It is recommended that the survey is pared down to about 20 questions so that we get a better response rate and acturate results

A pared-down version of this survey is here: Pared Down PaaS Survey - Draft


As telco operators gain experience with managing workloads on cloud infrastructures, they have come to realise that their business agility is hampered by the lack of a “platform” services required  by Telco services for simplified and agile applications development and enable smooth delivery to production.  The services platform, offered as a General Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) on the cloud, should consist of a pre-defined comprehensive set of capabilities that enable faster development using an integrated set of software tools, products and services, with built-in automated life-cycle management, or simply the necessary platform services for Day 0, Day 1 and Day 2 applications development, delivery, deployment and production.   

The objective of this Survey is to understand the state of the industry and trends.  Your and your organisation's input to identify and prioritise the Categories and the set of Platform Services that should be provided by the General PaaS is critical to achieve the objective. In addition, so as to understand the integration challenges, your inputs on the software tools, products and services that you use or intend to use for each of the Platform Services is of utmost importance.

Thanks for helping us by completing this survey.

Survey Organization

Diagram: XGVela Architecture

The diagram puts the context of General PaaS and the Platform Service Categories in the context of the physical infrastructure, IaaS, CaaS and Telco PaaS.  This survey is organised by Categories of Platform Services, and then for each Platform Service software and service choices. You may also add your own suggestions if you find something you feel belongs is missing (see Instructions). In each section we would like you to prioritize the provided selections and any that you add.


General PaaS Definition

Your Organisation (Required)

             Company Name: _____________________________

             Country: ______________________

             Type of organization (please select all that apply):

<box> Telco Operator

<box> Network Function Vendor

<box> Cloud Services Provider

<box> Cloud Software Provider

<box> Cloud Hardware Provider

<box> Other Services Provider (specify) _______________

<box> Academia or Research

<box> Other (specify) __________________

             Please specify your organisation's interest in PaaS and the use cases:





             Can we contact you for clarifications? If yes, please provide Contact information: _________________________

PaaS Software Categories

Please rate your priority 1 (lowest) - 10 (highest) in the box left of the entries (PaaS Categories and the Platform Services).
Please add a Platform Service that you feel is missing from the pre-defined Categories.
Please add missing PaaS Categories and constituent Platform Services under the section to add new categories.

Each of the Platform Services is linked in the document where the actual open-source software products for these Platform Services are listed.

<box> Application Definition and Development

<box> Data Stores/Database

<box> Streaming & Messaging

<box> Application Definition & Image Build

<box> Joint Anuket and XGVELA PaaS Survey - DRAFT#CI/CD

<box> Service Proxy and Load Balancing

<box> Ingress/Egress

<box> Service Mesh

<box> Network Service

<box> Cache Services

<box> Event Services

<box> Build Management

<box> Package Management

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> Orchestration and Management

<box> Software Definition

<box> Coordination & Service Discovery

<box> Service Proxy & Load Balancing

<box> API Gateway

<box> Service Mesh

<box> Image & Container Registry

<box> Fault Management (FM)

<box> Configuration Management (CM)

<box> Account Management (AM)

<box> Performance Management (PM)

<box> Security Management (SM)

<box> OLM (Operator Lifecycle Management)

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> Provisioning

<box> Automation & Configuration

<box> Registry

<box> Security & Compliance

<box> Key Management

<box> Hardware Provisioning

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> Observability and Analysis

<box> Telemetry

<box> Joint Anuket and XGVELA PaaS Survey - DRAFT#Monitoring

<box> Joint Anuket and XGVELA PaaS Survey - DRAFT#Logging

<box> Joint Anuket and XGVELA PaaS Survey - DRAFT#Tracing

<box> Chaos Engineering

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> FaaS (Functions-as-a-Service)/Serverless

<box>FaaS Tools

<box>FaaS Framework

<box>FaaS Security



Please add any other Categories and Platform Services that you and your organisation use as part of PaaS and are not in the above lists

<box>     ________________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box>     ________________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

PaaS Software Stack Element selections (please prioritize existing and add missing)

Data Stores/Databases

<box> TiKV (Titanium Key Value)

<box> Vitess (managing large scale clustering, currently MySQL and MariaDB)

<box> MySQL

<box> MariaDB

<box> Redis

<box> Ceph

<box> etcd

<box> MongoDB

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Streaming and Messaging

<box> cloudevents

<box> NATS (Neural Autonomic Transport System)

<box> Apache Kafka

<box> Apache Spark

<box> RabbitMQ

<box> AMQP

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Application Definition and Image Build

<box> Helm

<box> Buildpack

<box> Operator Framework

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________


<box> Argo

<box> Flagger

<box> Flux

<box> GitLab

<box> Jenkins

<box> Zuul

<box> NodePool

<box> Tekton (CI/CD for Hybrid Cloud)

<box> Spinnaker

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Service Proxy and Load Balancing

<box> Istio

<box> Contour

<box> MetalLB

<box> NGINX

<box> Envoy

<box> Linkerd

<box> Kuma

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Ingress/Egress Controllers

<box> Envoy

<box> Istio

<box> HAProxy Ingress

<box> NGINX

<box> Voyager

<box> Traefik

<box> __________________

<box> __________________

<box> __________________

Service Mesh

<box> Linkerd

<box> Consul

<box> Istio

<box> Envoy

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Network Service

<box> firewall3

<box> CoreDNS

<box> tc

<box> Istio

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Cache Services

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Event Services

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Build Management

<box> Jenkins

<box> Maven

<box> Gradle

<box> Apache Ant

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Package Management

<box> RPM - Including Yum, DNF

<box> Debian Package Manager - Including APT, Aptitude & Synaptic

<box> Packman - Arch Linux

<box> Zypper - SuSE

<box> Portage - Gentoo

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Coordination and Service Discovery

<box> CoreDNS

<box> etcd

<box> Zookeeper

<box> Netflix

<box> Nacos

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

API Gateway

<box> Kong

<box> Tyk

<box> 3-Scale

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Image & Container Registry

<box> Harbor

<box> Dragonfly

<box> Distribution

<box> Quay

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Security and Compliance

<box> Open Policy Agent

<box> The Update Framework (TUF)

<box> Falco

<box> Notary

<box> cert-manager

<box> Kyverno

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Key Management

<box> Spiffe

<box> Spire

<box> Vault

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Hardware Provisioning

<box> ODIM (RedFish)

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________


<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________


<box> Prometheus

<box> Cortex

<box> Thanos

<box> Grafana (for Visualisation)

<box> Kiali (for Service Mesh)

<box> Zabbix

<box> Collectd (collector)

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________


<box> Fluentd

<box> ElasticSearch (, Open Distro)

<box> Logstash

<box> FluentBit

<box> __________________

<box> __________________

<box> __________________


<box> Jaeger

<box> OpenTracing

<box> OpenCensus

<box> OpenTelemetry

<box> Zipkin

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Chaos Engineering

<box> Chaos Monkey

<box> Kube Monkey

<box> Chaos Mesh

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Fault Management

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Configuration Management

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Account Management

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Performance Management

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Security Management

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Operator Lifecycle Management

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Automation & Configuration

<box> Airship

<box> Ansible

<box> Chef

<box> Puppet

<box> Juju

<box> Salt

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

FaaS Tools

<box> Knative

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

FaaS Framework

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

FaaS Security

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

<box> __________________________

Thank you very much. Best Wishes