Project: Common Infrastructure Realization & Validation(CIRV)

The objective of the CIRV project is to work closely with related Anuket projects and upstream communities and fill gaps for cloud infrastructures defined in Anuket RAs. To perform initial POCs on these gaps and provide required inputs to Anuket Installers and testing projects.


CIRV is an umbrella project comprising multiple sub-projects. Its scope includes:

As the Common NFVi initative matures, the project scope is expected to grow significantly.

Key-Info (info.yaml)

project: 'CIRV'
project_creation_date: ''  # '01 June 2021'
project_category: 'Infrastructure' # One of: Deployment, Integration & Testing, Infrastructure
lifecycle_state: 'Incubation' # One of: Incubation, Mature, Integration, Archived
project_lead: &anuket_PROJECTNAME_ptl
    name: 'Parth Yadav'
    email: ''
    company: 'University of Delhi'
    id: 'parthyadav' # Linux Foundation ID
    timezone: 'IST ((GMT+5:30)'
primary_contact: *anuket_PROJECTNAME_ptl
    type: 'jira'
    url: ''
    key: 'CIRV'
    type: ''
    url: ''
    tag: 'cirv'
realtime_discussion: # Fields may be blank if no realtime discussions
    type: 'slack'
    server: ''
    channel: '#sdv'
meetings: # Fields may be blank if no standing meetings
    - type: 'zoom'
      agenda: ''
      url: '' # Anuket Bridge 2
      repeats: 'weekly' # ex: weekly, monthly, bi-weekly
      time: '08:30 UTC' # Every week on Thursday
    - 'cirv'  #

    - 'cirv-sdv'  #

    - 'cirv-hdv'  #

    - name: 'Parth Yadav' # repeat all fields for each committer
      email: ''
      company: 'University of Delhi'
      id: 'parthyadav'
    - name: 'Sridhar K. N. Rao' # repeat all fields for each committer
      email: ''
      company: 'Spirent Communications'
      id: 'sridharkn'

         - name: 'Chen Liang' # repeat all fields for each committer
      email: ''
      company: 'China Mobile'
      id: 'chenliangyjy'
    # yamllint disable rule:line-length
    approval: '' # ex:
        - type: ''
          link: ''
          # yamllint enable rule:line-length


Parth Yadav

Sub Projects

Meeting Logistics

Anuket Bridge 2

Topic: CIRV weekly meeting
Time: 08:30 Universal Time UTC
Every week on Thursday

Slack Channel: #sdv