MEF and BBF.  
  • Updates from the Plugfest: As of Tuesday morning, 60 people from 21 companies are attending the Plugfest exceeding the numbers from the first Plugfest in May.  
  • December Board meeting agenda: Tapio shared the draft presentation for the December Board meeting when he will be giving updates on Colorado/Danube releases, action items for OPNFV Architecture and Danube priorities, etc.  There was a good discussion on the proliferation of scenarios and one proposal to reduce the number of scenarios is to merge the HA and non-HA scenarios.  
  • Colorado + Danube planning activities: Colorado 3.0 software downloads page is scheduled to go live on December 8th.  For Danube, a few projects are behind on MS2 milestone and David McBride is following up with PTLs.  David is also working with the Daisy installer project team as that installer has an impact on other projects such as Escalator.
  • New switch for LF POD 4 & 5: There was a suggestion to also provide support costs for switches and the LF team will come back with an update.  

MeetBot Minutes:

November 29, 2016



  • Previous minutes approved.
  • Plugfest/Hackfest update: Ray gave a reminder that the registration deadline for Plugfest/Hackfest is December 1st.  In addition, ETSI Plugtest will be in January and OPNFV member companies are encouraged participate.  There was a consensus to discuss future collaboration with ETSI after their Plugtest event.
  • Proposed Developer Collaboration budget: Ray gave an overview of the proposed budget for 2017.  Most items are similar to the previous year with some increases in items such as internship to accommodate more interns.  There are new spending items such as Documentation Consultant and Travel Assistance.  There was a question on Travel Assistance and Ray noted that this is for interns and other key people from industry/upstream communities.  There was a good discussion on OPNFV events plan in 2017 and Ray suggested inviting Brandon Wick to future TSC call to provide an update.
  • Goals and Vision for the Danube release: Morgan discussed progress so far from various working groups (e.g. Infra & Testing ).  Tapio took an action item to start a wiki page on Danube priorities and a group including Tapio, Morgan, Uli, Dave Neary, Rosella, and Cecilia will work on priorities for the Danube release with the target of mid/end of December.  
  • Colorado + Danube planning and activities: Dave noted that there are milestones for Colorado (wrap-up test/docs for 3.0) plus Danube (installer/OpenStack integration) this week.  For Colorado 3.0, the goal is to have the software downloads page updated by December 8th.  
  • Meetings discussion: There was a good discussion on setting up a single recurring meeting for each technical project GotoMeeting accounts plus cleaning up the meetings wiki page.  Ray took an action item to give community members a 2-3 weeks advance notice on single recurring meetings and start looking at meetings wiki page clean-up opportunities.  There was also a good discussion on staying with Pacific Time vs. using UTC for scheduling meetings and Ray will start another email discussion on this topic. 

MeetBot Minutes: 

November 22, 2016



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Hackfest/Plugfest update: Ray noted that the registration deadline for the Plugfest/Hackfest is December 1st.  So far 70+ people are registered representing ~25 companies/organizations.  Three companies are brining hardware plus at least three more companies are making their hardware available remotely.  Uli made a suggestion that Hackfest sessions could be scheduled Tuesday-Thursday so that people that are participating in the Hackfest-only can avoid traveling on weekends.  
  • Common configuration file and scenario naming: Jack noted that more time is needed to gather community feedback on the topic and there could be a session during the Hackfest.  The current discussion can be found at
    Frank made a suggestion that it may be a good idea to get agreements from all installer project PTLs before coming to the TSC, but Uli noted that not all installer maybe able to implement the proposal right away.  
  • Goals and vision for Danube: Morgan started an etherpad on the topic, and so far the discussion have taken place at the Test WG and other WGs are encouraged to start/continue the conversation.  There is an action item for the TSC to provide an update to the Board during the December Board meeting.  
  • Colorado + Danube release planning: David McBraide notes that the test milestone for Danube is today plus Colorado 3.0 is release coming up on December 5th and he will be following up with some of the PTLs.  David also discussed the recent survey on OpenStack releases to be used for upcoming OPNFV releases and there is a consensus from the PTLs that Danube should be based on OpenStack-Newton.  Via IRC vote, the TSC agreed that the Danube release will be based on OpenStack-Newton.  David also added that the Daisy team is reporting issues with CI integration so projects dependent on Daisy should plan accordingly.  Scenarios participating in Colorado 3.0 should be reflected in
  • JIRA Federation: Aric noted that there is no documentation on JIRA Federation so it is difficult to make any progress on federation between OPNFV and  Aric took an action item to contact Atllassian to make an inquiry on JIRA federation including work scope & costs (if any).
  • There was a discussion on setting up a single recurring meeting in two GoToMeeting accounts and making it easier to make meeting updates on the wiki page (sometime requires making updates in 4 different places).  Ray took an action item to continue the conversation on the mailing list.  


MeetBot Minutes: 

November 15, 2016


  • Approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Agenda Bashing
  • Goals & vision for the Danube release - Unknown User (mrichomme)
    View file
    nameBuilding a TSC vision for Danube.pptx
  • Colorado + Danube planning and activities - David McBride
    • OpenStack - Ocata release

Meeting Minutes

  • Previous minutes approved
  • Unknown User (tapiotallgren) announces that Colorado 2.0 download page is live
  • Goals and Vision for Danube release
  • Release planning
    • Discussion about which versions of OpenStack will be integrated with OPNFV Danube and "E-release"
    • Proposal is:
      • OPNFV Danube to be  based on OpenStack Newton (current release)
      • OPNFV E-release to be based on OpenStack Pike
      • OpenStack Ocata would be skipped
    • David McBride has sent a survey to the project leads.  Please complete by Nov 21, noon (PST)
    • Unknown User (jose.lausuch) says that the Functest project has committed to supporting OpenStack Newton for the OPNFV Danube release cycle.
    • There is a reference to the OPNFV upstream project roadmap.  However, it does not appear to have been updated.
  • Meeting scheduling
    • There is some confusion about meeting times.  
      • PST vs. UTC
      • Interference between meetings when using a shared GTM account
    • Unknown User (blsaws) proposes a single always-available meeting per account
    • Action to David McBride to propose a solution

MeetBot Minutes

November 8, 2016


Meeting Minutes

  • Previous minutes approved
  • Plugfest/Hackfest update: Lincoln noted that members from 15+ organizations have registered for the Plugfest and 5 companies will provide hardware resources (4 on-site and 1 remotely via VPN).  An update has been made to the planning page and participants are encouraged to add/schedule topics.  There was a good discussion on what information can be shared after the event without violating the Rules of Engagement (ROE) and the general consensus was that hackfest-related discussions and outcomes can be shared publicly.
  • Graduation reviews and discussions: Ray proposed to continue this conversation in person when community members get together for the Plugfest.  Ray took an action item to schedule and add it to the plugfest/hackfest planning page.
  • Common configuration file and scenario naming: Jack summarized the discussion that started in Barcelona and noted that the current scenario naming convention needs to be improved.  So far there has not been a lot of feedback/objections from the community on proposed items in Gerritt.  Questions were raised if this really is going to be scalable going forward especially when similar attempts in the past have not been successful.  There was also a discussion if an approach should be taken to force people to adopt this convention in order to be part of Danube.  Jack took an action item to collect additional feedback and come back to the TSC in two weeks with a proposal.  
  • Goals & vision for the Danube release: Morgan went over his draft presentation and discussed the need to better articulate OPNFV both internally and externally.  There was a good discussion on if we are giving up on building a reference platform and the desire to continue the discussion via mailing list.  


MeetBot Minutes

November 1, 2016


Meeting Minutes:

  • Previous minutes approved
  • Ray gave a quick reminder to the community that the Summer Time ended this Europe this past weekend and the Daylight Saving Time ends in N. America this coming weekend, so people need to adjust meeting times accordingly.
  • Board meeting update: Tapio gave an update from the October 28th Board meeting.  The meeting kicked off with an update from the End User Advisory Group before proceeding with the joint TSC-Board meeting.  First a sample project health metrics were discussed, then Bryan Sullivan presented an update from the MANO Working Group.  Tapio led the discussion on the OPNFV Architecture, and there is an action item to discuss goals and vision for the Danube release as a follow-up to the architecture discussion in the December Board meeting.  Chris/Frank discussed collaboration opportunities with other networking projects in the LF (e.g., ODL, etc.) and they will be starting conversations with the Boards of other projects to come back to OPNFV with a proposal.  During the Certification & Compliance Committee report out, there was a consensus that there needs to be better alignment with other testing projects.  For the Strategic Planning Committee, a decision was made to dissolve the committee.  Other discussions were on OPNFV values & goals plus membership engagement.  On the OPNFV architecture, there was a good discussion on getting to the next level of detail and how the community can collaborate on this.  Tapio took an action item create a wiki page to start and will make an announcement on the mailing list.
  • Termination review for Resource Scheduler (RS): Mingjiang discussed the original motivation for RS but noted that it has not been active since during the Brahmaputra release.  So far no coding/documentation work has been done and a better home for this project maybe OpenStack.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved terminating the Resource Scheduler project.  
  • Graduation reviews: Ray noted that as OPNFV matures we should turn our attention to graduation reviews for our mature projects like functest and pharos.  All projects in OPNFV today are in an "incubation phase" and some of our projects would seem to qualify for graduation reviews.  The process for the graduation review is outlined in the Project Lifecycle page, and there was a discussion on what it means for a project to be in a "mature" stage.  Ray took an action item to continue this discussion on the mailing list.
  • Colorado + Danube planning and activities: David McBride notes that there was a discussion last week to postpone the Colorado 2.0 release to November 10th.  One of the scenarios planned for 2.0 is dependent on Fuel and the the Fuel team needs more time.  There is also a possibility of including an scenario with the delay.  There will be no changes to the Colorado 3.0 release.   The TSC acknowledged pushing the Colorado 2.0 release date to November 10th.  For Danube, Milestone 1 was last week and 34 projects have submitted their release plans.  The Movie project team expressed their intent to participate 2 days after the deadline, but the TSC had no objections to this.  There was a quick discussion on intercepting OpenStack-Ocata (scheduled for late Feb'17) by delaying the Danube release.  Ray took an action item to start a discussion on Ocata and the community's interest in OpenStack's Project Teams Gathering (PTG).  


MeetBot Minutes