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Meeting Archives: 2017/2016/2015/2014

Technical Steering Committee

Welcome to the OPNFV TSC page.

Information and materials relevant to the TSC are kept here, for information regarding OPNFV projects and releases please refer to those pages.

Technical Charter

TSC Procedures

TSC Meetings

Antitrust Compliance Notice


When (Normally): 6:00am - 7:00am Pacific Time (13:00-14:00 UTC 14:00-15:00 UTC Find your local time).

June 19, 2018


Call logistics (Zoom):


June 12, 2018



  • Previous two meeting minutes approved
  • Plugfest recap: Ray noted that there was a good collaboration with the ETSI community during the Plugfest and daily huddles are captured at  Heather recommended that for future co-located with event with ETSI, there'd be a better pre-planning between the two communities. 
  • Gambia release themes update: Tim Irnich shared slides that was created after the community session during the Plugfest last week.  Frank added that during the discussion with the LFN Governing Board (GB), perhaps more focus should be on OPNFV community's asks/requests to the GB. A suggestion was made to iterate over email and gather community feedback. 
  • OVP Update: Georg discussed OVP & OPNFV releases alignment plus scope of previous/next OVP releases.  Georg also wants to come back to the TSC in a few weeks for an approval of the next release of the Dovetail scope. Georg will list pointers to test cases that TSC members can review prior to approval in a few weeks. 
  • CD-based release process: Tim Irnich shared an update as captured in . There was a discussion if the new process would be similar to how ONAP projects operate today.  Tim added that the proposal is a starting point and wants to start a working group to address further details.  A question was raised if there's a need to differentiate between "release" of platform vs. application and will continue the discussion next week.
  • Release update: David mentioned that that Fraser 6.2 is on June 29th and MS3.0 (June 15th)/MS3.1 (June 29th) for Gambia are upcoming that installer teams need to work towards.  
  • LF IT/infra update: Trevor Bramwell gave a reminder on Intel labs downtime and that he is working with affected project teams. 

MeetBot Minutes

June 5, 2018



  • Update from the Plugfest: Ray noted that there's been good collaboration with the ETSI community and slides/notes from most sessions are available at Fraser Plugfest Schedule or Fraser Plugfest Learnings pages
  • Marketing update: Nan Zhou noted that the CFP deadline for ONS-Europe is in a few weeks.  Brandon will follow-up on speaker limits/session and project specific slots.  Brandon added that the demo submission deadline is in July.  Tim Irnich took an action item to start an email discussion to encourage submissions from OPNFV community.  
  • Workgroup updates: 
    • Cloud native: Wenjing noted that one of the recommendations from the group is to produce 2 k8s scenarios targeting much easier use by downstream.  Another is to allocate a long-lasting k8s pod.  The group also recommend asking all projects to adopt k8s, service mesh, CD, etc.  There was also a discussion on Pharos to produce an edge pod with cloud native stack, and Fu Qiao added that edge pod discussion is also planned during the Plugfest this week.  There was a consensus to visit progress against recommendations on a regular (e.g. quarterly) basis.  
    • CD-based release: Tim encouraged community members to review the presentation at the bottom of CD-based Release
    • Cross-community collaboration:  Ansible roles were discussed last week and the consensus is to discuss this with the ONAP community during their developer event in Beijing
  • Release update: David McBride noted that MS3.1 for Gambia is June 15th.  In addition, Fraser 6.2 is June 29th.  For 2019 releases, Hunter is the name for H-release and Iruya is the name for the I-release
  • LF IT/Infra update: Trevor Bramwell mentioned that upgrades went well last Friday and migration is schedule for June 22nd
  • Intel labs downtime is schedule for June 14-22 as noted in  

MeetBot minutes

May 29, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • XCI/OpenCI update: 
    • Fatih noted that for XCI there's progress on separation between XCI framework and scenarios.  CI evolution (e.g. patchset verification, post merge, etc.) and IDF/SDF/PDF are also continuing to make progress.  Finally, a number of k8s and OpenStack scenarios are now also part of XCI.  There was also a discussion on ONAP's plans for HEAT, and Tim Irnich took an action item to reach out to Gildas in the ONAP community to get more details.  
    • On OpenCI, Fatih noted that there's an opportunity to continue CI/CD discussions across different communities in OpenCI.  At OpenDev event last week, Fatih showed a prototype demo with ODL, ONAP, and OPNFV.  Fatih encouraged people involved in Edge, Cloud Native, and testing initiatives to get involved in OpenCI discussions.
  • OpenStack Fenix project: Tapio noted that Doctor team is looking for volunteers to get involved in Fenix and there will be discussion on Thursday's weekly call.  More details can be found at
  • Updates from 2018 Goals Working Groups: 
    • CD-based Release: Plan to make a presentation during next week's TSC.  
    • OVP evolution: Team is seeking feedback on (esp. the NFV features section). 
    • Edge: The team will have hacking/report out sessions during the Plugfest. 
    • Cloud native: Following discussions during last Thursday's Technical Discussions call, the team will come back to the TSC meeting next week
    • Cross-community collaboration: Fatih noted that there was a discussion with the OpenLab team during OpenStack Summit and possibility for collaboration on LaaS. 
  • Release update: 
    • David McBride noted that Fraser 6.1 release was May 25th and artifacts have been verified and will be posted on the downloads page tomorrow.  Gambia MS2 was also Friday and David is confirming MS compliance.  Poll for H & I release names is in progress and will close on Friday (June 1st).  
    • There are a couple of milestone exceptions requests for Daisy and Qtip teams (from ZTE) in addition to Orchestra (MS1) and ONOSFW (MS0 & MS1).  The TSC agreed to grant exception requests to all 4 projects.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: Aric/Trevor Bramwell mentioned that upgrade to CentOS 7.5 will be scheduled Friday afternoon Pacific Time.  There will also be upgrade to Jenkins 2.108.  On the migration, there was also an agreement from the TSC to go ahead with the migration in the 2H of June'2018.  
  • Update on Export Administration Regulations: There was a discussion on the impact on key projects like Pharos and Releng-testresults.  Tim Irnich/Ray took an action item to reach out to the committers of the two projects and see if anyone can step up to fill in as "temporary PTLs".  

MeetBot Minutes:

May 22, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Plugfest schedule update: Ray shared the latest event schedule at Fraser Plugfest Schedule
  • Updating the inventory of unmodified/3rd-party files: There was a quick discussion on email responses from project teams on the presence of commonly used 3-party libraries.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved inclusion of these 3rd party libraries in the OPNFV repo.  
  • Report out from the Cloud Native Working Group: The team have recommendations for several areas such as container management, container networking, micro-services support, etc. that are listed in the wiki page.  Discussion ensued and there was an agreement to have a deep dive session during Thursday's weekly call.  
  • Release update: David McBride gave a reminder that Gambia MS2 (test case documentation) is this Friday (25th).  A poll will be going out for naming H & I releases later in the week.  For MS exception reviews, David is looking for volunteers to be on the review team.  On Fraser 6.1 (May 25th), compass/fuel teams are working to resolve remaining issues and 43 scenarios are intending top participate in Fraser 6.1.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the release of Fraser 6.1 on May 25th.
  • LF IT/Infra update: On migration, there were questions on user passwords and attachments, and Ray took an action item to follow-up with the LF IT team.  

MeetBot Minutes

May 15, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Fraser launch update: Brandon mentioned that there were a number of pre-briefings with Tim Irnich and Heather and there was a good media pick up of key messages around cloud native and a good total media clip count (300). The marketing campaign helped drive traffic to, the software landing page, docs page, and to Brandon noted that most categories were roughly comparable to the Euphrates release.  Frank asked how these numbers compare to releases prior to Euphrates.  Brandon took the action item to get these numbers and post the slides on the wiki. DONE. See the Fraser rollup and release comparison slides
  • Updating the inventory of unmodified/3rd-party files: Ray shared the list of 3rd party files from the April license scan and there was a good discussion on why some fo these files (e.g. specialized fonts) are needed in OPNFV.  Ray noted that all PTLs are aware of presence of these files and that's why they all reside under the "3rd party" directory.  Ray took an action item to follow-up on the email thread with PTLs on why these files are needed in OPNFV.
  • LFN TAC meeting update: Tim Irnich summarized discussions from last week's TAC meeting on project representation at the LFN Governing Board (GB) and budget process.  
  • Updates from the 2018 Working Groups: 
    • CD release process: Not much progress, but this is a standing topic in the weekly release call
    • OVP: Kubi noted that the team has been working on feature priorities list for future releases ( and welcome community feedback.  There will also be a session at the Plugfest.   
    • Edge: Fu Qiao mentioned that the team started polling edge related projects in OPNFV and also figuring out collaboration with Akraino.  Trevor Cooper added that there's Akraino kick off at Intel this week plus numerous edge related sessions at OpenStack next week
    • Cloud Native: Wenjing noted that the team is meeting this week to finalize their documents and will be ready to present at next weeks TSC.  Ray will reserve 15-20 minutes for the Cloud Native team next week.  
    • Cross-community: Frank noted that the team is continuing to work with CNCF and ONAP communities.  (See plus  
  • Release update: David McBride mentioned that that MS1 for Gambia was last Friday (11th) with 35 projects participating.  There are 14 projects participating in CD release track plus 6 participating in both CD & traditional tracks.  Both Functest & Yardstick teams have concerns about supporting the CD release track and will likely be a challenge for Gambia.  Fraser 6.1 is May 25th and TSC will need to review the release status next week.  Nominations for H & I release names are continuing this week at 
  • LF IT/Infra update: Trevor Bramwell noted that there is a security update related to CentOS upgrade.  This will require reboot and plan is to do this maintenance after Fraser 6.1.  Ray proposed migration to of OPNFV mailing lists and the migration will take about an hour and all the archives/email addresses will be maintained.  There was a question is user passwords will carry over to and Rudy took an action item to investigate this. 

MeetBot Minutes

May 8, 2018



  • Previous two meeting minutes approved
  • Update on Fraser messaging: Heather noted that there were several briefings that she & Tim Irnich participated and there were positive coverage on Fraser.  Even at KubeCon, there was a lot of interest among CNCF communities around OPNFV's XCI and CI/CD work.  Will request Brandon to come back next week to provide more detailed updates on Fraser coverage
  • Reminder on Fraser release awards nomination & Plugfest:  A suggestion was made to extend the deadline for awards nomination to May 16th as many community members may be out this week.  
  • eNFV termination review: Prayson noted that there has not been any activity in the project for well over a year and there's also a new project Edge Cloud that is starting in OPNFV.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved termination of the eNFV project.
  • Committer list for Edge Cloud: Fu Qiao shared the committers list as they are listed in Edge cloud, and the TSC members agreed on the committers list as presented.
  • Updates from 2018 Goals Working Groups: Tim Irnich noted that the CD release group will recommend forming a working group to focus on the topic.  On cross-collaboration, Fatih/Frank mentioned that the focus has been on working with ONAP and CNCF.  Tim recommended using the Plugfest for community updates/discussions on working groups.
  • Release update: Ray gave a reminder that Fraser 6.1 May 25th and for Gambia the intent to participate & project plans are due May 11th.  On release naming for H & I releases, there was a consensus to rotate through Oceania and S. America respectively.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: Trevor Bramwell suggested reboots this Friday for Gerrit & Jenkins (post-build script) plug-ins.  
  • LFN GB update slides: There was a suggestion to add caveat on LaaS to note that it's still work-in-progress and include top messaging (cloud native and mature functionalities) for the Fraser release.  

MeetBot minutes

May 1, 2018


Meeting minutes: 

  • Fraser release update: Brandon noted that the marketing release of Fraser will go live today including PR, Tim Irnich's blog, downloads page, info graphics, etc. around 8am PT today.  Heather expressed her appreciation for community's work and noted that Fraser messaging was well received during Fraser briefings last week.
  • Updates from 2018 Goals Working Groups: 
    • CD release: Tim Irnich mentioned that he expects a report from the CD release team to be coming shortly
    • Edge: Trevor Cooper shared that recent activities has been to survey relevant project within OPNFV and see if there are gaps, opportunities for collaboration.  Notes have been captured at
    • Cloud Native: Brian Skerry noted that the group is working on several recommendations such as container management, container networking, cross-project collaboration, support for middle box, etc. 
    • Cross-project collaborations: Fatih reported that conversations have started with the ONAP community.  
  • Release update: David McBride mentioned that Fraser 6.1 date is May 25th.  For Gambia, 17 to 18 projects have expressed their intent to participate, and so far there's an even split on projects participating in traditional vs. CD release models.  David also gave a reminder that Gambia release plans should be completed by May 11th.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: On Jira federation with the LF, Thanh noted that both and ODL have already completed their federation with the LF.  There was an agreement for OPNFV to also do the federation with LF.  Trevor noted that there's a plan to upgrade JMS plug-in for Jenkins and reviewers plug-in for Gerrit this week.   

MeetBot minutes:

April 24, 2018



  • Previous two meeting minutes approvedd
  • OPNFV marketing update: Nan Zhou introduced his role as a TSC liaison in the OPNFV marketing working group.  Under MAC there are several working groups including ones focused on projects such as, ODL, ONAP, and OPNFV.  Brandon gave a quick overview of Fraser messaging including increased cloud native support, new maturity on testing, carrier grade features in monitoring, service assurance, networking/dataplance acceleration, adoption at operators, etc.  The draft materials will be distributed to the TSC for review prior to launch.  Nan also added that there is also a plan to enhance the OVP web assets.
  • Creation review for Edge Cloud: Fu Qiao noted that project discussion kicked off at ONS and and the goal is to address service requirements for "Edge" (e.g. limited space/power resources, light weight management, unattended, etc.) Fu Qiao also discussed several upstream communities such as OpenStack, Akraino, ONAP, ETSI, etc. that have different Edge initiatives.  The plan is to begin with requirement analysis, then define reference platform design while working with upstream communities plus developing test strategy.  There was also a discussion that the Edge HW spec is in the context of the Pharos project.  Fu Qiao also took an action item to trim down the committers list for the project.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the Edge Cloud project.  
  • Release update: David McBride first discussed the MS5 Exception Review request for the SFC project on the Compass installer, and the TSC agreed to grant an exception.  David also discussed that there's been an improvement in scenario status since last week and scenarios that are not ready for 6.0 could get themselves ready by 6.1 or 6.2.  David will also be confirming with scenario owners on 6.0 readiness.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the Fraser (6.0) release on April 27th.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: The TSC agreed to Jira federations with other LFN projects.   

MeetBot Minutes

April 17, 2018



  • Approval of previous meeting minutes deferred until next week when Unknown User (rpaik) has returned.
  • Frank Brockners added "TAC meeting update" to the agenda
  • Update from each Goals Working Group:
    • Cloud Native
      • Unknown User (wenjing) says that draft document has been generated that describes objectives and activities of Cloud Native group
    • Collaboration
      • Frank Brockners says that collaboration team is initially focused on ONAP and LaaS
    • Edge
      • Trevor Cooper  says that notes on Edge project can be found on etherpad
      • Qiao Fu says that there is a kickoff call tomorrow to discuss project proposal
        • there will also be a discussion during the weekly community technical discussion on 04/18
      • Unknown User (timirnich) wonders if the OPNFV Edge project will be sufficient to drive the topics in the TSC Edge group
    • Release
      • David McBride says that this will be an ongoing agenda item for the release meeting. TSC release group may provide direction for additional or alternative meetings.
    • OVP
  • TAC meeting
    • Frank Brockners says that there was a discussion about establishing criteria for accepting projects into LFN
    • TAC wants to establish project lifecycle, which will drive how projects are managed
    • TAC repo
    • discussion about board representation for projects (e.g., OPNFV, ONAP, ODL, etc)
    • Unknown User (timirnich) emphasizes that TAC meetings are open to everybody
    • Unknown User (timirnich) says that participation in the TAC had direct impact on individual projects
  • Release update
  • IT/Infra update

Meetbot Minutes:

April 10, 2018



  • Approval of previous meeting minutes: Minutes of previous two meetings approved
  • Vote on the TSC Charter Update: Ray discussed updates made based on community feedback.  There was a suggestion to PDF the community elections procedures page and post it under  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the new TSC Charter and the community elections procedure reflecting OPNFV's move to merit-based TSC.
  • OPNFV 2018 goals and TSC backlog: Tim Irnich noted that a couple of work groups already started populating their wiki pages and there will be regular updates on the TSC call as a standing agenda item.  
  • Plugfest update: Ray noted that the planning page has been created and there is a group of volunteers for the programming committee.  The plan is to limit to 3 simultaneous tracks.  There was also a consensus to  investigate co-locating the Gambia release Plugfest with ONAP's developer event in December.  
  • Release update: David McBride noted that there has not been sufficient progress post stable branch.  There was an agreement to have another checkpoint on the Fraser release during Weekly Technical Community meeting on April 12th.  Intent to participate for the Gambia release will kick off on April 13th.
  • LF IT/infra update: Trevor Bramwell noted that Jira/Etherpad upgrade was successfully completed over the weekend.  

MeetBot Minutes:

April 3, 2018



  • Approval of previous minutes: due to audio issues last week, votes from the previous meeting will be re-done and approval of minutes will be done next week
    • Via IRC vote, the TSC approved MS6 exception for the Clover project.  
  • TSC Charter update reminder: Ray encouraged community members to review the TSC Charter update ( prior to the vote next week
  • OPNFV 2018 goals and TSC backlog: Wenjing noted that the goal is to identify TSC owners for major activity items with the view of team report outs on a regular basis.  Wenjing also encouraged volunteers to start meeting/discussions and document progress on the wiki (Ray took an action item to create a new wiki page for this)
  • Release update: 
    • Fraser: David McBride noted that there's about 60% reporting for MS7 and is following up with other projects.  
    • Gambia: There has been discussion on having a parallel track for Continuous Delivery in addition to traditional release milestones. Fatih noted that a project can decide to participate in one or both release tracks, and there was a discussion on limiting the participation to a small number of projects in Gambia so we can figure out the details for this "parallel track"
    • Via IRC vote, the TSC approved a choice of two release procedures for the Gambia release. This will include the traditional OPNFV release process, as well as a new release process based on continuous delivery. Projects will have the choice to participate in one or both processes.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: Trevor Bramwell gave a reminder that there will be an upgrade of Jira/Etherpad this Saturday (April 7th) at 10:30am Pacific Time.  

MeetBot Minutes:

March 27, 2018



[NOTE:  All votes from this meeting as captured in the MeetBot is to be re-done in future meetings.  Due to audio issue in the meeting room at ONS, remote TSC members were not able to fully participate in the TSC meeting.] 

  • Previous minutes approved
  • LF IT/infra update: Trevor Bramwell gave a reminder on Jira/Etherpad upgrade
  • MS6 exception review for Clover: Stephen Wong noted that the plan is to get caught up with both MS6 & MS7 by March 30 and the preliminary documentation is already complete.  The milestone exception review team also reviewed the exception request and there were no objections.  
  • Release update: David McBride noted that MS7 is this Friday (for stable branch) and there's a new process where the branch is initiated by PTLs and Trevor Bramwell has created documentations.  David aded that a new release process starting with the H-release was discussed at ONS and the proposal is to stay with the same release process for the Gambia release.  Fatih noted that it'd be good to have an avenue for projects to follow the XCI model (vs. requiring all projects to stick with the traditional release process).  There was a good discussion on creating "parallel" tracks for projects and David McBride and Fatih will propose an alternative track (following the XCI model)by the next TSC call.
  • Recap and way forward - OPNFV 2018 goals and TSC backlog: Tim Irnich noted that he wants to move the discussion forward by forming "task force" on key items on the etherpad.  Tim wants to ensure that TSC members are involved in key items but participation will be open top everyone.  Interested TSC members can add their names next to topics on the etherpad
  • OPNFV internship update: Ray gave an update on completed/on-going OPNFV internship projects and added that there's budget for internships across all LFN projects in 2018.  There's also budget for intern travel, but this is based satisfactory grade from mentors at the end of the internship.
  • AoB: Ray mentioned that new TSC charter text with merit-based composition will be distributed for review and voting will be done in ~2 weeks.  

MeetBot Minutes:

March 20, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved.  
  • TSC rep. replacement: Dave Neary will be taking on a new role and is recommending Tim Rozet to take his place.  The TSC agreed that Tim Rozet will be the new TSC representative from Red Hat for the remainder of the term.
  • TSC meeting time: Tim Irnich noted that since there will be a large contingent of TSC members at ONS next week we re-schedule the TSC meeting to 9am Pacific Time in the OPNFV Breakout room (K-Town)
  • PDF/IDF and dynamic CI introduction: Julien noted that PDF/IDF have been released for Fuel/MCP and Daisy while other installers' work is in progress. On PDF, there have been communications with all Pharos lab owners although 4 lab owners have not been responsive.   Proposed final dates for PDF creation is April 15th and June 15th for installers to use PDF/IDF.  There were also good discussions on applicability of PDF/IDF to other communities and that PDF could be extended to other non-Pharos configurations in the future. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the PDF spec 1.0 as mandatory baseline for CI in Pharos pods and the three staged introduction time plan.  
  • Releng graduation review: Fatih noted that Releng is the first infra project going through a graduation review and project has been a community-wide effort from the beginning.  There has been good progress on scaling CI, common tooling/utilities, and XCI.  Current focous is on CI evolution, 3rd party/dynamic CI, XCI framework/scenario on-boarding.  Going forward, there's a need to work on release process improvement, scenario consolidation, 3r party CI with, investigate new tools, etc.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved graduation of Releng as a mature project.
  • Release update: David McBride noted that MS6 was March 16th and there are still ~10 projects that have not met MS6 requirements as of today.  There's also an MS6 exception request from Clover.  David also discussed changes he wants to propose beginning with the H-release.  First, David wants to reduce the time following the OpenStack release for the OPNFV release and increase the time between MS3 and MS5. The proposal is to start the "intent to participate" to 2 weeks prior to OpenStack release and collapse MS3.1 and 3.2.  This may require dropping point release(s) for Gambia.  As time was running out, proposal is to communicate this further in the mailing list and potentially discuss at the next TSC meeting.  

MeetBot Minutes:

March 13, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Update on LFN certification & complaince discussion: Chris Donley summarized discussion on LFN-level compliance program and stated that the goal is to be responsive to individual technical communities, be transparent, share work across communities, etc.  There would be common legal framework, infra, tool chain, etc.  However, there would be differences in each community for test plans/tools and individual TSCs would be responsible for approving test content.  The LFN-level compliance committee would be responsible for the test framework.  Chris also added that there has already been collaboration between OPNFV and ONAP on using Dovetail's framework for VNF testing.  
  • Exemption from strict API validation in Dovetail/OVP: Georg shared additional attribute examples as a follow up from the last meeting.  Trevor Cooper added that the purpose of OVP is to test platform capabilities (vs. API compliance).  Exemption will be valid for 1 year and only two exemptions are possible per product.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved he exemption process for strict API response validation in OVP.
  • Update on Strategic work items in TSC: Tim Irnich reviewed the current draft of the 2018 Goals page.  There was a good discussion on adding more details on upstream collaboration, new initiatives, etc.

MeetBot Minutes:

March 6, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Final check on TSC composition: There was a discussion on the TSC composition as summarized on the wiki page, and feedback from a number of people on election timeframe is to maintain the September schedule.  Ray has an action item to start working with the TSC to update the charter and come back to the TSC for a vote.
  • Exemption proposal in Dovetail for strict API validation: Georg noted that strict API validation topic has been discussed both within Dovetail team and the C&C committee.  This is related to validation in Tempest tests for Nova and the proposal is to allow Nova tests to pass if tested functionality is supported by relaxing the Strict API validation.  OpenStack had similar exemption process for about a year in 2016.  If approved, the Dovetail team will make this a service release of OVP 2018.01 and there's no proposal for an end date for the exemption process.  Georg took an action item to outline examples on the wiki or patch and will return to the TSC.
  • Strategic work items in TSC: There was a good discussion on items that have been added to the Etherpad and there were suggestions to add new items such as Edge Cloud and "OPNFV installer".  A comment was also made that there needs to be action/results beyond agreements.  The Etherpad will remain open, but a new wiki page will be created re-organize/summarize the information on the Etherpad.  
  • Release update: David McBride noted that MS5 was on March 2nd and overall there's been good compliance while he follows-up on a few scenarios.  MS6 is next Friday (March 16th) for preliminary documentation and test cases.  David also discussed pulling in MS7 (stable branch) a week and added that there has been no objections from the community (esp. installer teams).  The TSC agreed to pulling in MS7 to March 30th.
  • LF IT/Infra update: Trevor Bramwell noted that Jenkins plugin update completed last week and there are no planned maintenance.  
  • NFV Interoperability Certification Program: There was a discussion on the program and Wenjing added that MAC is aware of the program, but this is a "private" program among members.  

MeetBot Minutes:

February 27, 2018



  • Previous two meeting (February 13th & 20th) minutes approved
  • TSC composition, proposed metrics for active contributor: There was a discussion to focus on community contributions on Git/Gerrit/Jira/wiki while giving an opportunity for PTLs to appeal if anyone falls through the cracks based on metrics.  Rossella made a suggestion to document the appeals process.  Ray took an action item to update the TSC composition wiki page prior to the next TSC meeting.
  • LFN Developer Forum: Tim Irnich discussed that TAC representatives agreed to increase the number of plenary session slots from 12 to 20 and the TAC representatives will be grading the 33 session proposals.  Tim also encouraged community members to add topics for OPNFV breakout sessions at
  • C-RAN creation review: Changming notes that one of the goal of the project is to consolidate compute resources to run radio access function in data center.  There are "sub-projects" including RAN-VNF, analysis of requirements for a shared platform for MEC and RAN use-cases, and architecture design for hardware acceleration for RAN.  There was a discussion if there are additional hardware requirements to existing Pharos labs and Changming noted that focus this year will be mostly on requirements gathering.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved creation of the C-RAN project. 
  • Strategic work items in the TSC: Tim Irnich will be setting a separate meeting to follow-up on the email discussion on this topic prior to the next TSC call.  Tim will also share an Etherpad that community members can review and add feedback.  
  • Release update: David McBride noted that MS5 is March 2nd where Jenkins jobs need to be created for all scenarios.  For MS6 (March 16th), test cases and preliminary documentations also need to be completed.

MeetBot Minutes:

February 20, 2018



  • Approval of minutes deferred until next week due to Ray's absence.
  • Unknown User (parkerberberian)  gave a presentation on the status of LaaS, and then shared a mockup of the proposed dashboard.  
  • Unknown User (timirnich) led a review of the draft 2018 OPNFV goals.  Tim took an action to check with Unknown User (phrobb) on the timeline for goals/budget input.
  • David McBride said that Fraser has two important milestones in the next few weeks.  MS5 is scheduled for March 2, which requires scenario owners to complete scenario integration.  MS6 is scheduled for March 16, which requires implementation of documented test cases. In addition, projects are required to complete preliminary documentation.
  • Trevor Bramwell said that the Jenkins update was successfully completed.  In addition, Confluence was updated, and includes a new feature that enhances collaboration on documents.
  • Unknown User (timirnich) provided a recap of the TSC composition discussion.  Tim said that he would like to set the bar lower than the 50 - 100 contributions that Unknown User (rpaik) suggested last week.  Unknown User (dneary) asserted that contribution quality should be taken into consideration, in addition to contribution quantity.  Unknown User (blsaws) suggested that we should run analytics on the vote to determine if the process works properly.  Bryan also said that we should consider also using meeting attendance as a metric. Agreed on minimum contribution proposal of 20 contributions.

MeetBot Minutes:

February 13, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • TAC update: Tim gave an update from yesterday's first TAC call including TAC goals/missions, elections (GB representatives/Chair), future meetings (bi-weekly/open meetings), face-to-face meeting at ONS, process for budget requests.  Technical community budgets will be based on goals that are communicated to the LFN Governing Board.
  • LFN Developer Forum at ONS: Tim noted that a group of volunteers (incl. Dave Neary, Wenjing, Fatih, and Ray) met to start planning discussions on the developer forum.  The deadline to add plenary topic suggestions in February 23rd.  
  • OPNFV 2018 goals and budget needs: While reviewing the budget item, there was a suggestion to call out the LaaS hosting costs.  There was also a good discussion on events for the OPNFV community.  Heather added that there will be an OPNFV sub-group under the MAC (Marketing Advisory Council) and made a suggestion to focus on community goals vs. individual budget items.  
  • Release update: David McBride noted that MS5 (scenario integration + feature freeze) is coming up on March 2nd and will need to see Jenkins jobs by this date.  MS6 is two weeks later and includes preliminary documentation.
  • LF IT/Infra update: There were upgrades done to Gerrit/Confluence over the weekend.  In addition, Jenkins upgrade is ready to go after 3 weeks of testing.  The TSC agreed with moving forward with the Jenkins upgrade.
  • TSC composition: Ray shared the data on 2017 contributors across OPNFV tools including Git, Gerrit, Jira, and wiki.  There was a good discussion on using a threshold of 50 vs. 100 for a "union of contributions" across the tools.  As time was running out, suggestions were made to continue the discussion over email.  

MeetBot Minutes: 

February 6, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Update on OPNFV Verified Program (OVP): Chris Donley noted that OVP will launch today with Huawei, Nokia, Wind River, and ZTE being the first group to receive OPNFV Verified logos.  Discussion has also started on cross LFN compliance programs and there will be a bi-weekly meeting on Wednesdays starting next week. Chris is happy to include anyone interested in these meeting calls.
  • Docs Hacking report out: Sofia reported that ~20 people from 6 sites participated in Docs hacking last week and the list of work items are captured at  Tim Irnich suggested repeating the event in the future, also for other things than docs (e.g. bug scrubbing).  
  • TSC member backfill: There is a proposal to have Trevor Copper backfill for Maryam in the TSC for the remainder of her term during maternity leave.  The TSC agreed to the proposal.
  • LFN TAC update: Tim Irnich noted that the first LFN TAC meeting is on February 12th.  There was a good discussion on potential topics including events and budget.  Ray took an action item to start a wiki page listing budget items for OPNFV technical community in the past.  Ray will also find out if TAC meetings will be open to everyone.  
  • LFN Developer Forum: There was a discussion on ONS registration discount for developers plus re-organizing Developer Forum planning pages across wiki's.  Dave Neary, Wenjing, and Fatih volunteered to help curate/review proposals for the Developer Forum.        
  • Release update: David McBride noted that MS 3.2 were completed for installers last week and MS5 (scenario integration & feature freeze) is March 2nd.  David asked community members to report any stability issues prior to MS5.  David is also working on a proposal for Gambia release process. 
  • LF IT/infra update: Aric discussed that updates to the Gerrit page to add OPNFV logo plus links for OPNFV tools will require a reboot to Gerrit during the next maintenance period and the TSC agreed to moving forward with this.


MeetBot Minutes:

January 30, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • TSC member backfill: Ray confirmed that a TSC member can propose an alternate/replacement that the TSC members can vote on if that's what TSC decides to do.  The TSC agreed to vote on an alternate TSC member proposed by Maryam for the remainder of her term.
  • OPNFV Verified Program (OVP) launch update: Chris Donley noted that the plan is to launch OVP on February 6th and beta participants are re-submitting their results.  Brandon added that one of the reasons for not launching this week is that there was a desire to space out news from the LFN launch last week.  Press release draft will be circulated among marketing plus C&C committee members and there will also be a blog post penned by Chris Donley.  Chris added that the community is in early stages of discussion regarding the "second release" for OVP
  • Release update: David McBride mentioned that MS3.2 (pass health check for sdn-based scenario) is this week and installer teams are on track for the milestone.  The next major milestone is MS5 (scenario integration) on March 2nd.
  • LF IT/infra update: Trevor Bramwell noted that that Jenkins server testing will continue this week.  There was also mailing list queues yesterday and this had been fixed (no mails have been lost).  Aric discussed the patch to easily identify PTLs from INFO files and that this will be discussed on Thursday's Technical Discussion call for community feedback.  The purpose of this is to only allow PTLs to update information on the TestAPI.
  • Update on Apex installer: Dave Neary discussed that Apex team would like to move towards XCI-like model (pointing to the tip of trunk) and had discussions with a number of PTLs plus David McBride.  There was a discussion that we're in the middle of the Fraser release cycle and there is a potential impact on the release.  A question was raised if the transition can wait until Fraser stable branch is cut (in case there's a big risk in moving from OpenStack Pike to Queen).  Tim Rozet added that Apex has the ability to deploy different versions of OpenStack and ODL. Versions can be supplied in the deploy settings file, and artifacts will be downloaded at deploy time from upstream. Also, upstream OpenStack Gerrit patches can be provided which will be automatically pulled in and applied during deployment.  A discussion ensued on a need to vote on a version of OpenStack (or other upstream components) for an OPNFV release.  A suggestion was made to the Apex team to come back to the TSC to report on impact to existing projects with a new approach.  In addition, there will be a separate/broader discussion on OPNFV releases going forward. 


MeetBot Minutes:

January 23, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Quick update: Ray gave a quick update on a plan to migrate to Zoom as a conferencing tool and planning for the Developer Forum at ONS.  Ray took an action item to clarify the registration process for the Developer Forum.  
  • TSC community member backfill: There was a discussion on a process for back filling Maryam as a TSC member when she leaves for a maternity leave.  Ray took an action item to look into the new governing documents.  
  • Scenario consolidation: Rossella volunteered to continue the work on scenario consolidation.  Rossella discussed generic vs. specific scenarios and proposed picking a generic candidate to do a POC with an installer.   One candidate is OS+no-sdn with variables for OVS, OVS-DPDK,, Barometer, HA.  Discussion ensued and there was a consensus to get started on the POC (with volunteers from installers) and report back to the TSC.  
  • Release update: David McBride noted compliance verifications have been completed for MS3.1 and MS4.  MS 3.2 (next installer health check) is February 2nd.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: No maintenance schedule, and Aric took an action item to add the OPNFV logo on the Gerrit page. 
  • OVS4NFV termination review: Dave Neary reported that the OVS4NFV project accomplished its goal as a project in OPNFV and decided in July to stop producing artifacts.  All work done in OVS4NFV has been committed upstream to OVS or OVS-DPDK.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved termination of the OVS4NFV project.  


MeeetBot Minutes:

January 16, 2018



  • Previous minutes approved
  • Docs hacking day: Sofia announced that a Docs hacking day is planned for February 1st starting at 08:30 CET.  In addition to conference rooms in Kista (Ericsson) and Espoo (Nokia), remote participation will be possible via WebEx.  Tim Irnich encourage other community members to provide conference rooms for in person collaboration.  Ray also took an action item to create a wiki page for the the event [post meeting note: wiki page created at Docs Hacking]
  • Developer Forum at ONS: Ray noted that the LFN Developer Forum is scheduled for all day Monday (March 26th) and Tuesday (March 27th) morning prior to ONS kicking off in the afternoon of the 27th.  The focus will be on cross community collaboration and when discussing proposed tracks, a suggestion was to cross post this information to all communities' (e.g., ODL, ONAP, OPNFV, etc.) mailing lists.  Ray will also provide an update when wiki pages are setup.  
  • Release update: David McBride noted that there's a full compliance on MS4 (test framework ready) with the exception of Yardstick and he's following up with the team.  Also MS 3.1 (health check for nosdn-nofeature) is today.
  • LF IT/infra update: Trevor Bramwell noted that testing for Jenkins upgrade is in progress and will be reviewed at the next Infra WG call.  Rudy added that there will be reboots in the next few weeks as Meltdown/Specter related maintenance are performed.
  • OPNFV Verified Program (OPV): Chris Donley discussed that OVP received all necessary OPNFV Board approval and legal committee review and a heads-up will be given to the LFN Board on the OVP launch and seek approval for the OPNFV C&C Committee to continue operating to manage the OVP (the scope of the program will be limited to OPNFV).  There will be a separate discussion on the future of compliance program under the LFN.

MeetBot Minutes: 

January 9, 2018



  • Previous two meeting minutes approved
  • LFN TAC representation: There was a discussion on TAC representation from OPNFV.  For the first 12 months, TAC members consist of Platinum designates plus representatives from each project (e.g. OPNFV, ODL, ONAP, etc.).  Tim Irnich noted that he's willing to serve as the OPNFV representative as he's interested in fostering better collaboration across LFN projects.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved Tim serving as the TAC representative from OPNFV while he's the TSC Chair.   
  • Release update: David McBride gave a reminder on upcoming milestones.  First, MS4 (test framework ready) is January 12th and for MS3.1 (passing health check) he proposed pushing this out to January 16th as 15th is a holiday in the US.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: Trevor Bramwell noted that the Jenkins upgrade testing is in progress with pods from LF and ZTE and expects tests to continue for another couple of weeks.
  • Domino termination review: Ulas discussed that no one from the community has stepped forward to work on the project after he announced that he was stepping down as a PTL a few months ago.  There are also no other active committers/contributors to the project.  There was a good discussion on reaching out to the ONAP community to see if they can leverage Domino project's work.  Via IRC vote, the TSC approved termination of the Domino project.  
  • ONS update: Tim Irnich encouraged community members to submit proposals by the CFP deadline on January 14th.  Brandon added that when community members make submissions, they can also forward the information to so they can track OPNFV community submissions.  There will also be an LFN booth during ONS to highlight community's work.  

MeetBot Minutes: 

January 2, 2018



  • Q3'17 projects health data: Ray presented the Q3 projects health data and noted that a number of inactive projects will be coming forward for termination reviews.  Ray noted that there's a concern with a decline in active contributors in the past few quarters and a suggestion was made to re-visit members' contributions once the Q4 data is available.  
  • Release update: David McBride reminded the community of MS3.1 on Jan. 15th (installers to pass health-check with no-sdn/no-features).  David also noted that he's also considering pulling is MS 3 dates for future releases.  MS4 (test framework ready) is also January 12th.  
  • LF IT/Infra update: Ray noted that there was another spam attack on OPNFV IRC channels and this is being investigated.
  • "Active Contributor" discussion: Bin noted that there will be a discussion during this week's Weekly Technical Discussion call to define an "active contributor" in order to move away from committers-only elections.  Dave Neary added that the goal is to have a broader constituency moving forward.  

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