
This document provides concepts and procedures for deploying an NFVi with Airship 1 Installer in a bare metal infrastructure.

This document includes the following content:

Air-pod01 in the LaaS lab is used to deploy reference NFVi. Therefore, the examples in this document are based on the hardware profile of air-pod01. Instructions are either referenced (to the upstream document) or provided (in this document) so that the reader can modify the settings of the hardware profile and/or software stack accordingly.


Airship is a collection of loosely coupled and interoperable open source tools that declaratively automate cloud provisioning.

Airship is a robust delivery mechanism for organizations who want to embrace containers as the new unit of infrastructure delivery at scale. Starting from raw bare metal infrastructure, Airship manages the full lifecycle of data center infrastructure to deliver a production-grade Kubernetes cluster with Helm deployed artifacts, including OpenStack-Helm. Airship allows operators to manage their infrastructure deployments and lifecycle through the declarative YAML documents that describe an Airship environment.

For more information, see https://www.airshipit.org/.




Treasuremap is a deployment reference as well as CI/CD project for Airship.

Airship site deployments use the treasuremap repository as a global manifest set (YAML configuration documents) that are then overridden with site-specific configuration details (networking, disk layout, and so on).

For more information, see https://airship-treasuremap.readthedocs.io/ .

Site Setup

Follow the System Requirements and Setup in the Airship 2 "Deploy a Bare Metal Cluster" cookbook to ensure the system requirements are met, networks and disks are properly configured, and install the airshipctl executable and required third party library and tools.

In the air-pod01, the jumphost is used as the build node. It is recommended to install the Apache server on the jump host for the hosting the ephemeral node ISO image to be generated during the Airship deployment.

Airship requires internet access on the OAM network for downloading images and packages unless the user has created downstream repositories for the same purpose.  In the LaaS Lab, the only network that has internet access is the lab management network (refer to the air-pod01 network architecture).  Addition steps must be followed to create a gateway/router on the jumphost to enable internet access on the OAM network.

  1.  Create the lab management and OAM network on the jump host.  Below is an example of netplan cofniguration:
    version: 2
    renderer: networkd
        # Lab management network
          dhcp4: yes
        # PXE network
                macaddress: 3c:fd:fe:ef:10:29
            mtu: 9100
            set-name: ens1f0
                macaddress: 3c:fd:fe:ef:10:29
            mtu: 9100
            set-name: ens1f1
                macaddress: 3c:fd:fe:ef:0e:b9
            mtu: 9100
            set-name: ens4f0
                macaddress: 3c:fd:fe:ef:0e:b9
            mtu: 9100
            set-name: ens4f1
            - ens1f1
            - ens4f0
            mtu: 9214
                lacp-rate: fast
                mode: 802.3ad
                transmit-hash-policy: layer3+4
        # oam network
            id: 201
            link: bond0
            mtu: 9100

2.  Enable IP forwarding by editing /etc/sysctl.conf to add or ubcomment the following line:


3. Enable IP masquerading

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -j ACCEPT

To save settings to iptables either by installing iptables-persistent:

sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent

if it was already installed please update setting by running:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure iptables-persistent

or execute the following command:
sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4



Airship is a declarative way of automating the deployment of a site. Therefore, all the deployment details are defined in the manifests.

The manifests are divided into three layers: global, type, and site. They are hierarchical and meant as overrides from one layer to another. This means that global is baseline for all sites, type is a subset of common overrides for a number of sites with common configuration patterns (such as similar hardware, specific feature settings, and so on), and finally the site is the last layer of site-specific overrides and configuration (such as specific IP addresses, hostnames, and so on). See Deckhand documentation for more details on layering.

The global and type manifests can be used as is unless any major differences from a reference deployment are required. In the latter case, this may introduce a new type, or even contributions to the global manifests.

The site manifests are specific for each site and are required to be customized for each new deployment. The specific documentation for customizing these documents is located here:


Global manifests, defined in Airship Treasuremap, contain base configurations common to all sites. The versions of all Helm charts and Docker images, for example, are specified in versions.yaml.


The type cntt will eventually support specifications published by the CNTT community. See CNTT type.


The site documents reside under the site folder. While the folder already contains some sites, and will contain more in the future, the intel-pod17 site shall be considered the Airship OPNFV reference site. See more at POD17 manifests.

The site-definition.yaml ties together site with the specific type and global manifests.

site_type: cntt

revision: v1.7
url: https://opendev.org/airship/treasuremap.git


As Airship is tooling to declaratively automate site deployment, the automation from the installer side is light. See deploy.sh.

You will need to export environment variables that correspond to the new site (keystone URL, node IPs, and so on). See the beginning of the deploy script for details on the required variables.

Once the prerequisites that are described in the Airship deployment guide (such as setting up Genesis node), and the manifests are created, you are ready to execute deploy.sh that supports Shipyard actions: deploy_site and update_site.

  $ tools/deploy.sh
Usage: deploy.sh <deploy_site|update_site>


TODO: Describe pipelines and approach



The treasuremap repository contains a wrapper script for running OpenStack clients tools/openstack. The wrapper uses heat image that already has openstack client installed.

Clone latest treasuremap code

  $ git clone https://github.com/airshipit/treasuremap.git

Setup the needed environment variables, and execute the script as openstack CLI

  $ export OSH_KEYSTONE_URL='http://identity-airship.intel-pod17.opnfv.org/v3'
  $ export OS_REGION_NAME=intel-pod17
  $ treasuremap/tools/openstack image list