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Meeting Archives: 2018/2017/2016/2015/2014

Technical Steering Committee

Welcome to the OPNFV TSC page.

Information and materials relevant to the TSC are kept here, for information regarding OPNFV projects and releases please refer to those pages.

TSC Meetings


When (Normally): 6:00am - 7:00am Pacific Time (13:00-14:00 UTC 14:00-15:00 UTC Find your local time).

Feb 12, 2019


  • Approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Agenda bashing
  • Chair Report Unknown User (bh526r)
  • Marketing Update Brandon Wick
    • Booth demo proposal deadline reminder - Feb 13
  • Intern Program Process Update David McBride
  • Termination Review Update
  • Code and Release Quality Improvement Cristina PaunaUnknown User (bh526r)
    • etherpad
    • Improve project's info accuracy
      • Scan the projects of inactive committers and confirm with the PTLs that they can be removed, then proceed with the removal procedure
    • Improve gerrit best practices
      • Enforce the practices that can be done via Jenkins (e.g., prohibit merging own patches)
    • Use Functest to verify installer patches
      • By running a subset of the Functest tests for all patches made on installers before they are merged we make sure basic functionality is not broken by patches
      • Implemented, but recommend adapting as formal policy
      • Expand to feature projects
      • Document the procedure to disable the verify jobs: an approval from the Release manager or TSC should be required
    • Reduce the time it takes for running the tests
      Parallel testing (run in parallel tests from the same tier or run tiers in parallel)Note that Cristina is unavailable this week, so we are deferring this topic to the following week.
  • Release update: David McBride
  • LF IT/Infra update: Unknown User (agardner)Trevor Bramwell
  • Action Item Review
    • Jira
      serverOPNFV JIRA
      jqlQueryproject = TSC AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY key

Call logistics (Zoom):

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :
    US: +16465588656,,716473820# or +16699006833,,716473820# 
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
        US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 855 880 1246 (Toll Free) or +1 877 369 0926 (Toll Free)
    Meeting ID: 716 473 820
    International numbers available:


Feb 5, 2019


  • Approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Agenda bashing
  • Chair Report Unknown User (bh526r)
    • TAC Meeting - Jan 30
    • Rescheduling of weekly technical discussion
      • Choices:
        • stay with current time:  6 a.m. PST, Thurs
          • Manuel and Frank have conflict
          • Conflicts with ONAP TSC
        • 7 a.m. PST, Monday
          • Conflicts with CVC bi-weekly 
        • 7 a.m. PST, Friday
          • Difficult for APAC (11 p.m.)
  • Termination Review
    • JOID 
      • Vote text: "Does the TSC approve of the proposal to terminate the JOID project? (+1, 0, -1)"
    • Bamboo 
      • Vote text: "Does the TSC approve of the proposal to terminate the Bamboo project? (+1, 0, -1)"
  • Code and Release Quality Improvement Cristina PaunaUnknown User (bh526r)
    • etherpad
    • Improve project's info accuracy
      • Scan the projects of inactive committers and confirm with the PTLs that they can be removed, then proceed with the removal procedure
    • Improve gerrit best practices
      • Enforce the practices that can be done via Jenkins (e.g., prohibit merging own patches)
    • Use Functest to verify installer patches
      • By running a subset of the Functest tests for all patches made on installers before they are merged we make sure basic functionality is not broken by patches
      • Implemented, but recommend adapting as formal policy
      • Expand to feature projects
      • Document the procedure to disable the verify jobs: an approval from the Release manager or TSC should be required
    • Reduce the time it takes for running the tests
      • Parallel testing (run in parallel tests from the same tier or run tiers in parallel)
  • Release update: David McBride
  • LF IT/Infra update: Unknown User (agardner)Trevor Bramwell
  • Action Item Review
    • Jira
      serverOPNFV JIRA
      jqlQueryproject = TSC AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY key


Jan 29, 2019


  • Approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Agenda bashing
  • Chair Report Unknown User (bh526r)
    • Update on strategy discussion
    • Change of date for weekly technical discussion.
    • Update on Developer Event before ONS-NA
  • Booth demo discussion.
    • email request for proposals
    • Review etherpad submissions
    • Demo staffing (co-manager, presenters, need full-time booth support)
    • Selection process Brandon Wick
  • TAC representation. Unknown User (bh526r)
    • Jira
      serverOPNFV JIRA
    • Technical Charter (para 2(g))
    • Does the TSC agree with Bin's proposal that the TSC Chair will be the TAC representative for OPNFV?
  • Intern discussion. David McBride
  • Release update: David McBride
    • Gambia v7.2
    • Hunter MS3.1
  • LF IT/Infra update: Unknown User (agardner)Trevor Bramwell
  • Community Election procedure update
    • Jira
      serverOPNFV JIRA
    • Vote text: "Does the TSC approve the change to the community election procedure as described in TSC-4? (+1, 0, -1)"
  • Action Item Review
    • Jira
      serverOPNFV JIRA
      jqlQueryproject = TSC AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY key


  • Approval of minutes
    • No comments - minutes approved
  • Update on strategy discussion 
  • Change to weekly technical discussion 
  • informal gathering before ONS 
  • Booth demo discussion 
    • etherpad
    • #22658  
    • Brandon Wick reviews booth demo proposal requirements
      • Submissions due by Feb 13 
      • Demo managers will need to get passes for themselves and their team.
      • Each demo manager should plan on a team in order to provide coverage at the booth for all open hours.
      • Preference is for "real world" use cases and those that are cross-project and/or include a carrier.
      • David McBride reminds proposal owners to respond to email from Brandon Wick in addition to etherpad documentation
    • VSPERF Demo (proposal #1) review
      • Sridhar says that the idea is to go beyond performance measurement and do causation analysis 
    • OpenStack rolling upgrade demo (proposal #2) review
    • LaaS demo (proposal #3) review
  • TAC representation 
    • #4967  
    • David McBride found that the charter already says that the TAC representative may be the TSC chair, or any other member of the TSC, as designated by the TSC.  So, no additional documentation of the TAC representative is necessary.
    • The TSC approves of the proposal that the TSC Chair will be the TAC representative 
  • Intern discussion 
    • David McBride says that we are limited to 3 interns this year, therefore, we will need to be more selective about which intern proposals get selected.
    • We will implement a plan to solicit, review, and select proposals.  Details will be presented to the TSC in the coming weeks.
  • Release update 
    • Gambia 7.2 went live on Monday, Jan 28 
    • Still reviewing status of Hunter MS3.1.  Unknown User (trozet)reports that Apex is currently meeting those requirements.
  • IT/Infra update 
    • Jenkins upgrade on Weds, Jan 30 
    • Gerrit migration and system reboots to be scheduled for Feb 13th 
  • Community election procedure 
    • Note:  Last week,Cedric Ollivier requested more time to review the proposed change before today's vote, but then was unable to attend the meeting.  However, David McBride had an email exchange with Cedric before the meeting, who indicated that he had reviewed the change and would have voted to approve it, had he attended the meeting.
    • The TSC approves the change to the community election procedure as described in TSC-4.
  • Action item review
    • Reviewed one new action item:  
      serverOPNFV JIRA
    • Closed three action items: TSC-2, TSC-4, and TSC-8.

Jan 22, 2019


  • Approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Agenda bashing
  • Chair Report Unknown User (bh526r)
    • No report this week.
  • Booth demo discussion.
  • Release update: David McBride
    • Gambia v7.2
    • Hunter MS3.1
  • LF IT/Infra update: Unknown User (agardner)Trevor Bramwell
  • Community Election procedure update
    • Jira
      serverOPNFV JIRA
    • Vote text: "Does the TSC approve the change to the community election procedure as described in TSC-4? (+1, 0, -1)"
  • Action Item Review
    • Jira
      serverOPNFV JIRA
      jqlQueryproject = TSC AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY key


  • Approval of minutes
    • No comments - minutes approved
  • Booth Demo discussion 
    • Brandon Wick sent an email with info last week 
    • seeking demos that are endorsed by a service provider 
    • seeking demos with cross-project collaboration/content 
    • proposal should include a commitment from a specified demo manager 
    • proposal authors should respond to Brandon's email and document the proposal in the etherpad
  • Release Update 
    • Gambia 7.2 this week
      • download page will go live on Jan 29
    • Hunter MS3.1
  • IT/Infra update
    • Trevor Bramwell says that the plan is to upgrade Jenkins following the Gambia 7.2 release 
    • Gerrit migration put on hold pending further analysis on the best approach to complete the task 
    • Cedric Ollivier asks about updates to Python 3.6
    • Trevor Bramwell says that it depends on the OS status.  Trevor will look into the issue and get back to Cedric
  • Community election procedure
    • Vote deferred to next week to allow time for further review
  • Action Item Review
    • TSC-2 - Unknown User (bh526r) will propose that the TSC chair be the TC representative. Will start email thread. 
    • David McBride to look into where TAC representation should be documented 
    • David McBride sats that TSC-8 may be resolved by resolution to TSC-4
  • AoB 

Jan 15, 2019


  • Approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Agenda bashing
  • Chair Report Unknown User (bh526r)
    • No report this week.
  • Marketing Update Brandon Wick
    • ONS North America - April 3 - 5
      • CFP for ONS - Jan 21
      • ONS NA will follow similar format to Amsterdam
      • Interest in OPNFV developer event at ONS NA?
  • Release update: David McBride
    • Gambia v7.2
    • Hunter MS3.1
  • LF IT/Infra update: Unknown User (agardner)Trevor Bramwell
    • Schedule of updates to be sent out this week:
      • Gerrit migration to Cloud
      • Jenkins Upgrade
  • Community Election procedure update
    • Jira
      serverOPNFV JIRA
    • Vote text: "Does the TSC approve the change to the community election procedure as described in TSC-4? (+1, 0, -1)"
  • Action Item Review
    • Jira
      serverOPNFV JIRA
      jqlQueryproject = TSC AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY key


  • Approval of minutes
    • No comments - minutes approved
  • Marketing Update 
    • Brandon Wick shares a slide deck 
    • Notice of CFPs closing soon for KubeCon Europe and ONS North America. 
      • KubeCon CFP due Jan 18 
      • ONS NA CFP due Jan 21 
    • LFN reception has not yet been decided for KubeCon Europe 
    • ONS NA will have a similar format to last fall's ONS EU in Amsterdam 
    • Brandon Wick will start collecting ideas for demos at LFN booth on Jan 16
    • Unknown User (bh526r) suggests an agenda item for the weekly discussion meeting and the next TSC meeting to discuss ideas for booth demos 
    • Qiao Fu asks about mini-summit at KubeCon. Brandon says that he will have more info after the MAC meets in the next week or two. 
    • David McBride suggests having Brandon Wick provide an update to the TSC after the MAC meets.
  • Release Update 
    • The TSC agrees to delay the release of Gambia 7.2 one week to Jan 25 
  • IT/Infra Update 
  • Community election procedure update 
  • Action Item Review
    • Closed TSC-7

Jan 8, 2019

Note:  In addition to the usual Zoom conference, we will have a F2F at PlugFest.



  • Approval of minutes
    • No comments - minutes approved
  • Agenda bashing
  • Chair Report
    • Unknown User (bh526r) provides an update to the TSC on the strategy development.
      • Unknown User (bh526r) says that the board provided feedback on OPNFV during presentation in December:
        • better alignment between TSC and marketing 
        • focus on OVP 
      • Unknown User (bh526r) describes progress on strategy during weekly technical discussion meetings
      • Additional discussion took place during infra working group meeting in December
  • IT/Infra update
  • Release update
    • The requirements for Hunter 3.0 have been collapsed into MS3.1, which is scheduled for Jan 18 
    • Frank Brockners asks about progress on the new release process
      • Frank points out that projects have been making use of continuous release for nearly a year without a process
      • David McBride says that the Release Process Working Group has been making slow progress.
  • TSC Jira process(dmcbride, 15:07:03)
  • Action Item review(dmcbride, 15:08:01)
    • Closed TSC-12 as no longer relevant

Jan 1, 2019 (cancelled)

Table of Contents
