
Anuket Releases Update

Elbrus Blog Post from Walter published on Anuket and LFN Blogs. Social promos underway.

MWG Recommendation: Switch back to rivers and pick up where OPNFV left off.

Recommendation accepted. Queuing up vote for the K & L release. 

Anuket Outreach Taskforce

Need to  create a sub-committee / working group for outreach specifically. Anuket Ambassadors?

Top Prospects (final list TBD): 

Additional Level

LFN Comms


OVP Brand Evolution

Anuket MWG, MAC, CVC: Recommendation: Translate OVP into AVP (and build other project/org support (e.g. ONAP, CNCF, GSMA) into supporting messaging. "Anuket Assured".

Getting resistance from China Mobile.

 Need to have conversations with ONAP (Heather to follow up with Kenny/Trevor Lovett) and CNCF (Heather to follow up with Chris A).



As the OPNFV project no longer exists, the Anuket Marketing Working Group and LFN MAC endorse the naming/branding evolution from "OPNFV Verification Program" (official name of the program) and "OPNFV Verified" (official name on the badge) to "Anuket Assured" for both program name and name on the badge. The badge will also incorporate the Anuket branding elements, e.g. the wavy lines. We feel that the Anuket project, is well positioned to represent the testing and integration work required for program conformance and verification and that the Anuket Assured brand can serve as the anchor for other participating projects. Existing OVP badge holders will be encouraged to resubmit their applications to become Anuket Assured using an Anuket release designated by the LFN Compliance and Verification Committee (CVC). Existing group documentation will be reworked and the program launched on a new web portal in 1H2021.